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I love this show so much, and it makes me so happy to see that a few other people out there still love it too! Olivia may be one of my three or four favorite heroines of all time. Peter and Olivia make me want to attempt to write fanfic. Walter is like no other character ever, and I mean that as a compliment. Levelheaded, warm, quietly competent was a much needed stabilizer for the group. I've been sad to realize that a lot of my old favorites haven't help up well for me over time, but somehow most of Fringe has gotten even better. My weird, unpopular opinion: S4 is actually my favorite of the series.
Supernatural Bitterness & Unpopular Opinions: You All Suck
strongercoffee replied to mstaken's topic in Supernatural
This thread is such a godsend! Chucksend?! (I couldn't resist. I'm so sorry.) I have so many opinions I know or at least suspect are unpopular and no other place to share them without fear of attack :) My very favorite seasons are 3 and 7. I've tried and failed to explain this even to myself. They're just the seasons that engage and connect with me the most and have the most rewatchable episodes to me. I really like Bela a lot and have grown to appreciate Ruby. I even love the Becky wedding episode from S7, bringing the total number of SPN fans who love that episode to a grand total of...one?! I love Sam, Dean and Castiel. It seems like most of fandom loves only one or two of those three, but although I relate to Sam the most, I really do love them all. I agree with a couple of others who said they can see objectively why S4 and 5 are considered among the highest quality seasons but yet don't really enjoy watching them. They're too grim and angsty for me, even by this show's standards. I know the show has gone on too long and I know it has a lot of flaws, but I'm an SPN addict. As long as it's still on, I'll still be watching the new episodes---though with lower expectations---and keep rewatching older favorites in between. The gag reels alone make this whole series worth owning on DVD for me. Maybe I'm too easily amused? :) I liked Bobby, but to me he'd have been best used as a character who popped up a few times per season. I didn't enjoy him as much in larger doses and wasn't nearly as upset as I should have been when they killed him off. I'm also glad that John didn't live longer. I swear that I'm not as callous a person as some of these opinions make me sound! I tried so hard to care about Lisa , but I saw more of a connection between Dean and some women who didn't even live to see the end of one episode than I did between Dean and Lisa. Despite how bleak it can be, there is still something so darn hopeful and inspiring about this show to me. -
The Office (US) - General Discussion
strongercoffee replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in The Office (US)
That's true, and for me it's also true that overall the characters on Parks and B99 (aside from Gina---don't get me started!) are more 'likeable' and admirable than most of the Office characters. B99/Parks are both more optimistic, hopeful, sweet shows. And yet The Office is still a million times funnier to me, sharper and more clever, insightful and relatable. When I want something sweetly upbeat, positive and silly, I'll go for B99 or Parks. But when I want comedy that I personally consider smart and witty and a show that to me has greater emotional depth because it is a little angsty, more grounded and with fewer (yet therefore even more rewarding?) heartwarming moments, I'll go with The Office. It's not as frequently rewatchable to me as Parks and B99, and Jake/Amy and Ben/Leslie are probably a whole lot closer to perfect than Jim/Pam as both individual characters and in terms of having a healthy, happy yet not co-dependent relationship, but for me The Office at its best is better than almost any other show I've ever seen :) -
S05.E10: Game Night / S05.E11: The Favor
strongercoffee replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Brooklyn Nine-Nine
This was such a cruel tease! I honestly got my hopes up that this awful woman was gone. I was so disappointed that Gina is not only back, but somehow seemed even more obnoxious and arrogant than before. I really just hate every scene she's in and how every storyline is written explicitly to remind us that Gina is amazing, everyone (except some of us fans!) loves her no matter how mean, entitled and ridiculous she is, and that Gina always gets "wins" even when she's not even trying. I really don't want to let this one character ruin the overall happy and positive feeling of this show, but her presence really casts a pall over the whole show to me. I find her so gross in every way and hate how the rest of the characters feed into her massive ego. I'd gotten so spoiled by these blissful Gina free episodes that seeing her again was even more unpleasant than I'd expected! -
For those who said they weren't crazy about Juliet, I would love to hear why! I'm always so interested to hear how fans perceive different characters :)
The movie inspired me to binge my favorite episodes again. That probably makes it sound like I'm watching a handful of episodes throughout the weekend, but nearly every episode counts as a favorite, so this is a bigger undertaking that I'm enjoying every second of! I didn't think I had UOs since I'm unusually easy to please when it comes to this show and love almost everyone and everything, but I've been reminded of a major one: I used to ship Jules with Lassiter, and part of me still does. I knew from the beginning that Shawn/Juliet would be endgame and adjusted my expectations accordingly, but there's something about the Lassie/Jules dynamic that I love even more. *runs for cover*
Gus, don't be a gloomy you. Gus, don't be the 100th luftballoon. Gus, don't be the second time ever I saw your face. Don't be the American adaptation of the British Gus. Gus, don't be the remake of Yours MIne and Ours. While I'm at it, don't be the original either. Gus, don't be the way Eriq La Salle spells Eriq. I just don't even have the words for how much I love this show and how it seems to get better and better with every rewatch!
