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Posts posted by toolazy

  1. 4 hours ago, DietCokeJunkie said:

    Mrs. Bugg smothered him with a pillow. 




    They originally kept him in the Bug's cabin.  Maybe they were hiding him from Claire?  Anyway, he saw a hunk of the gold that the Bugs stole.  He was so afraid of them that he crawled to the Big House and that's where Mrs Bug finally killed him.  Not because he raped/beat/kidnapped Claire but because he knew they had the gold.  

    • Love 1
  2. That kicked my ass. I went in expecting to be beyond irritated and ended up a puddle of tears.

    I mean, I'm still irritated but damn. They sucked me in anyway.


    I have to say that Marsalis pregnancies continue to confuse.


    Also, apologies to anyone whose theory that B&R went nowhere I dismissed. They totally got me with that.



    • Love 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Kim0820 said:

    Yes:  she said when he was suicidal that she couldn't make any sense of why she time traveled except that it must have been meant for them - that they would meet and fall in love, otherwise it made no sense to her.  So she would die right there with him.  That was a powerful scene. 


    Yes, Culloden pending the whole time.  As the story goes on, it is known that they will be slaughtered there.  At least Jamie gets to kill BJR there.  

    It was a gut punch at the beginning.  Claire crying when she learned for sure she was back (well, the car was enough, but the guy confirmed the year for her that she had not just come back to the same moment she had left) and then that the battle of Culloden had been lost - very effective.  Like she had just been told Jamie had died in the battle.  

    I hate hate hate that bit in the show when she asks that guy about Culloden.  It was needless exposition for casual viewers, I think.  

  4. 10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


    Since it appears that this season was a mishmash of 5 and 6, next season could be 6 and 7. And if the show/actors want to keep working on the show, it could go up to buik/season 7, which didn't really end on a cliffhanger, but with the return of Bree, Roger and their kids.



    Book 8 ended that way and it's making me crazy waiting for book 9 because I want explanations, dammit.

    • LOL 1
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  5. On 5/4/2020 at 8:59 PM, ferjy said:

    lol I should have said that was Claire's scenario. So it doesn't mean other travellers will follow the same rule.

    Re the name emblem, it seems that it was screwed into the drawer, so she must have done that? If I wanted to keep that identity a secret, I would hide it away in a box, not display it in a drawer that anyone can open. Maybe I didn't see it right, I'll have to go back and check.


    It was the medicine case that Jamie gave her a season or so ago.  It formerly belonged to a Dr. Rawlings, which is why it has his name engraved in there.  

    • Love 1
  6. 3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    They all landed in Boston, I believe. There was no WTF? Where are we? But then again, I skimmed all over their parts, because, so not interested.

    They eventually ended up in Scotland, at Lallybroch.  They did pass through Boston, though, to visit Claire's doctor friend, who is clued into what's happening.

    • Love 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Lola82 said:

    I was going to scream if they left Bonnet on the beach. All that bickering over who gets to kill him and they leave it up to the courts?! Ok then. And at the end Bree still shoots him, could have saved a lot of time with all that.  

    Any episode that’s short on Claire/Jamie interaction goes to the bottom of the list for me anyway.

    Keep in mind that none of that bickering involved Brianna, who is really who should have the final say in what happened to Bonnet.  It was Jamie or Roger that Bonnet raped, it was Brianna.


    So it's more than fitting that Brianna is the one who made the final decisions about his fate. Yes, it makes Roger and Jamie look kind of stupid but good. That's what they get for leaving her out of the planning. 

    • Love 3
  8. 2 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I thought that was Bonnet's gun, but ok. 

    Claire didn't have the gun in her belt when Bonnet popped up on the hill though. 

    I watched it again and Brianna grabbed the gun out of their basket.  


    • Useful 2
  9. So the bit with Ulysses holding Jocasta's hand and calling her by her first name - are we supposed to think that they're boning?  Or just friendly?


    Because if it's the former, her affair with Murtagh makes no sense whatsoever.

  10. 1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:


    Are/were women not allowed to carry guns in the 1770s. With Claire and Bree both being decent shots and going off on their own, I'm surprised Jamie wouldn't insist on them carrying. 


    They were carrying.  Brianna tried to shoot Bonnet but the gun ended up not firing.  There's a promo shot out there of Claire with the gun in her belt.

    • Love 1
  11. 4 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

    Question that I ask rhetorically: who sleeps in the nude when they sleep in the same room with a toddler who can see and say things?

    Questions because I have no idea:

    1. Do they have that kind of fall foliage in North Carolina? I thought the picture of rolling hill with fall foliage (especially if the trees are maple) was typical to U.S. Northeast / Canada East.
    2. Why did they hunt? Did the not have livestock in the farms of Fraser Ridge?



