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Jan Levenson

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Everything posted by Jan Levenson

  1. Also LOL at Meghan trying to discredit the whole event because a kid said it was scripted because CNN asked them to write down questions, then CNN gave them cards with newly written questions. As someone who works in television shouldn’t Meghan know that major networks screen regular people before they go on live television. And by screening, they look at if the question is interesting, they rewrite the question so that it is clearer/more concise/understandable for the audience at home and in the studio to understand, and they make sure the person asking the question on live television is not super shy so they won’t slip up on live TV. This is what I assume that kid means by “scripted question,” but before we look into it let’s send it to the Russian bots, Fox News, and Meghan McCain to be outraged and discredit a forum where students and families suffered a tragedy. Shame on her.
  2. The View is disrespecting viewers at this point by keeping her on. This dialogue Meghan claims she wants so much actually happened yesterday, but she makes it all about evil CNN (which her husband was tweeting all those talking points last night in addition to that tweet about finding the audience idiotic), and she makes it about how Trump corrected the thing about teachers (which wasn’t really a correction). She had no argument; she was CRYING when Joy started talking about living in the woods—CRYING!—over her “demonized” love of the NRA! Meghan no one cares - we’ve heard it all before! She silences Joy from talking about her experiences as a teacher, but literally, for 15 minutes, all we hear is “CAN I SAY SOMETHING!!!!!” Yes Meghan, you are dominating the discussion and not responding to a thing anyone says; your preventing a discussion with all your reaction and faux outrage. Thenshe talks about military-trained teachers in the classroom — really Meghan? You believe Trump’s BS? Schools are so desperate for teachers—especially MALE teachers—suddenly all these military folk are going to start guarding schools? Unless she has actually WORKED in a school, her opinion on school safety is invalid and only perpetuates republican talking points. Poor her, she’s really upset that CNN let VICTIMS speak and it was effective. She prefers when victims are silenced with “now isn’t the right time to hear from them, so let’s send thoughts and prayers.” She hijacked the potentially interesting conversation about — what I see as — a moment our nation will look back on for years. They couldn’t discuss when students confronted Rubio and the NRA without her making it about her friend. She deserves to be fired because she is just here to spread her propaganda as if we don’t already know her exhausted opinions. Moreover, she and her husband undermine the other hosts subtly on their social media. Her husband tweeted last night about how conservatives are called mentally ill by evil liberals (aka Meghan’s cohost Joy) — poor Meghan and her hubby! Give me a break. 17 children and educators were killed. Teachers are NEVER heard from in the mainstream media and FINALLY we are hearing their voices. But Meghan knows better than them. I really think she’s mad that regular people—like the kids, parents, and teachers in that forum—are no longer standing for stupid talking points. What an embarrassing breakdown. And lucky for Meghan, the “evil liberal mainstream media” never covers her breakdowns on The View because they pretend she’s a normal sound voice because of her personal history (in my opinion).
  3. It’s also confusing because after her dad lost, she really rose to notoriety by being criticized by conservative talking heads like Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh (I think), and more —for her weight, her voice, her opinions, and really genuinely mean stuff. Her whole schtick was that these conservatives weren’t listening to young conservatives like her and they should because she has a young conservative following. And it was the shows that she would now label as “liberal” that would have her on, discuss “fringe-y” conservatives, and she would appear like this rational liberal voice. She was on The View numerous times, she was on Rachel Maddow a lot, she did Colbert, and all the non-political daytime talk shows like Wendy. It seems like when she started at Fox, she adopted the practice of using “liberal” as a bad word and acting like she some oppressed minority. It appears like conservative viewers don’t really like her because oh her “Dirty Sexy Politics” era, and now liberal-leaning viewers don’t like her because of her immature behavior on the view. I don’t know who she thinks her audience is. She’s also very lucky she has people like Van Jones, Colbert, and Whoopi remember the Meghan McCain from 10 years ago, so they still act like she’s so rational, but viewers are clearly not stupid enough to believe that she is this rational free thinker. Has she always just wanted to be some super conservative voice and she used the—dun dun dun—liberal media to finally obtain her platform? Or did Fox News train her to see herself as this poor misunderstood Christian? 10 years ago, were these non Fox News shows too focused on helping her past the Fox News bullying that no one really got a chance to hear her opinions? Does she just try to get attention with pissing off one group? Or is she just clueless and I am overthinking her whole career? Anyway, I don’t get her, and she could have been just as “I’m a conservative and proud! Ra Ra!” 10 years ago, but I just didn’t pay attention. Maybe she is just a troll.
