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Posts posted by FireFoxy

  1.  People hated Oliver and Laurel. I checked the responses when I was getting into the fandom. Went on a binge really. I swear people just suffered through it because it was Green Arrow and Black Canary. Worse than the hate tho was the complete lack of buzz. No one was excited about them or talking about them. Even when they hook up people talked more about Tommy and Olicity in the episode then they did about Oliver and Laurel.


    That's how I remember it too. NO ONE was checking for this ship in the entertainment media industry. They had a huge lack of buzz and while Arrow has an audience they had little social media presence which is very important, especially for a network like The CW. In today's TV and movie industry. social media buzz and presence is extremely important. Olicity changed it all. And bitter fans will just have to deal because as long as the show keeps getting the media attention that it has been getting on different outlets, they aren't going to screw with that formula until they get to the last season and maybe decide to say, screw it!, and kill Felicity and have Lauriver be endgame just like the comics. *shudder*

  2. I am so glad the overall response has been so positive for this last episode and Oliver/Felicity's relationship. Critics and reviewers alike seem to have really enjoyed the episode and progress the relationship took.


    I laugh at those who say that Oliver loves Felicity as a sister and that they have no chemistry. They have obviously not been watching the show because since S1 the seeds have been planted. It takes something really special to deviate from the original canon couple and to their bad luck, EBR and SA had IT. I wonder if those same bitter fans would say the same thing if Lauriver was the dominating ship on the show.

    • Love 4
  3. I reaaaaally hope it's not Oliver/Felicity getting married. We already got cheated out of seeing Oliver realize he loves her. I DO NOT want them to get forced married. That will only give haters a reason to pull out the ~fanservice crap they pull every single time. It's annoying.

    • Love 1
  4. IF Olicity is the wedding/marriage I am soooo done with this show. They are one of the reasons I even watch and I would feel so cheated if they did that. We were robbed of seeing their development after the Slade situation and I will not support the show any longer if they do it again. It's so lazy.

  5. Kelsey did take a huge beating.


    To be fair to Britt, the women didn't sit around for an hour. They actually went to a bar down the street and had drinks and dinner with the crew. And let's not act like any of the other contestants wouldn't have done the same.

    • Love 1
  6. I'm sure RS will have something this week. 


    I think it's kind of ironic that so many guys have left this season. Maybe buyer's remorse? I'm actually glad for Britt. After all the shit she got, she deserves to get something positive out of this experience.

    • Love 3
  7. I was one of those who defended Nick fiercely about the AFTR and I still stand by it. As I said then and maintain now, if Andi did nothing wrong then what was the big deal in mentioning it. As you stated, it wasn't that she didn't pick him, it's that she was cold and almost acted like she was annoyed she was expected to see him and speak to him when that happens at every ATFR. 


    Hell it happens at the Tell All when the rejected contestants get to question the Bachelor or Bachelorette. But she acted like she was annoyed by his mere presence so hell yeah I had no problems with him saying, "if you felt this way about me, knew Josh was it for you the minute he came out of the limo like you claimed, why did you fuck me?" Well he didn't express it exactly like that but it would have made for awesome television if he had.


    It is telling how many comments online seemed to enjoy her and Josh falling apart. Oh and for the record about those "stalking" claims against Nick that were exaggerated last summer, it's very telling that once public sentiment wasn't completely on Andi's side as I'm sure she expected, she apparently said to Ali (I don't imagine Ali would go on the E! show and lie about a conversation with Andi) that actually Nick never tried to get into contact with her. Pretty much confirming all the "he was chasing her and following her" was producer bullshit to further hype the ATFR.


    That being said, I would be very disappointed and frankly even embarrassed for Nick putting himself through that mess again. I get that there may be some attraction between him and Kaitlyn, but people have many attractions that ultimately go nowhere. Plus chances are whoever she picked it wouldn't have worked out anyway, so he could have just bide his time and when the relationship inevitably fail, pursue her then. This is just not a smart move on his part in my opinion. It makes him look desperate and even famewhorish and the people who were awful about him after Andi's season, who may have finally pulled back since he pretty much went back to his life, will be out in full force again and probably nastier than before. 


    The second Andi walked out she was a flat out bitch. There honestly is no other word to describe her behavior. Then when her friends joined in and behaved like it was an irl version of Mean Girls I was even more on his side. We women always complain when men aren't sensitive enough but when there are guys who are we mock and vilify them and that's pretty much what happened with Nick. He went on the show to fall in love and took it seriously which is why he pissed the other guys off.

    • Love 7
  8. I didn't watch Andi's season but did watch the finale. I honestly don't get everyone's rage about Nick kissing and telling. It was so obvious to me he clearly had fallen in love with Andi and her cold reaction towards him shocked him to the point that he had a hard time expressing himself and just blurted out what happened in the FS. I wonder if the reaction would've been the same if he had been a woman.


    I honestly don't think Kaytlin is in this for "the right reasons" but she was much better at playing the part that Britt which is why everyone ate it up. I honestly don't understand how people, after so many years of this mess, still buy that act from women like her. I could see it miles away.

    • Love 4
  9. Haaaaaaaaaa! I wonder what Kaitlyn fans will say when they find out about this. I was pretty meh about her but that is so shady and low. If you are the B'ette and have all these other guys there for you why would you do that? Gross! She is just as fake and a famewhore as everyone was saying Britt was. Hilarious!

