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Posts posted by FireFoxy

  1. Claire is adorable!


    Marquel, call me!


    Lacy's boobs are the 7th and 8th girl.


    Elise is still awkward as hell.


    Ashlee is batshit. Reality Steve wasn't kidding when he said she is certifiable.


    Graham looks awful but he will forever have a spot in my heart after his appearance in DeAnna's season.


    Dying at Marcus during his depression night swim in his tight orange underwear.


    Michelle M. is awesome and yay for picking Marquel. He is so freaking adorable I can't.


    Booo for Danielle leaving. She is awesome.


    Claire is a doll and deserves to find love.

    • Love 4
  2. Chris, while hot, is a hard sell to me because who the hell wants to move to the middle of nowhere?! Farm life isn't some glamorous, fun thing. It is hard work. Arie on the other hand has a toooooon of loonies that idolize him so it would be fun to see them compete for him. But personally, I think Marquel would be the best bet. Smart, hot, funny, sensitive, well spoken. Sign me up!

    • Love 3
  3. Wow what an AFTR! I know many are saying Nick is an ass for spilling the beans but let's be honest, if Nick were a woman and had done it, I am sure we would be hearing a lot of sympathy for the situation. What Andi did was disgusting. Not only did she lead him on, she full well knew he is emotionally fragile and how much he really did care for her and still went ahead and did that. The way she was talking to him during their LCD gave me the impression that she would pick him. I was spoiled and I was still in disbelief she was saying those things. Telling him he had nothing to worry about, how she wished she could say things back, I'm sorry but if you are in that situation you interpret those words as being that you are the one. Brad told DeAnna exactly that and then didn't pick her and got so much hate for it. And if she knew it was Josh from day 1 as she told him, she is an even bigger bitch for doing that. 


    I wonder how Josh feels knowing for sure Andi screwed another guy while she also screwed him and then claimed to have known it was him from the get go. Trista has said she only slept with Ryan and I do remember the BTS gossip being that Meredith slept with Ian and she was so distraught about having to continue doing that show that Ian had to talk her into it. We do know Emily slept with Arie but at least she had the decency to not subject him to the LCD, just like Ali and Des did to their F2. So if she were such a decent, nice person, she would've afforded Nick at least that. So not only does she sleep with him, she has a LCD with him where she verbalizes in a cryptic way that it would be okay and yet she still knew Josh was it?! Wow!


    And I agree with those who have said she is vile for complaining about Juan Pablo yet turning around and doing the same thing. But as others have pointed out, at least he was honest from the start and never truly lead her on. She is awful and props to Nick for calling her out, especially since he truly fell in love with her. I hope he gets therapy, it's obvious he shouldn't have gone to a show like this and needs it now more than ever.

    • Love 10
  4. I feel like Paige is going to get involved in a human trafficking ring. That poor girl.


    Jakes is heartbreaking. I hope he gets it together.


    Charlie's trauma makes me feel awful for her. But Briggs befriending the widow is going to come back and bite them in the ass.


    Mike and Paige are hot and adorable but him still being in a quasi relationship with that other woman is not cool. Paige deserves better.

  5. I was reading his column and someone said Jason and Molly spilled the beans about Graham leaving on his own to be with Chrishell during DeAnna's season. It makes me wonder why the show made it seem like she let him go, DeAnna was inconsolable that night. And since now they would go the whole "he has a gf at home" route and make him look evil I wonder why then they wouldn't be upfront about it. Even Frank from Ali's season left to get back together with his ex and they showed the whole thing.

  6. Or maybe the show asked her to at least pretend to be interested in going back to her job since they want to sell the storyline of Andi being a lawyer, kind of like the whole Jake the Pilot sl during his season since Jake the Famewhore wasn't as catchy.


    I'm sorry but getting a wax is now proof that you're going to have sex with someone - really? Then apparently I've been foolish to be waxing this past year since I've been single. Plus The Bachelor(ette) often goes to to these tropical islands, especially towards the end of the season where the women are always in bikinis. I'm sorry but if that is all the proof that Courtney has that Emily had sex with any of her Final 3 then I call bullshit on that.

    I thought about that too. Then I remembered a comment someone left on Reality Steve's site before the season aired about Arie being super pissed at her for eliminating her after they had just slept together.  That's why he looked so bewildered and also, why she told him she really thought it would be him. Supposedly Elan, the producer, handles with the F1 during taping when the show is winding down and he was assigned to Arie during Emily's season. And the fact that Arie felt compelled to fly to Charlotte and leave his taping diary on Emily's door tells me something went down between them that it was so hard for him to move on.


    Emily is the typical girl who thrives on male attention no matter her status. I mean, Jef might be douchey but he didn't deserve to be cheated on. I totally believe she did it.

