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Posts posted by Katie111

  1. Anyone think maybe Aeris is not attracted to Jasmine’s teeth but he just doesn’t want to say that?  That would be a turnoff for me.  I wonder how she won so many pageants with crooked teeth.  Other than that I think she is very attractive.


    I thought Nicole and Chris’s conversation about how they like to just watch TV on work nights was cute.  I think that’s what the majority of people do in real life. 

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  2. Gina is so boring!  All she talks about is the salon.  She lives to work.  Clint works to live.  Totally different and totally incompatible.  I don’t know if she applied or was recruited but either way she should not have been picked.  I think Clint has a good job (and they must make similar salaries because they live in the same building) but his job doesn’t define him.  And Gina does not come across as athletic or slim.  I’m not sure when she would ever have any time to work out.  

    Dom doesn’t seem as fun living as she portrays herself to be.  Or she just hates Max’s sense of humor.  I agree with him that the horseback riding seemed stupid.  It looked like it lasted about 15 minutes. And he got shit on. 

    These couples seem a lot less close to each other than in past seasons.  Arris couldn’t even remember Nicole’s name after they all met up.  Maybe because they are all so boring. 

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  3. I think Ariel is a bit of a dark horse.  We haven't seen much of her but I think he really likes her.  She seems to have a certain bit of sophistication and confidence that I think he finds attractive.  And I don't think he minds her in a bathing suit.  


    I liked the girl on the overnight date (Katie maybe?) but I think her lack of dating experience is a big red flag for him.  Dating the same guy for 7 years and never having any romantic gestures from him?  Sounds like she has no self confidence at all and it sounds like she needs to get out there and date around for awhile before she finds the "one".    And I hope she realizes that Zach did not actually set up any of that romance.  

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  4. Ally seems too normal for this show.  I really like her and loved how she just went for it in jumping out of the plane.  I feel like recent seasons have had such boring dates, glad they are doing some fun things.  

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  5. I think Katie and Zack might be a good match.  I think they are both nerdy.  I think Katie is beautiful but doesn’t realize her self worth.  

    Does anyone else find Zack’s constant head bobbing distracting?  

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  6. 6 hours ago, Lindz said:

    Uh oh. Shaq said Kirsten's two-faced on the aftershow. Sounds like she's standoffish off camera & puts on a show for the cameras. TSK! TSK!

    That was very interesting to hear.  Leaves me to beleive they are not going to make it. 

    I agree that Gina has very odd features.  Sometimes I think she looks beautiful and other times I think she looks like a cartoon character.  

    I like a McKinleys humor but I’m sure it’s not for everyone.  The oddest thing to me about that dinner was how long the table was and how they were sitting at opposite ends.  Looked like they had to scream to talk to each other.  I’ve had enough of him talking about his wife’s chest.  Also, were they really planning on taking out a sailboat when neither knows how to sail?  They both seemed a bit dumb about that whole thing. 

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  7. 3 hours ago, qtpye said:

    Dom is attractive but that Green Dress had a clearance at Shein vibe about it.

    It did not flatter her in the least.

    They did mention in the aftershow that all of their luggage got lost for a few days and so they had to go shopping in the giftshop.   That's why when Gina was going through her beach bag in the room she was showing Clint everything that was in there and she even mentioned that some shirt would fit Clint which made no sense to me at the time.   Although I recall one of the girls saying she had to try on all of her bathing suits so maybe everyone didn't lose their luggage.

    I thought GIna was mean to Clint (and I don't love Clint) so I don't get how she gets all offended next week.  I started off liking her but she is starting to annoy me.  Don't care for the nose ring or the super long hair extensions.  

    I think Chris does genuinely find Nicole attractive.  Not everyone on earth is a ten and not everyone can date a ten.  Chris is a decent-looking guy and Nicole is a decent-looking woman but neither would be ranked a ten and that's okay.  I think Nicole may have had weight loss surgery.  It seems like it would explain her shape and her desire to wear more revealing clothes than many people with her body type would wear.  Either that or she lost a lot of weight on her own.  But she's comfortable in her own skin and I think that's a positive.  