  4. Right? And I feel like every guest responds to dumb questions like this with tact and grace because they know her personal history and they know they’d be a target of Fox News if they even dared say, “I’m not going to dignify that question with a response.” I also love how Meghan asked that question TWICE and completely ignored Jamele’s perfect response saying “some people might not get a woman of color’s experience because they’ve lived a difference experience.” Maybe Jemele should have translated her answer into Meghan-Rhetoric saying, “Sorry Meghan but you might not ‘get’ my experiences because you grew up in ‘gun country.’ For me it’s just so hard!! Ugh!” Maybe Meghan should take a 100 level African American history course so she has a little more empathy for people who don’t live in “gun country.”
  5. Okay, they chose the worst impersonator to win that contest. Just saying.
  6. I hope so - she completely undermined the whole segment to repeat exactly what Tomi What’s-her-face spewed on Fox and Friends. It undermines her cohosts and her network. Plus Sunny piped in to say she’s never felt disrespected as a prolife Catholic. The whole segment was supposed to be the team coming together to diffuse the faux outrage Fox News created, but then Meghan starts the fire again. I just don’t get her. Also, as she was speaking, Joy had this smile on her face that just looked like she was thinking, “You BS artist.”
  7. Whoopi’s starting to lose her patience with Meghan and I hope she starts shutting Meghan up sooner when she goes on her Fox News like rants. Really she just seems to be spreading the same talking points that Fox News spews everyday. We need to listen to Meghan if she, who has evangelical friends, is offended by a joke, but if someone calls republicans racist not condemning the KKK, then they are snowflakes who don’t get that Trump is preserving history and playing to his base. I’m officially done with trying to give Meghan a chance, she is really just there to spread Fox New’s talking points and I found it disgusting she wanted to do her endless liberal rant after Joy’s apology. First of all, no one on The View is preaching tolerance everyday; she made that up. They do try to have a discussion everyday, but Meghan prevents any conversation from being had by sticking to her silly talking points. She’s here to explain “red America” to those evil New York liberal tourists who got free tickets to sit in the audience of The View and bully Meghan. She doesn’t have opinions; she has talking points. I’m glad Whoopi told her to stop today and I hope Whoopi does it more in the future.
  8. I don’t understand why Meghan needs to feel defensive of SE Cupp when she was wrong. Friends can be wrong - don’t take it so personally. And Monica Lewinsky has been talking a lot these days about her initiatives to end cyber bullying. It’s interesting that some of these conservative hosts want to hear Monica talk so badly when she had a whole Ted Talk about how she wants her name to be known now as more than her affair with Clinton. She has talked, but she’s ready to be thought of as more than that moment in her life. Now she’s talking about what she is working on now — not 20 years ago. I wish one of the cohosts from The View could bring up this point every time these so called defenders of Monica Lewinsky want to have her talk again. Joy was right she’s been interviewed many times. I would have loved to see her reaction to Kimmel’s clip today.
  9. I think Meghan asked some good questions, but she uses way too much loaded and hostile rhetoric towards journalists. For a self proclaimed second amendment, patriot girl, we do have a freedom of the press. I think she has a good idea that “there’s no such thing as off the record,” but why does she have to frame it as such a bad thing? Holding elected officials and public leaders accountable for their words and actions is a good thing. Just my two cents. In other random observations, Whoopi is strangely less hostile so far in 2018. I don’t know if anyone else notices, but she can be really likeable when she chooses not to be so combative. I was amused at her playing the bass, yesterday she was really kind to the creator of Lady Bird, and I just feel like she’s being more lighthearted so far this year, which is nice to see.
  10. I think Meghan needs to go back to school and study something that allows her to learn how to grapple with difficult questions and argue effectively. Did anyone notice her getting hives? In this clip her chest gets redder and redder as time goes by. I actually feel kind of bad for her. She needs to be coached on how to lighten up and not take everything so personally. Both Greta and Ana did better at just being a part of the group.