This may be because I'm usually more than willing to buy whatever this show sells me, but I didn't feel like it was that wildly out of character for Juliet to have bent the rules. She's obviously a good person, conscientious worker and very ethical overall, but to me she was never as strictly and rigidly a "by the book" detective as Lassie. We've seen that she can be extremely competitive (often with herself, lol), goal-oriented, and intensely into cases and sometimes a bit carried away in general. So I can see how in the heat of the moment she might panic at the prospect of one of 'her' perps going free and doing something (though not too terrible a something) outside the lines to prevent that from happening. This has been a terrible year, and this movie was just the pick me up that I needed. I've often told friends this show is like an antidepressant for me, so I'm happy to have more Psych to rewatch and obsess over!
You just became my favorite person on the internet!! I loved last night's warning not to be the comma in Earth, Wind and Fire :)
Best: Every single thing about this show. Was I supposed to be more specific? :) Favorite season: 2, with 4 and 6 close runners up (but I love every season and our sparkling new movie!) Favorite episode: yeah, no, not gonna happen because I can't pick fewer than 80! I think I've probably watched Tuesday the 17th the most, but I've seen them all at least a few times and will be watching them many more. Favorite minor character, non-villain edition: Woody Favorite recurring villain: Despereux Favorite friendship: Shawn/Gus, of course, but Juliet/Lassie is a close runner-up! Favorite recurring joke: "Gus, don't be a ...." Is there a video compilation of all these on youtube? I've tried searching and couldn't find one!
Oh, you are the best---I will be watching these on constant loop in between binge watching my favorite Psych episodes this weekend! (85-90% of Psych episodes count as my "favorites", so I will not be getting much sleep :)
The plotting and pacing weren't exactly smooth, but the characterizations, dialogue and exuberant fun interspersed with blasts of real poignancy made this nearly perfect to me anyway! (At times I wasn't even entirely sure what was going on, but that might be due more to my fatigue and low comprehension levels than the writing.) I've always really loved Juliet and was thrilled to see her get so much focus here. I was more invested in the Jules/Shawn romance than I was through most of the original series. Damn, now I'm going to have to write terrible Shules fanfic ;) I love Lassie so much and was glad they found a way to work him in despite Tim's stroke. Jules' phone call to him was such a beautiful and perfect scene, and Maggie getting choked up while talking to him felt so real. I loved seeing more warm and vulnerable sides of Vick, an even more quirky yet still very Henry-ish Henry, and the usual love letters to all things '80s. As always, the Gus-Shawn bond is everything. I love these people so much and love how much they love each other!
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Whenever those forms ask you to fill in your religion, I'm tempted to write "Joan of Arcadia." I'm not religious, but I do believe in...something (clearly my beliefs are kind of vague and ill-defined, lol!), and this show just speaks to my soul, as ridiculous as that sounds. All the messages about connecting with each other and the world around us even when it's easier to retreat (I'm a bit of a loner), the interrelation between countless different little words and actions, appreciating life's pleasures and facing its challenges...this show makes me think and feel more deeply than any other. It gives me so much comfort and perspective. And as others have said, it's not didactic and obnoxiously self-serious. In fact, it's funnier than many sitcoms! Almost every single episode makes me laugh out loud---in between getting teary and choked up. A worst used to be Will's cases, but now I really like them and see how Will having to constantly confront the darker sides of human nature and still keep battling tied into a lot of the show's themes. I had a little trouble learning to love Grace, but in a way that makes sense: just like many different but wonderful people and certain aspects of life in general, Grace is not easy to connect or be with, but she's ultimately well worth getting to know. There are so many shows I love, but I've never found one anything like this one.
I know we're still in the midst of it, but S5 is already my favorite! It's such a perfect culmination of everything that makes this show such such a happy, heartwarming, hilarious modern masterpiece without the one element that dragged it down for me (aka Gina). Halloveen, Two Turkeys and 99 are probably three of my top five episodes of the series. I liked Jake/Amy from the beginning, but as late to the party as this makes me, it's actually not until this season that I fell completely in love with them. (What can I say - I'm slow on the uptake, lol) If I were to list my 15 favorite TV characters of all time, I honestly think that at least four or five of them would come from this show.
Is it too early to pre-order the S5 DVDs? This season has been not only my favorite season of B99 so far, but one of my favorite seasons of any sitcom I've ever seen. So mercifully devoid of Gina and so amazingly chock full of everything that makes this show so special. Like all of you, I absolutely loved every minute of last night's episode. I may or may not have already rewatched it three times. #nolife Literally every character got so many priceless moments, and it was such a perfect combination of poignancy and humor. To be honest, I just love hanging out with these characters so much that I'm not too picky about the specific plots, but I do really love when they give us little twists at the end, and I adored seeing all the ways that it turned out Holt had sabotaged his own chances of getting home. I'd started to suspect when he spoke with Jake that he was deliberately keeping them away, but it was so much fun to see it unveiled. I keep changing my mind about my favorite of the show's relationships because almost every single one of them is priceless, but Jake declaring his love for his dad/captain (ie "Daptain") solidified that it's one of my favorite onscreen relationships ever. As are Boyle/Jake, Amy/Jake, Rosa/Boyle, Amy/Holt, Rosa/Jake...I could keep going :) On most shows, I'm lucky if I truly like and enjoy watching even half the characters. (It's usually more like a third...or less :)) I was thinking as I watched last night's episode that I not only like but absolutely LOVE every non-Gina B99 character. Yes, I'm including Hitchcock and Scully :) (LOVE Hitchcock's line about "too many cooks in the kitchen" when each person was poignantly declaring their allegiance to the captain). Almost nothing in my entire life cheers me up nearly as much as this show, and this may have been my very favorite episode ever. (I realize I've said that about 10 or so episodes, but I mean it!)