    I started off not liking Dom but she actually seems pretty funny and she and McKinley seem like they have a fun playful relationship at this point.  

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  8. Which girl is the overnight with?  I think it’s one of the nurses but that describes a lot of the girls.  Seems way too soon for that and just seems like it’s going to put a target on that girl’s back.

    Brianna is way too young and fragile  for this.  She should have gone home.  Looks like  a lot of the girls start to dislike Christina next week but I don’t think she did anything at all to Brianna. And she seemed great on their date, I really liked her but that may change next week.  They both actually seemed sincere in that conversation.

    that poor girl in the red dress that got eliminated.  I don’t think she talked once and she was the only one that didn’t have her name listed when she got eliminated. Maybe editing didn’t even know who she was.  Her makeup was just too much.  

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  9. I think Mac may come from a lot of money.  His mother offering him $50k and then he mentioned that he only travels by plane in first class.  And Dom mentioned on the Afterparty that he tried to upgrade their tickets when they were on their first flight. 

    Why did Kirsten have to sit in a hotel room all day?  (And pout!)   Why couldn’t she go out and shop or sightsee or something?  

    I thought they all went to brunch but when Jasmine got back it was dark outside the hotel Room.  Maybe his cousin tied her up for a few hours?  

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  10. 9 hours ago, Bluesky said:

    Which one is Jess?  

    I noticed a few uggos.     They weren’t all beauty queens.  So much long wavy hair.  Either black or bleached blonde.   That one whose mother is a singer or actor with a horrible boob job didn’t have much to offer.  But she’s there for awhile.   

    I agree.  I think there are some very beautiful women but also some of the least attractive I've ever seen.   Although I would prefer less attractiveness and more normal anyday.  And I agree too many hair extensions.  GIrls should learn that if they keep their normal shoulder length hair they are more likely to stand out. How can he tell one of these long blonde haired girls from another?  The two nurses they showed in the introduction videos looked like twins.  I would also pick a shorter dress or a unique style (I think one girl had on pants) so that he would at least remember who you are.   


    Wonder if they are having trouble casting although it seems like all these young "influencers" would all love to be part of "Bachelor Nation".  


    Zach seems boring and the way he speaks just reminds me of a rich country-club douchey kind of guy.  But maybe he will prove me wrong.  

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  11. Kirsten is the woman married to Shaq, the bald man with a beard.  She does not like bald men and is not attracted to him.  She is way too picky and never should have come on the show.   I hate her baby talk and how every time she says "bald" there is no "d" in the word.  


    Dom's dress was awful in so many ways.  She has a decent figure but it made her look like a block.  Not flattering at all.  And her voice.  Not sure if she talks slowly, but something about it is so annoying.  


    McKinley's hair is just too short, and I like short hair on men.  It looks like he is the military.  Sounds like he definitely moved to NO for the show so most likely he was recruited.  


    Clint is a douche.  She is not his type.  I think he is going to be another Mitch.  He wants some skinny blonde babe he can wear on his arm, even though that has not worked for him for the past 20 years.   She seems nice, but is a but too obsessed with being a "career woman'.  


    Ariis is already checked out.  He doesn't want 4 (or 13) dogs and they work opposite schedules so I think he is just like "what's the point"?   Where does she live with all these dogs and how does someone with 2 jobs and no partner take care of that many animals? 

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  12. If any of these women still have minor children (and I think several of them do), their dads should be filing for immediate custody.   Clearly these women are not mentally stable if they would even consider doing this for one minute with their kid.  And the kids are really young, I think one is only 20.   The only ones I might give a pass to are the Mexican pair as I believe her son is in his 30’s.  And she looks great for her age.   But the other boys mostly look like little kids. 

    As someone else said, imagine if a group of dads took their daughters to do this show?  And most of these women are not MILFS.  I’m in their age range and they all look older than their age because of all of  their awful “enhancements”.   I can guarantee none of my 19 year old son’s friends would think any of these women are a MILF. 

