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Posts posted by solotrek

  1. Has Larry or anyone stated that they want to focus more on black issues? Is that what this show sets out to be about? Is my impression of what the show is focusing on messed up?


    The original name of the show was "The Minority Report" and it had to be changed because of the Fox show based on the movie Minority Report. If that helps you with what the original set up of the show was.


    This show is regulated for clip watch only because it seems less fact checked and informative than a satire show like this should be. I don't like watching comedians who aren't funny in any other circumstances and don't see any reason I should force myself to with this show either. And honestly, I find it annoying when "informed" guests are brought in and then ignored/spoken over on other programs, this show is no different. Too many strikes against it. Someone needs to find a happy middle between this and Bill Maher's show.

  2. A different UO: The more I hear about the revival, the less psyched I am to see it. And I really, really want to be!


    I watched the entirety of the X-Files revival and also the first episode of Fuller House. The bar for revivals is shockingly low right now. My psychness for this revival is also plummeting.

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  3. So how did you deduce from the above quotes that she had it for a whole semester?! Eh, never mind...life is too short! 

    Because neither makes sense if it were a one day job. Just because it wasn't on screen doesn't mean it wasn't in existence.


    Edit: Though I am happy we're in the one is the loneliest number page for this. The title makes more sense for this than UO.  Or I guess it could be a UO in general. But it sounds really dumb for me to say my UO is that she had that job for the semester.

  4. Rory in "Raincoats and Recipes" - So, I've been making out my résumé so I can try to get a summer job, because there is no way that I am going to swipe cafeteria cards again next year.


    From Paris in "But Not as Cute as Pushkin" - I can't believe you. You don't even have your loser card-swiping job anymore and you're buying all this crap for some kid you don't even know.


    Neither statement makes sense if Rory only had the job for a day.

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  5. She had that card swiping job for about a day. I know people love to nitpick, but I have no problem with the article leaving that out.

    She had it for a semester. It still counts. The fact that she thought it was beneath her to not do it again the next semester is the problem. I don't know about Yale, but those are the best campus jobs. You get to sit and study for the most part and they have normal hours. The only rule for ours was "no headphones" and I was only a few years behind Rory.

  6. Having never worked in her life (apart from that one day she spent volunteering), Rory moves in with Logan, and takes a sought-after internship at a company of her choosing. Money isn't an issue for Rory; she literally doesn't have to think about it.


    So the article forgets that she had that "loser card swiping job" as wells as telling Headmaster Charleston that she worked in her mom's inn.

  7. I just read a piece today about romcoms set in New York and how the single women in those romcoms, who have regular jobs like paralegal, writer, etc., have these great apartments that they could never afford in real life.


    I think NPR interviewed the guy who wrote that piece yesterday, because I heard that piece yesterday.


    Loved Rachel for her short stay, she could have been a good friend to Loralei vs. dating Luke


    If this is a UO, I'm right here with you. I thought Rachel could have been an interesting character with no real drawbacks. The only grounded and sane person in Stars Hollow for that matter.


    Objectively, I know that Gypsy embodies a lot of the traits I dislike in so many of AS-P's male characters: she's rude, negative, seemingly intent on disliking almost everything and everyone for no particular reason, etc. But she actually works for me, and I find her really entertaining...maybe it's because she wasn't around nearly as much as the male characters I'm thinking of, and hence she didn't have enough screentime or storylines to annoy me :)



    I agree, Gypsy would be a tiring character if she had more screentime. As it is, I don't hold strong feelings towards her.

    She could have left Stars Hollow,  moved to a larger community with a viable music scene and kept in touch with the guys in Hep Alien. I never could figure out what was keeping her in the town. Surely she could have found a job as a server elsewhere.


    There's a large difference between rent and cost of living in Stars Hollow vs NYC and she's within a decent travel distance to NYC (and Boston for that matter). Her server job at Luke's is going a lot further than in NYC. Plus because Luke is pretty relaxed about things, she probably has a significantly more flexible schedule than she would get anywhere else. Aside from not touring enough as a band and not even thinking of planning a tour without Mrs. Kim's help, Lane and her band match what I've seen with my friends/acquaintances. Feel free to PM me about this since I figure we're meandering away from UO territory.

  8. But in my earlier post, I was commenting on Lane and Logan after high school and what they were doing or not doing. Lane was already a proficient drummer at that  point in time. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't recall her taking up another instrument, learning music composition or in any other way, broadening her musicianship - beyond practicing with her existing band.

    With respect, her goal was to achieve success with her band, which she might have had Zach not melted down on stage. In that aspect of being a musician, she was doing everything correct. Getting as many gigs as possible and playing all the local spots and even going on a tour. Someone from my high school ended up getting significantly more famous than Hep Alien and this was how he and his band got started. Except with more drugs, alcohol, arrogance, and elicit behavior. 