    • Love 5
  10. Yeay for Britt. That would be cool if Britt got eliminated, then the one guy bailed to start dating her and they are now a solid couple. Even better, and worth a few laughs, is if Kaitlyn and her F1 fail and Britt gets engaged ... off camera and without Neil Lane!


    Anyway, that's my wish for this season. Even better: ABC televises Britt's wedding! Or, a double wedding with Chris/Whitney Soules!


    Hey, a girl can imagine and dream, right?


    No way! I Des didn't get her TV wedding then no one can! ;)


    But yeah, it would be funny if that were the case after all the OTT hate Britt got and still gets.

    • Love 1
  11. In terms of the attraction or whatever, one of the worse was Sean and Peta but not in my opinion because Peta was into Sean but that he seemed to believe she was and not so subtly went around insinuating that she was into him. There was a whole thing about Peta not being invited to their wedding and cryptic comments made by him and Catherine about her making them uncomfortable and Peta meanwhile saying she was hurt because she thought she and Sean were friends and didn't really understand what happened once the season ended.

    Again, as a person who watches the show consistently, yes Peta is very sexy and daring with her costumes and choreography but she's like that with every one of her celebrity. That Sean and I remember some of their Bachelor fans not used to the show also got on board it, tried to act like she was throwing herself at him with the moves she choreographed was so annoying and obnoxious to me. Like Peta is freaking gorgeous and the idea that she was desperately throwing herself at the burnt lobster was laughable.


    Sean is a self important douche so it doesn't surprise me that he acted like that. I actually really like Peta and that was a crappy thing they did to her. Yuck!

    • Love 1
  12. The 2.5 comics have been so good! I tweeted MG and the Arrow Writers/Producers about what a shame it is that THAT is not what we got on screen this season.

    • Love 3
  13. Funny you should mention The Rules.  I've been thinking that Becca has been a flawless Rules practitioner during the whole season.  Who knows if she's read the book, learned the lessons at her mother's, grandmothers' or aunts' knees, or if she's just that way, but she's awfully good. 


    I'm familiar with The Rules books, can't remember all the rules, and disagree with some of them.  Two  women besides Becca who make me think of the rules are Tina Fabulous, and Helene Eksterowicz (season 2 with Aaron). 


    According to The Rules, a woman should be "easy to be with," and a large part of that is having a good sense of humor as exemplified by Becca.  OTOH, men see wisecracking Kaitlyn as being in the friend zone, rather than as a romantic prospect.


    And then we have Whitney.  She kept reminding me of Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth Bennett's close friend in Pride and Prejudice.  Although their motivating circumstances differ, they are both very practical women for whom marriage is a means to an end; for Charlotte the goal is economic security, and for Whitney it's a husband, children, and extended family.  Although desirable, a love match isn't essential.


    Whitney did a pretty good job of telegraphing her desperation, which is the direct opposite of what The Rules advises.  She really laid it on too thick, and tried too hard.  BTW, when Whitney and Chris were admiring the wall during their 1-on-1 in Des Moines, Chris did a VO at one point that stopped me in my tracks.  I'll have to rewatch it because I can't remember for sure if he said "she" or "Whitney" "makes me want to be a better man."  I thought to myself, "Wait, shouldn't he be saying that about Becca?," and I wondered if he really did, and the editors inserted the quote to be about Whitney on purpose.  This is the type of reaction that a woman who practices the Rules (knowingly or not) elicits from a man who's responsive to them. 


    Which brings us to Chris: what kind of man does he want to be?  Does he want to be the head of a family with a wife who lets him be the man (the rules Becca), or will he settle for a bottle of whiskey and a wife who wears the Pants and gives him the "skinny eyes" (non-rules Whitney)? 


    Time to feed the cat, and then to bed.


    That's pretty on point. Other contestants that remind me of The Rules are Tessa and Emily. Tessa was really genuine about it and actually made Andy chase her but Emily did it more to project a certain image and build a brand which is why she went on the show in the first place. Both played the game perfectly and "won". But yeah, it's 2015 and a lot of men don't really fall into TR categories anymore. I can actually see Kaitlyn finding someone to at least try it out with. Jillian reminds me of a lot of her and she had a lot of the men from her season eating out of the palm of her hand by the end. Sometimes you really do want to find someone that makes you laugh. Chasing gets exhausting after a while.

  14. Exactly. Like, I don't feel they need to be OMG! WE ARE SO IN LOVE!!! like other couples have been but he looks pained when he is with her. Even watching his reaction to Becca during ATFR, his eyes looked so sad. Chris ain't that good of an actor. I think he feels he's stuck since he has DWTS and his family loves Whitney. As I said, Whitney's overcompensating reminded me of Jillian's when they interviewed her and Ed after the cheating story leaked and she was all like "OMG NO! THAT IS SUCH A LIE! IT'S HILARIOUS! WE ARE SO IN LOVE!!!" and years later Ed basically confirmed it was true. So yeah, I don't see it boding well for them.


    ETA: At least he looks at here here but yeah, still not seeing it.


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  15. Honestly seeing Chris and Whitney's interactions post show make me go hm. There is 0 spark, passion or anything on Chris' end. I always knew it would be Whitney early on but seeing Chris so...going through the motions and Whitney working extra trying to sell them reminds me of Jillian working overtime to sell Ed's "love" and non cheating ways. So yeah, idk.

    • Love 2
  16. The only thing I find weird is he didn't look at her once when he was describing all the things he loved about her.


    I saw them on E!Online too and it was the same thing. I'm not saying they have to be over the top affectionate but there is zip in those interactions. He can't even look at her. That to me is super weird.

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