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Posts posted by solotrek

  1. Bill O'Reilly writes an "appreciation".


    And that’s what I appreciate. Unlike some of his soulmates, Jon Stewart is not a malicious man by nature. You can reason with him when he’s sober, although there are certain individuals that drive him crazy and he gives them no quarter. In that he’s human.


    Continuing the EW series from the previous page we now have an interview with Stephen Colbert.


    Josh Gad's interview with EW.


    Rob Corddry's interview with EW

    This was too good not to quote

    He was always very congratulatory. The show won a lot of Emmys, but the correspondents at that time weren’t credited as writers. So, the correspondents never got Emmys, which was fine — we understood the deal. It wasn’t a big thing. But he called Sam Bee, Ed Helms, and I into his office one day, and he was at his desk, and we sat down in front of his desk — and of course the desk is full of crap, covered in crap … including three Emmy statues.

    And he said, “You guys can each take one thing off my desk.” And of course I grabbed Bill O’Reilly’s book that he was just getting to. It was such a nice gesture. I don’t know of any other show that has done that, and it was a really, really sweet gesture. We call it our Commemmy. It’s a regular Emmy — it’s not smaller or weighs less — but on the back it says “Commemorative.” So it’s our Commemmy.



    A mishmash of interviews via EW

  2. Emily - My date with Simon was just dinner.

    Richard - My lunches with Pennilyn (?) were just lunches.

    Emily - OH LOLZ. My bad. Fight over.

    Richard - Oh haha. I'm glad we had this pointless fight.

    Emily - Let's spend and exorbitant amount of money to renew our wedding vows. We can invite all our friends to this awkward shindig where they can secretly judge how messed up we are.

    Richard - OK!


    I did like the separation, because the lead up to it was good. But goodness, the nothing that it was, was pointless.

    • Love 1
  3. They did air the segment, but they can never reair it.  I know someone who was a social worker there at the time and she said that people were really upset.

    My bad. I just looked into it and it looks like it was a Kilborn era piece and that's why I had never seen it. I had assumed it just never aired. Thanks!


    Edit: Abay, here's Stephen's explanation. Given what I had seen from the Month of Zen and what the field pieces used to be like, I can only imagine what the piece was and probably why people were pissed.

  4. I mean Paris is the most unglued person on the show for sure. Totally agree with your friend there. Fun to watch, but I'd choose to hang out with every person on the show over her in real life. Even Taylor or Kirk. And there's no way she should be near patients let alone other stressed out  med students or arrogant attendings or power tripping residents. She should have gone to law school and been a lawyer.

    • Love 1
  5. Interviews with people from the show and famous people (a lot of whom I don't know).


    Apparently, Christopher Walken is a huge fan of the show and did an interview about Jon leaving.


    EW Interviews with Jessica Williams, Olivia Munn, John Oliver, and Lewis Black. With more to come IIRC.


    Edit: EW with Ed Helms.

    Edit 2: EW with Rob Riggle.

    Edit 3: EW short anecdote with Dan Bakkedahl.

  6. To be fair, most of those listed don't have "mainstream" success. I was actually kind of surprised by Samantha Bee's inclusion. She was on the show forever and she also has a new show on TBS, but until that show comes out and does well, she's not really going to be well known beyond TDS fan circle. Same with Demitri Martin. What happened to him? Heck, Jason is a EP and starring in a TBS show coming out and he wasn't in the supercut. I don't think Lewis Black was included either and he's been on the show forever and he's everywhere. Same with Kristen Schaal.

    • Love 2
  7. Do a lot, most, hardly any of your friends get your news from the Daily show?


    Most my friends (early to late 20s)watch  the show (as well as Last Week Tonight), but it isn't their main source of news. Main source is something called the internet. Every taping I've ever been to, the audience seemed to have more people in their ~early 20s to early 30s (since you have to be over 18 so there won't be people younger, and I can't really distinguish between a 19 year old and a 20 year old by looking at them) than older.

    • Love 1
  8. My favorite part of the episode was Paris going to the banana eating contest because she wanted real food. Then after Rory talks to the guy, you hear a crowd making a sound of disgust and Paris going "why call it a banana eating contest if you're not supposed to eat the banana?" Definitely something I missed when younger that never fails to crack me up now.

    • Love 1
  9. IIRC, Sookie made the million tarts before they really cleared a menu with Emily. It made no sense. It's like when they catered the kids LOTR birthday party and Sookie made a ton of extravagant entrees and appetizers with a chocolate rum raisin cake. That's a lot of money to spend on something they probably weren't going to get paid a lot for. And if the parents were going to get the receipts and pay for all the ingredients after the party, I'm surprised the mother didn't make sure what Sookie was going to serve was kid appropriate. It seems like they lost more money for that party than brought in. Sookie was an awful business partner in that regard.

  10. Just a heads up for anyone who has tickets for the final week. Get there early. On Monday when people thought it was Ted Cruz, the first people arrived around 5:30AM. Yesterday (7/29) the first people arrived at 7:30AM. The line already looped once around by 11:30AM (maybe by noon). There were 41 "VIPs" who went to yesterday's show. Remember they overbook the show and the VIPs take precedent over the people who wait in line. I can only imagine what it will be like for the last week. You MUST reserve a ticket here. They have no official stand-by line. It seems like one of the women who arrived at 8AM yesterday assumed that it was possible to get in as long as you arrive early. That is not the case. Though when people were allowed into the studio later, someone asked about stand by tickets and were later let in. Do not quote me on this, perhaps she was asking for someone else. For the most part, the line was long, the VIP line looked long and this was only for the 2nd to last week.


    It looks like it's going to be brutally hot again, just be aware that the awning doesn't really give proper shade from the sun until ~10:30. Until then, you will be pounded by the sun. And if you end up in the loop part of the line, the awning doesn't offer you much from the sun. Bring water or be prepared to buy it at the deli or Subway. I drank about 2 L from morning to the taping. The Subway next door lets you use the bathroom as long as you buy something. They charge you per refill as well if you plan on getting a drink from them. There's a 2 hour gap between when they release tickets and when you're expected back for the taping. You can bring a snack and get lunch then. Or there's the deli a few doors down (on the same block) or the Subway next door. But since you probably want to spend the 2 hour gap in a place with AC, might as well go somewhere with food.


    Mod, put this where it needs to go. I figured people who have tickets for this week would be coming to this thread, but not sure if this is the place for it? I had been to tapings before but truly underestimated how uncomfortable it would be to just sit around in this heat. And after hearing about the woman who sat from 8AM to 2:30PM in 95 degree heat not including humidity only for her to hear that she sat around for no reason, people should know these things.

    • Love 3
  11. They don't cover it. They covered the politico story and there was a Jordan klepper piece about a town in Arkansas. The internatioan opening taped was about the Saudi King in the French Riviera.

    For anyone interested how Jon felt about Tom Cruise, he said that he was really happy to have friend of the show Doris Kearns Goodwin on the show tonight and that from tonight on,it'd finally only be friends of the show and people he really cared about. I took it as a subtle dig.

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