  11. I think they took Mika Brezinski’s comments completely out of context and chose the part of her point that could be seen as the most sensationalized comment. During Mika’s whole discussion she talked about the New Yorker article about policing sex, and like Whoopi she and Joe were concerned about the allegations about the photos since they too have had to take thousands of pictures with fans. The part she showed, they were just discussing an article in the Washington Post where the author argues that the democrats reaction to Al Franken was an overreaction and that Franken was almost paying for the sins of Bill Clinton because there are more blurry areas in Franken’s allegations. Mika was saying that they didn’t really discuss that first accuser, Leeann Tweeden, who was on Hannity, posed for playboy and the more important point has many other salacious photos from the USO tours with other celebrities. What Mika didn’t mention is that Roger Stone knew about the story before it leaked and Tweeden is a friend of Don Jr. and they have many back and forth friendly tweets with one another going back from 2011. Like Mika, I’m all for the “Me Too” movement, but Mika was concerned about these allegations, not because she’s party first—she was disgusted with Bill Clinton back in the 90s and she believes Mark Halperins accusers, who was actually her personal friend and worked on Morning Joe—but because she worries “Me Too” is no longer about sexual harassment in the work place and its now focusing on more gray areas that could lead to a policing of sex. I think there are a lot of regular people who probably agree with what Mika is saying and I feel the media is kind of afraid to have Brezinski’s conversation because they are afraid of being called out for “slut shaming” or “victim blaming.” That’s what it seemed like many of The View cohosts made her comments out to be... I think they took one out of context comment and simplified her entire discussion. Mika wished the democratic senators were more overt with why they were calling for his resignation — that photo was politically damaging. But it did annoy me that they took her point out of context and I hope Mika calls them out for it.
  12. @Tanichka Agreed - I would prefer if 5 Meghan McCain clones joined the panel over Tomi Laren or Ann Coulter.
  13. I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this, but I remember yesterday she talked about growing up in the Reagan era of conservatism. She was born in 1984. Reagan was president from 1981-1989. I’m imagining Meghan analyzing politics at the age of 5.
  14. I didn’t know she majored in art history. She probably is the only art history major to land herself all of these television pundit job with no experience or educational background working in television/journalism.
  15. I watched the clip with Sunny taking down Meghan and had to stop it as soon as Meghan said, “I’ve spent a lot of time in red America and have seen the people.” Meghan McCain does not understand the average working American. She never struggled to get accepted into a college. She never struggled with student loans that have growing interest rates. Her name got her into college. Her name and wealth immediately paid for her education. She never struggled to get a job. Her name did that for her. And when she acts like she understands “red America,” stop. You are like the other Republicans who smear efforts to truly help the working class. Your father just announced that he is voting for the tax bill that will HUGELY BENEFIT Meghan personally since it repeals the estate tax. If what she is saying is correct about Trump voters—in that they are frustrated by the system that screwed them—she and her party is not doing anything to help them. And any criticism of this fact is met with “Wait a second!! What about blah blah blah?!??!” I don’t not necessarily dislike Meghan, but it she almost censors the others from being completely honest with their opinions because she counters it with, “I understand more than you because my dad is a politician.” She is a textbook definition of privilege and she may think she understands these working class red state voters, but she doesn’t because she supports the GOPs agenda. If they were truly conservative and working in America’s best interest, I would agree that we should give them a chance, but their party has become supporting corporations over people, winking at racists/bigots, and promoting misinformation, all through a guise of being “Patriotic.” She sure let’s everyone know about the “forgotten” and “angry” Trump voters, but she characterizes people against Trump and the GOP as “politicizing” everything. She does not care about the forgotten “blue” voter—those in the audience she roles her eyes at as they cheer on Sunny.
  16. Meghan apparently has read the article and has come back with her cliche, unoriginal "snowflake" comment. It's funny how these republican talking heads even use the same insults.
  17. I think it’s worth noting that Meghan McCain was absent from the interview with Woody Harrelson. As I watched the interview, for some reason he kept reminding me of something related to John McCain. Then I remembered that he played Steve Schmidt in the movie Game Changer. Meghan McCain has talked about her disdain for the film on a number of occassions... here for instance: But I just found her absence to be very apparent. Isn’t Julianne Moore on The View this week? She played Palin in the film, so I would be very curious to see if Meghan suddenly is backstage for her interview as well. (Happy first post ever to me.)
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