    As for other instruments she played trumpet in high school in the marching band. I'm a woodwind and piano so I have a lot of shit to say towards the other sections (it's a band geek/orch dork thing), but trumpet is not an easy instrument to learn and play. Nor is a drum set, which she self taught right before joining the band; and that is pretty damn impressive. So she did broaden her musicianship a lot prior to joining the band.


    In terms of musical composition, we never saw if she took a composition class or not. For all we know, she took AP Music Theory in high school. I know my high school AP Theory class covered enough information that I basically waltzed through my college music minor.


    Aside from dropping the guys of Hep Alien and finding a new (less dysfunctional) band, there was little else Lane could have done in that area of things.

    • Love 2
  9. I think it does take focus to write an article, but not as much focus as it would take to consistently put out articles. Rory and Paris for example were focused on their end goals, thus were putting in a lot of effort into what they were out putting. Logan couldn't give a shit, but when he felt like it, could focus and do something. Just not at a consistent basis.

  10. Also Lane was basically the manager of the band as well, and that band was filled with man-childs. Honestly, if the whole band thing does end up falling to pieces and she doesn't want to drum anymore ever, I can see her being a band manager. Provided she's not in a relationship with someone in the band she manages who will end up throwing a massive jealous temper tantrum on stage. Because what the hell Zach?

    • Love 1
  11. One of my favorite scenes is when Emily is telling Lorelai that she saw Gran making out with a guy. Lorelai in disgusted shock and Emily just happily gloating, and then this exchange:

    Lorelai: "Was he hot?"

    Emily: "Excuse me?"

    Kelly Bishop's face when she delivered that line was priceless.

    • Love 2
  12. I think Lorelai was like that with Rory because Lorelai was clearly ready to say "I love you" to Dean within the first two weeks. 


    I'm with you though regarding the break up.  I think the underlying reason for the break up was stupid, given that they weren't that far along in the relationship (and who wants to have someone say "I love you," to you because they felt obligated?), but that's high school.

    If Rory didn't even know Dean's sister's name at the point of their break up, saying "I love you" is beyond too early.

    • Love 4
  13. He says something in the episode where he builds Lorelai an ice rink about how he knows he's grumpy about things but doesn't want her to be. That always sticks with me because I think that he likes how she's enthusiastic about a lot of stuff even when he grumbles about it.


    There's another moment similar to this after the fight where Luke finds out that Lorelai took his boat in and they're outside Miss Patty's. Lorelai says that she was just thinking how she thinks and not how Luke thinks and his response to her is to continue thinking how she does. It's kind of affirmation that (had the gigantic April wrench not get thrown in) Luke really was adjusting his life based on Lorelai's whims. She's happy he's happy. Of course when April was introduced, it was April first then Lorelai. While that has its issues, I'm actually ok with that sentiment (not how it was carried out).

    • Love 3
  14. I do feel like a lot of the people showing up would have seen each other in the past couple of years. A possible Chilton reunion aside, it just feels unrealistic for the "hi's and byes". Running into people randomly is fine, but it has to feel organic. Not a blatant "hey Jared got a few days off of Supernatural and we got him! Yay!" type of deal.


    So my grandfather passed away a few days ago and it's a big thing for me since he moved in with us when I was born. It got me thinking about how they would handle Richard's death on the show and how gut wrenching it's going to be. And even if  it might be few years past his death on the show (or however they handle it), it's going to be noticeable on the show. I know I'm projecting, any mention of grandfather and death; past grandfather deaths; death in family

    (the last episode of The X-Files was brutal for me)

    ; or death from pneumonia has got me going. But the revival really just got harder for me to watch.

  15. I'm actually ok with people coming back, but as long as it isn't one of those awkward "hey long time no see! Good to see you! Bye!" type of things. And also not a "OMG I still love you. I'll be here for a few minutes in this episode and then leave and none of this makes sense what a waste of time sorry."


    People like Chris, Jess, and April (actress not confirmed or anything) being in it makes sense. Chris is Rory's dad. Jess is Luke's nephew. April is Luke's daughter. It'd actually be odd to me if, in the year this takes place, they don't show up.

    • Love 4
  16. I think it's entirely probable that Dave Rygowski was supposed to be Lane's End Game Guy, and steady boyfriend and then, husband for the rest of the show. He had such a thoroughly dreamy and dramatic introduction for the boyfriend of the BFF. He was folded into Lane's band story so he could fill both roles of boyfriend and band mate. Adam Brody's acting style and ASP's dialogue are a match made in heaven. Given the tenor of the show, it's just so logical that Lane would get the High School Sweethearts 5evah! storyline in a contrast to how Rory and Paris flew too high and too far for high school sweethearts and Lorelai's high school sweetheart story's continuation into her adulthood was toxic.