  8. Courtney's new book is coming out and she has a lot of interesting things to say about Jef/Arie/Emily. I never, ever like Emily. She always gave me such a fake vibe. The fact that she tried to get back together with Arie after breaking up with Jef is low. Arie and Jef may be male whores but Emily is super shady too. I totally believe the sexting rumors about her with Matt Leinhart. And if she did sleep with someone in the FS it basically confirms the story about Arie being pissed with her because they had sex in it. 



  9. Who is doing her hair on this show?? Bad. :0(

    It is bad but not Ali Fedotowsky tragic. I wanted to jump into the TV every week and take out her $.99 store extensions and take her to a decent colorist. 


    Topic? Marquel is awesome. He should call me. Josh still has crazy eyes. Andi still bugs. JJ is a gossip. Chris is adorable. Brian is sweet.

    • Love 1
  10. When it comes to the Bachelorettes chasing fame, I think Ali and Trista are the absolute worst.  As for Meredith disappearing off the scene, I believe this was due to her being embarrassed after being dumped by Ian in such a rude, public manner.  By her own admission, she was so humiliated that she turned to the bottle for solace.


    Meredith was with Ian for a year and a half and after doing all their contractual appearances for the first 3 months, they basically fell off the radar to do their thing. When they broke up it was done via a joint statement do it wasn't a public dumping. Plus she has said she had a drinking problem even going into Blob's season. I can see how she took solace after the breakup but I doubt it was the cause.

    • Love 2
  11. n my opinion she will never go back to her day job again.  She will flit around from one show to another and from one guest appearance to another forever.  They all do.  Bachelor Pad, Dancing with the Stars, Celebrity Chef........

    Ashley didn't, Des hasn't, even Emily who goodness knows I have all my issues with her seems pretty fine settled in Charlotte and Gillian went back to her very successful interior decorating career in Canada.


    Let's be honest about Ali, anyone who was willing to collapse in a hallway in tears after deciding to leave and then fake a phone call asking to come back has a strong famewhoring gene. She was never in it for love, she wanted the fame. Why do you think she didn't last with Rahbirdo? He wanted nothing to do with it and she did. Emily has a blog and makes a lot of personal appearances. If rumors are to be believed, she hasn't left Charlotte because Ricky's grandparents fund her life and they put the kibosh on her relocating.


    I am surprised Trista moved to Colorado to be with Ryan considering her adoration for the camera. You can tell Ryan loathes it but does it to humor her. And Meredith basically disappeared after the show. She will always be my fave.

    • Love 1
  12. Josh M. really brought the crazy eyes tonight. Damn! Run Andi, run!


    I felt awful for Dylan. What a hard thing to live through.


    Marquel continues to be my fave. Marquel for The Bachelor!


    Goodbye Eric! I applaud you for being honest. I agree with the poster who said that the problem was in the execution. 


    Chris is a cutie! I smell Bachelor edit. 


    Marcus...Meh. I can see your bald spot dude.

  13. Doesn't a big city like Atlanta


    Atlanta is actually not that big. I remember expecting it to be bigger when I went to interview there and was shocked by how small it is. After living there for 3 years, I found it smaller. Yes it has suburbs like Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Smyrna, Alpharetta, etc, which people still consider to be Atlanta but they aren't. Denver is still smaller tho.


    Topic? Josh M. has crazy eyes.

  14. Andi and her DeAnna style meltdown in the previews was my favorite thing about the night. 


    Her guys are actually decent. Marquel is my favorite. Gorgeous, sweet and charming. Eric seemed really sweet. Josh M. has crazy eyes. Chris the farmer is adorable! Chris B. can just go away now so of course he will be on Bachelor in Paradise.

  15. My God that episode! I am still reeling! 


    - Sara lives! But she goes with the LoA?!? That made no sense.

    - Nyssa! She is amazing. And killing Isabel in such a nonchalant manner was hilarious. 

    - Deadshot and the Suicide Squad! MORE please!

    - More Diggle. Always a great thing. Daddy Diggle is going to be adorable.

    - I want more Amanda Waller development.

    - Not here for Laurel getting the BC mantle so easily. The show did such a great job building up Sara as BC that Laurel really has to prove herself before they go there.

    - I have a feeling Thea is going to be a baddie next season. Her scenes with Malcolm were great.

    - Meh Roy. Obviously his S3 plotline will be his guilt over killing that cop when he finds out.

    - I hope Det. Lance makes it. I love him so much!

    - Felicity was a BOSS! She really was the highlight of the episode for me.

    - Oliver embracing his destiny and finally becoming a hero. Loved that. Loved his final scene with Slade, who is obviously going to escape.

    - Olicity was on point. From Felicity encouraging Oliver, to the fakeout which was incredibly acted, to the confrontation with Slade to the island. I love them and I want them to go there but not yet. They are so, so great together but I am afraid I will be Chlarked again and I can't deal with that disappointment twice.

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