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  13. I feel like they wasted too much time showing clips of things we already saw instead of asking more questions of the contestants.  I would have liked to hear from Andrew, Lace, even IBS girl and Shanae.  Also crazy Ency.  Ask her why she was so crazed over someone she met 24 hours prior.  Why have these people there if they don't even let them speak?  

    I personally thought Logan loooked good and he carried himself well.  Johnny is a hot mess.  I think he was a mess going in and Victoria eating him up and spitting him out did him no favors.  He is one of the few contestants that I've seen that you could truly tell had ZERO desire to be there.  He's clearly under contract to show up. 

    I liked Brittany during the show, I thought she came across as very normal for this franchise but she came across as a total bitch tonight.  I agree that Tyler is probably too much and seeing where he actually lives and what he does for a living is probably a total turnoff, esp because I think she is possibly a model?   However, the beach did her no favors.  I thought she looked cute at the beginning of the season but a bit haggard by the end.  

    Brandon is just YUCK to me.  So over the top.  I think Tyler was maybe trying to act a bit like him and Brittany wanted none of it.  I think Serene must have pretty low self esteem to want a guy like that.  I'd be running after about 5 minutes.  

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  14. Am I the only one who doesn’t like Brandon?  I find him very effeminate and I think everything he says sounds like a cheesy pickup line. Like when he says “I love you Serene Full name”.   He did the same thing with Michelle which just makes it seem so fake to me.  He’s just so corny esp how he cries over everything. And I agree with the above poster, I hate how he callls her “baby girl”.  Ewwwww.   

    Also, I didn’t understand Danielle’s comment about leaving “as long as she can wake up and fall asleep with Michael everyday”.  How can she do that when she hasn’t even met his son and as of now, Michael isn’t sure when he will introduce them to each other.  She seems super sweet but I personally cannot stand her voice and something about her just rubs me the wrong way.  Not that she’s a bad person, just something about her is annoying and I can’t put my finger on it. 

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  15. I actually enjoyed the dancing in this episode, esp when it was the boys against the girls. It was shocking to actually watch these people having fun.  I wish they had shown more of that and less of the Andrew drama.  

    Is it my imagination or in the early seasons of BIP, did people not leave all the time?  I feel like they would just stay until a rose ceremony and then get eliminated.  But people wouldn't leave every time they weren't feeling it with whoever they were with.  They would just stay and see if anyone else came on the beach.  Now every 10 seconds someone else is leaving.  I don't think they should just be allowed to leave whenever they want.  Have some order to the whole thing.  Every 3 days the roses switch between the girls and guys, 4 contestants leave, 4 new ones take their place the next day.  Keep things moving.  

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  16. I have grown to really dislike Krysten.  Yes she tried.  Yes she seems like a nice enough person but she is also annoying.  The way she talks and her constant head shaking would really wear on me.  I think it wore on Mitch too.  I think he could have gotten past her looks and her non-beachy vibe if she wasn't so annoying.  She thinks she is much funnier than she actually is, which is why she gets along so well with Alexis, who has the same problem.  If I heard her say one more time what a catch she is, I was going to scream.  If she was such a catch she wouldn't need to be on this stupid show.  Her dress was horrible, she needed a bra and she seemed obsessed with her straight hair (with strange blonde highlights).  I don't know why they were all dressed like they were going to (another) prom.  They all looked stupid.

    I wished Kevin would have asked the group if any of them talked to the other spouses about their marriages.   The whole thing with Binh breaking Morgan's trust was so ridiculous.  They all talk.   He also should have asked what it was that Binh told Justin that was so bad.  I can't stand Morgan and I hate that she made Binh feel like he won't be ready for marriage for a long time.  He is somehwat immatire but overall he seems like a good guy.  

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  17. 27 minutes ago, MMLEsq said:

    It wasn't during the normal episodes, but on the reunion special for their season it was revealed that Tayshia had flown out to Maryland to talk with John Paul Jones a few weeks after filming wrapped because she realized she'd made a big mistake.  The two reconciled and chose to give their relationship a go in the real world, with Jones asking her to be his girlfriend on the spot.  (Six weeks after the reunion they broke up.)