    1. They're in the mountains so, yes, they do have that kind of fall foliage in North Carolina.

    2. Livestock are not an infinite resource. The hunting supplements what they farm for themselves.

  12. On 4/17/2020 at 10:18 AM, SassAndSnacks said:

    Not another role per se...

    Right before the quarantine started, we ordered a treadmill for our home.  It arrived last week, and we assembled it and started using it (of course).  It has this really fun, interactive feature where you can take pre-programmed runs and hikes all over various worldwide locations.  For instance, I hiked Mt. Fuji last week.  Yesterday, I heard a familiar voice coming from the room where we put the treadmill, so I walked in and found my husband hiking through the Scottish Highlands with Graham McTavish.  Well, I squealed in excitement, but my husband, who is a non-watcher, wasn't nearly as pumped about touring Scotland with Dougal MacKenzie.  

    That might actually get me to exercise. 

    • LOL 1
  13. 32 minutes ago, shelen said:

    Re the surgery being light filled and modern:

    Claire is a 20th century physician.  I'm sure she had the surgery area built specifically to capture the best possible light and have all equipment/supplies designated just so for optimal usage. 

    Being Claire, I'd expect no less.  And being Jaime's wife, I'm sure the craftsmen built it anyway she wanted it.

    Exactly.  And Claire wouldn't have designed it that way.  

    • Love 1
  14. 12 hours ago, SoTheresThat said:

    The big house aggravates me so much.  It's just too fancy.  Where would they have gotten the craftsmen needed to do all that woodwork? 

    I know we're not supposed to harp on "but in the book...", but in the book the big house barely had glass in the windows.


    There is no way that a house in the wilderness would be that fancy.  But then this is a problem with that this show has had since the beginning.  Lallybroch is a farmhouse, not a mansion.  The Big House, while not necessarily a farm house, is far from being a mansion.  

    The surgery was light-filled and modern. It didn't look like a re-creation of medieval surgery.  


    I dunno, I'm really happy that the set designer has left the show but I guess the damage is already done.

    • Love 2
  15. Most of mine are the usual, the wedding, the reunion, etc. 

    What else.....

    - The Quaker wedding in book 8

    - Claire's time as John's wife in book 8

    - The bit where they kidnap Hal and he's having an asthma attack

    I'm sure there are more but for some reason my brain is stuck on book 8, which is my favorite of the later books.  


  16. 29 minutes ago, domina89 said:

    I agree.  As someone upthread mentioned, I equate silent movies with Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton... basically comedies.  That scene was critical to our understanding Roger's frame of mind and the silent movie treatment just took me right out of the scene and I had a hard time getting past it.  It just felt very gimmicky to me- like they were trying too hard to be clever.  I'm glad most of you enjoyed it, though.  I will agree that both Richard Rankin and John Bell knocked it out of the park!

    There were a lot of silent horror movies as well, and that's what this evoked for me.  I re-watched the episode last night and those silent film flashbacks were downright creepy to me. Obviously, other people's experiences are different and that's why it was kind of ballsy choice on the part of the showrunners.  

  17. I pretty much expected that Ian would be back this season, but they surprised and delighted me.  I hope Somber Ian can heal up and bring back Goofy Ian. 

    I actually thought Sophie did a good job this episode.  And when she and Roger kissed in the classroom, they almost had chemistry.

    • Love 1
  18. On 4/4/2020 at 12:29 AM, ferjy said:

    I agree. You can see she’s concentrating on it. And then she ends up slurring over her words and not perfecting it anyway. She may as well forget the accent altogether and focus on the acting. 😄


    I wish she would because when she doesn't have to focus on dialogue, she's really good with her face and body.   Take the scene after the rape,: she went back to her room and Lizzie was trying to get her to talk and she wouldn't.  But her body language and her face perfectly depicted what she was going through.  It was an excellent piece of acting, and it was because she didn't have to really speak.  

    7 hours ago, areca said:

    You gotta be fuckin' kidding me.  They're having the Roger Comes Back from the Dead episode on Easter Sunday?  I'm not even Christian and that's some callous disrespect.  And some dickhead probably laughed about it and skipped this week on purpose.

    Oh, I hope that's coincidental.  Because if it's not, it's incredibly lame. But I wouldn't put it past the current crop of showrunners.

    • Love 1
  19. 9 hours ago, SassAndSnacks said:

    Yes!  I feel the same and couldn't quite put my finger on it.  

    Now that I think about it, that's how I felt about him when reading the books, too.  