    ....But then, The OC happened so ASP just scrapped plans without bothering to make a good alternative for Lane. Just pick the tallest, arguably sexiest of the other bandmates (who I actually thought was the least sexy compared to Brian and Gil).

    I get that Dave was end game and that Helen Pai married her Dave.


    But there was a season (plus a few episodes) between when Dave disappeared and when Zach became THE ONE. The OC became a hit very early on and it was quite obvious that Adam Brody was never coming back. So I guess my issue is that she had ample time and knowledge that the character of Dave was never going to come back. Instead of doing anything with that, she comes up with  a ridiculous and out of nowhere storyline for Lane and Zach. ASP never showed Lane and Dave ending their relationship (I think they were still dating after the marriage vase incident), Lane being upset it was over, Lane trying to move on, or why Lane fell for Zach. It all just happened. heck, I'd be happy if Lane never got together with Zach (or anyone) and her music did become her life. Or she would realize that maybe music wasn't everything and would find a new thing, similar to Rory's talking to from Mitchum except handled better.


    Except Lane just ended up with this dumb womanizer she has known for years (whom she never really felt anything for previously from what we were shown); he torpedoes their bands big break out of a jealous rage and then proposes to her a little later. They have awful virginity losing beach sex after marriage and she gets pregnant with twins. For a show that probably couldn't see realism from the rear view mirror anymore and wanted to show "woman power", it's just deeply depressing and sad when you really think about it.


    The best shows know when to write out characters who have run their course.

    • Love 2
  17. I don't remember when or if Brian moved out when Lane/Zack got married. If he did, I bet that a financial hit for Lane/Zack.


    Mrs. Kim moved in before or after the twins were born and had Brian move in with a Korean family. There was that whole argument that Mrs. Kim wanted Lane to come home after finding out she was pregnant, but both Zack and Lane were against it. So Mrs. Kim made the arrangements.But it did seem that sometime later Mrs. Kim went back home and Brian came back (or maybe he never came back), hard to tell. I think it was a s6/s7 continuity thing or something.


    So, the economics works for me, especially with a little TV-money licentious to explain how poverty always looks pretty. (Although, Lane actually dressed verrrry simply and always seemed like she was living on cheap unlike the SKENT-Gilmore Girls where I'd roll my eyes at skentness being shown by <gasp> having tomatoes in the house or Rory not having enough on her to have her full "vanilla-bullshit bullshit" fancy coffee <Larry David voice>.)


    It kind of made sense to me too. They seemed to buy things on a budget and were conscious of buying off brand items to save money. Heck they were going to a second hand shop to be a plunger or something like that. All their clothing were pretty down to earth and simple as well.


    The Lane/Zack thing kind of came out of nowhere. Lane never really got to explain why she was suddenly in love with Zach who she had known for years to be a dumb womanizer. It seems as bizarre to me as if Lorelai suddenly fell for Kirk. I honestly think it's sad that it's probably because they wanted Keiko to stay on the show, but ran out of storylines for her character. Then they realized that they could give Lane a boyfriend, but didn't want to spring for the money to get a new actor and also deal with that additional storyline of introducing a new guy for her (though no issues introduce Logan's cadre of friends). So basically, Lane has to get some dude that's already on the show with whom she already interacts.


    It was like AS-P message was: "Sex is so bad, look what could happen to you if you are married!" "Do it while you are single unless you are in high school, because you will get a baby then." "Or if you are absent parent in your own kids life." "Then you will knock up your girlfriend and have more kids you have a hard time being a parent too."



    The way sex was handled in this show was...odd.

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  18. I'd think that would be very risky.  What would happen if she then confronted the guy with the results you gave her, he didn't like what he heard and the whole situation blows up because he demands a test that shows he isn't the father?  Then, despite your good intentions, you've put your niece and sister through hell. 

    Which is why I assume Emily and Richard had asked if Luke got a test of his own. Because every normal person in the world would. Why would he have unyielding faith in the woman who hid his daughter from him in the first place?


    Also, it wouldn't really be putting your sister through hell since she'd be able to nip it in the butt very early on. Assuming she knows who the father is of course. So the only person that would be put through hell would be the niece (who would be put through hell if all the results were negative) and the guy (who no one cared about anyways). I'd also think that a normal guy would call Anna pretty soon after seeing the results and be more upset than Luke was.


    Yes, but you see my point. In the AS-P universe, the schools remain the same and don't get me started on Chilton.


    Sorry, I didn't see what you were saying previously. I totally agree. The schools there were just weird.

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