    That I get but I don't get the show actually following a BIP contestant to go meet another contestant in the real world.  Actually maybe that's an idea for a new show.  They could follow these people that get engaged back into the real world and see what happens.  I always wonder how these couples manage to see each other when they live all over the US.  And how so many of the contestants remain friends when again, so few of them have real jobs that make money, so how do they afford to stay in touch?  Or do a lot of them move to LA  after their season airs?

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  18. I don't think Logan having roommates at 26 is at all odd.  We live in an expensive part of the country and rents are $2500+ a month for a 1 bedroom.   Most people can't afford that alone at 26 esp if they are trying to save for anything or pay off student loans.  

    Rodney comes off as a great person but I agree, these IG woman are all looking for a man that works out non-stop to post on their pages.   He'll find a great woman soon but I don't think it'll be in bachelor nation.  

    I don't think I've ever seen them follow a contestant home from BIP to go chasing another contestant esp considering Eliza wasn't even on the beach that long.  The whole thing was strange.  

    Michael & Danielle getting another date card was just stupid.  Are there no other couples they could have given this to?  

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  19. I actually enjoyed the date with the twins (besides maybe licking the armpit!).  At least they all had fun.  Beats sitting in a 120 degree hut with some topless guy lighting candles and telling you to share your feelings.  Shanae and Florence know they are not getting an engagement as Paradise is getting close to the end, so why not just have some fun with some young fresh meat.  

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  20. I would like to see Victoria go in the pool.  She always looks like she has so much makeup on, not sure how she maintains that with how hot and humid it is out.  She comes across as a Bachelorette wanna-be.   Saying all the right things about a "connection" and someone "checking off all her boxes".  She says a lot but doesn't actually say anything.   Although I did like when she asked Johnny what his future goals were.  Seems like a question that should be asked more often on these shows (although I think the standard answer is "I'll figure it out based on how many IG followers I get from this show").  

    I think Andrew is just too nice for this show.  I can't stand Jessenia, something about her just drives me crazy.   I think she tries so hard to come across as intelligent and classy and it just doesn't work.  And Kate's voice drives me bonkers.  She almost comes across as a schoolteacher and Logan is her student, which he seems to like.  I think they had a massive hookup the first night when she told him she liked him.  No idea why she is a hot commodity on the beach.  

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  21. Victoria mentioned something about Alex being more “convenient” or something like that in the real world.  I wonder if they live the same city and Johnny lives far from her.  I think this is a real consideration that I don’t think they’re really allowed to mention on this show.  How would Jacob be able to visit anyone if he is living on an Uber salary?  With airfare prices as high as they are now, it would be hard for most of these people to maintain a long distance relationship.  

    I was shocked Jillian was so calm when Jacob broke up with her.  After all of her crazy faces and antics at the hotel I was expecting a firestorm.  

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  22. I think a lot of the guys on the beach seem like really nice guys.  They were all so nice and supportive to Lace.  Almost all of them  were really nice to her and also spoke nicely about her after she was gone.  Johnny & Aaron are coming across as really nice guys with some of their comments. I had previously thought Aaron was just a meathead jerk but he’s changing my opinion.  

    I don’t think Johnny and Victoria  are at all a match.  He just seems like a hometown boy you’d meet at your local bar and she is all about the glam.   She’s going after Alex because that’s what she usually dates.  Clearly what you usually date isn’t working for you Victoria.   She knows Johnny is the type of guy she should date but she wants some eye candy on her arm.  

    I like a Tyler and Brittany together. 

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  23. We’re their friends living in a house or a resort?  And this is not their “forever” home?  So why are they spending years building it and being so specific with all their choices?  

    They have no idea what they’ve ordered.  Not sure which of them is supposed to be the “project manager” on this project but they have no idea what they are doing. 

    Quentin is a spoiled brat.  They spend  a gazilllion dollars on his riding “career” and even move to FL so he can pursue it but yet he can’t help them sort through some boxes. And they just laugh when he is rude to them.  

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