    17 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

    This is SO TRUE btw. I've been thinking this ever since last season. She looks genuinely, constantly fatigued, like it's a physical effort to walk, speak, do anything. At first I thought maybe that was a choice, like last season she decided to look pained and tired after the rape, because that would consistently be Brianna's new state of being after something so traumatic, but I don't know anymore.

    I think she really struggles with her accent and it affects her acting. 

    • Love 3
  20. 5 hours ago, AD55 said:

    Count me among those who had no idea that was Graham McTavish playing William Mackenzie.

    I completely missed it because I was out of the room for that part of it. That particular series of events is upsetting and I try to skip it.  Kissing or hugging another man's wife is one of the stupidest things that Roger has ever done, so I went into the kitchen while all that was going on. 

    3 hours ago, Cdh20 said:

    Oh God, there is a plot  worse than last season's sold to the natives plot I hated? I hope this one gets resolved much sooner than the end of the season.  Poor Roger!!! 

    I like Roger, & am surprised how much Roger hate there is in the nonbook readers thread (I have not read this book yet, but intend to). I think it is because people expect him to have a 21st century perspective, but it is only a 20th century one! Big difference! 


    And not even a late 20th century perspective.  A lot of progress was made in the last 30 years of the 20th century that Roger was not privy to at this point.

    • Love 5
  21. On 3/22/2020 at 1:06 PM, ruby24 said:

    I agree the show has all but erased the sex scenes that were still very prominent in the books at this point. I'm not totally sure why...maybe they think there's just no reason to justify showing them being physical anymore after being married and together for so long? 

    I'd actually like to hear the answer to that. One of the points of Jamie and Claire's relationship is how sexual it is- have the producers decided it's just silly to keep having that in there or something? (I know people would much rather see them in bed than Roger and Brianna).

    Maybe the actors don't want to do the sex scenes?  Maybe it makes them uncomfortable? I don't expect them to make themselves uncomfortable for my own titillation. 

    17 hours ago, anamika said:

    It makes me angry to see stuff like this.

    It's already hard to ignore that Jocasta is a slave owner and that 20th century time travelers like Claire, Bree and Roger now seem comfortable with the slavery they see and live with, but then the show has to go and add nonsense like this about the slave only wanting their owner to be happy. Absolute trash which undermines the real degradation and brutality that was the actual reality for these slaves in those time periods.

    Dear white people, here's something to remember when one writes shows like this - the slaves and the people whose countries were colonized did not like their oppressors, care for them or love them. They just wanted to be free.

    It doesn't look like the show is going to include it, but in the book Jocasta and Ulysses  were lovers. 

  22. On 3/15/2020 at 12:02 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    I got a huge laugh when Claire pulled out a black baby. 

    You'd think with everything going on though (regulators, Jamie having to raise and army, being on the 'losing side' so far) that Claire would get some perspective and not have to do everything about everything all the time. It's a harsh world. Good job trying to invent antibiotics, but you don't have to stop for everybody. 

    What was she supposed to do about the baby? Not deliver it? Not make sure it was taken care of?  Or are you saying that they shouldn't have tried to buy out Jo & Kezzie's indenture?

    • Love 1
  23. 44 minutes ago, Haleth said:

    As far as I remember, Claire is Catholic. 

    She was baptized but didn't really practice because she was always running all over with her uncle.  

    By the late 60's, it's reasonable that she didn't have her hair covered in church. 

    • Love 1
  24. 2 hours ago, lightninggirl said:

    Roger is a full-on prick with zero redeeming values. He's only with Bree because he'd otherwise die on his own, and Bree's parents rescued him when he was traded off. He's probably dying to get back through the stones, but he has absolutely no way to get to any stones. He needs to be lit on fire somewhere because he's only useful as a brief heat source. 🙄

    The only reason he needed to be rescued is because Jamie and Ian kidnapped him and sold him to the Mohawk.  And before that, they beat the shit out of him.  Jamie is far from blameless for this whole situation. 

    • Love 7
  25. On 3/8/2020 at 3:10 PM, WatchrTina said:

    Well, this is yet another episode that I can't say I enjoyed or ever want to watch again.  Is that house of horrors where the Beardsley twins lived in the book?  I thought this sequence of events took place at a trading post deep in the woods and that the place that mistreated the twins was a different, horrible place (though if so I can't now recall how Jamie obtained their freedom.)  But if I'm right and this episode is the conflation of two horrific story-lines, I applaud them condensing the misery into only one episode.  Now enough with the "gothic" story-telling.  Let's get back to the action/adventure/romance I turn in for.


    Oh, good question.  I looked it up and isn't two different things.  Kezzie & Jo were indentured at the Beardsley's.  It doesn't look like Jamie bothered to get them freed legally - he just counted on no one ever coming looking for them.

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