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Everything posted by LeoLady

  1. Maybe she meant "French Revolutionary".
  2. As to the Tim Gunn vs Christian on mentoring debate, I do remember Tim giving more detailed advice on occasion. But in the last few seasons, as the judging got crazier than a sh*thouse rat (apologies to rodents and outhouses everywhere) Tim's advice would get them dinged by the judges and totally backfire. I think Tim started pulling back since his practical advice conflicted with the producer/judges impractical opinions.
  3. I knew the reunion show was taped after the finale so I was trying to study everyone's behavior to see if I could detect anything. Of course the editing affects what we see. Brooke Lynn and Akeria weren't featured very flatteringly so I think they are not in the top 2. Also when ru asked eliminated queens to say something Brooke Lynn raised her hand. And when they were talking about the great prizes the winner gets, Brooke Lynn turned to Silky and smiled knowingly. And Silky kept her mouth shut, trying not to attract anymore negative attention to herself. I think Akeria and Silky will lip synch with Silky winning, Brooke Lynn and Yvie with Yvie winning and Yvie taking it all. My alternate scenario, fueled mainly by the look Brooke Lynn gave Silky is that they are the top 2. I think its between Nina West and Vangie for Miss Congenialty.
  4. Interesting that the guest judge erroneously thought Tessa's design was about body shapes. Why? Because she had a plus model? So much for PR's phony commitment to celebrating body diversity.
  5. Why is it that every big queen always says they are representing the big girls. I knew Silky would pull that out, I was waiting for it. Are the plus queens so insecure they feel they need to have a crowd behind them? Because none of them are representing big queens, big people or anyone else; they are there for themselves. Can you imagine if Brooke Lynn said she was representing all Canadian queens? Or Vangie all people who got 2nd chances? Or Yvie all weirdos? Or Akeria all non memorable queens? And if all the plus queens/LGBTQ/big people were to vote for a leader, it wouldn't be a half-assed queen who makes "fat and sloppy" truly go together.
  6. OT but it looks like Karlie Kloss dug into Heidi's closet for her Met Gala camp.
  7. I also dont understand all the Hester love from the judges. I am wondering if the producers want a shock finale so they are letting Hester think she has it locked up and then tear her finale collection to shreds like they did with Brandon. Just because it's a different network doesnt mean the leopard has changed all its spots.
  8. I think one of the problems was you didn't get to know any of the contestants. They got a few sound bites and then were wiped. Most of these shows have continuity from week to week and you begin to root for, or against, different contestants. I am not surprised Kim KW didn't show, it was filmed in Canada. I wonder why not NYC or LA. I doubt this show will return.
  9. Unlike most everyone else here, I really don't care for Anthony. His phony silliness gets on my nerves. I didn't like his outfit but when one of the judges said it looked like an apron I gasped. That was my exact thought when I saw Fabio's.
  10. Rewathing Michael walk off the runway it was so obvious that it was preplanned. He started smirking back stage when he was asked what's going on. Fake, fake, fake PR. Michael is obviouslya better designer than an actor. Kentaro said in an interview after his win that other designers took home tapes by accident. The whole scandal was a set up. Instead of just sending both twins home like they wanted, they had to come up with the design -off between Sean and Claire and then the scandal to boot Claire .
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