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Posts posted by FireFoxy

  1. I mean, it was pretty obvious that it was April from the start just like last season with Bianka. Tim was boring but he seems nice. It's sad because I think he is more comfortable with Trish but April was the challenge so he picked her. Well, maybe they'll make it. I thought Brad and Bianka would and they proved me wrong. Oh well.

  2. I need to chime in for Nadine and Matt. I loved Nadine. She was fun, sweet and just light up the screen. Then she had to get paired with flop Nik. She had a ton of chemistry with Matt and they had that "I hate you but we would have amazing sex" chemistry. What a waste.


    Speaking of Jax I agree with the post about Jax and V. Hell we just needed V to remain on the show.


    That was me and thank you! V was awesome. I know everyone was all about Jax/Brenda but other than Skye, V would've always put Jax first. She would've been so good for him.

    • Love 1
  3. Exactly! Nik's other pairings while TC was playing him have been atrocious. Nik/Emily...Awful. Nik/Courtney...Don't get me started. Nik/Nadine...Nadine should've been paired with Matt since she was too good for Nik. Nik/Liz....Puke! But in comes Britt, a smart, independent, fiery doctor who is the daughter of a longtime vilain that Nik's mom and the whole town have a history with. This could've been an amazing umbrella story but as I said, Ron is a hack. Plus TC is an idiot if he believes Niz is the end all be all. They are gross. 

    • Love 1
  4. Who else wants to randomly point at cast members now and yell "You're next!?"

    And not surprised KT wants to drop down/leave. Her character is a joke and TC has given interviews saying he prefers previous leading ladies to her. She at least tries in their scenes. I'd be like deuces too.


    KT is actually one of the few newbies who I like and can act. Plus she has great chemistry with her scene partners and managed to turn a one note villain into a layered character that I actually rooted for.


    TC is an idiot since KT is the first leading lady in like ever he has had any chemistry with. If the writers weren't such hacks, the whole Nik/Britt pairing would've been a game changer for the canvas. The Cassadine heir with Faison's daughter. So much potential. But of course, this show sucks so.

    • Love 5
  5. Red continues to prove he is the one in charge. 


    Ressler continues to be pretty.


    Lizzie continues to be useless. 


    Katherine Heigl is to Megan Boone as Alfre Woodard is to James Spader, JMO, but I don't see the math either.


    Nah. KH is actually a good actress. 

    • Love 2
  6. So JJY, who has been loyal to the show, is bumped to recurring but the OLTL3, MSt and MW are still front and center?!? SMH! And Felicia is running for Mayor of PC yet they have barely mentioned it. A great story opportunity for vets and everyone on the canvas but who cares when he can have MORE Carly/Franco/Silas/JaSam/Sonny/Nina/Ava eating up screentime? It's like ABC truly wants to kill the show.

    • Love 5
  7. My God this season is going to be a mess. Chris and his family are very conservative. He is actually very active in politics with the Republican party. Considering how ~familyvalues  they are, I doubt Jade makes it far. If she does, that would make a great dinner topic.

    • Love 1
  8. Sorry, ICGS, but Sam/Silas are the equivalent of Ambien. No spark, no energy. I don't watch the show anymore because of the shoving of the OLTL3 down our throats but from what I see on YT, Sam/Silas=ZZZZZZ. Sam was okay with McBain but it's like ME isn't even trying anymore. Sadly, KM and JT do have chemistry and the Sam/Patrick story could've worked if done differently but this is Ron we are speaking of so of course he took something that wrote itself and screwed it up. 

    • Love 5
  9. So anyone else thinking Michael killed Saz?


    I loved this week's episode. The twist with the stepmom was great.


    Loving Jane/Abuela/Xiomara's scenes.


    I want to know how Michael and Petra know each other! And what happened to her mom.

    • Love 2
  10. I remember saying at the beginning of the summer that Laurel becoming Black Canary threatens three things: Sara, Olicity and Team Arrow. I think this one episode proved that point.


    I'm afraid you are right. If this is a way for Lauriver to be endgame I am out. They already killed Sara and shoehorned Laurel into Team Arrow.

    • Love 4
  11. This season feels so disjointed. I think it's sad because I was so excited about it.


    Tommy! Come back!


    Ray continues to be one of the few bright spots on the show.


    EBR killed it tonight. She made me cry.


    SA was really good too.


    Olicity feels so weird but I guess that's normal considering the events of last week. I just want my sweet Olicity back!


    Diggle/Oliver were great. I need more Diggle/Felicity!


    Ray/Felicity is a nice development. You can tell they are friends irl.


    Det. Lance is going to kill me when he finds out about Sara's death.


    I want to see more of Komodo. I liked the little glimpse we saw of the actor.


    Oh Laurel. I love KC but idk about Laurel. She makes it so hard sometimes.


    I hate that this episode feature 2 characters that were fridged for Laurel's journey. I wish we could get them back.

    • Love 2
  12. I have to say Caitlin and Cisco are my favorite part of the show. They are just so, so great and have good chemistry with Barry.


    Barry/Joe's relationship is sweet and I enjoyed Barry actually showing gratitude towards Joe.


    Iris is cute but I don't see anything but friendship chemistry between her and Barry. 


    So Wells is for sure from the future. Maybe he is some Flash cultie. Interesting twist. 

    • Love 1
  13. I loved it. Loved, loved, loved it. The cast is great, Gina Rodriguez is a discovery and has charisma and chemistry with both her leading men and the secondary characters hold my attention. I like how everyone is connected one way or another. I am so in!

    • Love 8
  14. Felicity/EBR was incredible last night. The restaurant scene was my favorite and the chemistry between those two was so on point. 


    I do laugh at the Olicity haters who say Oliver's feelings for Felicity came out of left field. I don't know what show they are watching because ever since S2 there have been these little hints that Oliver felt something.


    I wish we would've gotten more of a slow burn of Oliver realizing his feelings for Felicity while she dated Ray this season culminating with a real kiss/ILU in the season finale.

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