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Posts posted by Mollysmom

  1. 6 hours ago, gunderda said:

    It bugged me that she was just trying to crank out artwork for this thing. It just makes art so inauthentic when you're doing it just so you can have mass quantities.  And we saw her attempting a 'dirty pour' painting in one episode - if she's able to do those then she should have had LOTS of those. they turn out really cool if you know what  you're doing.  It's something I wn ant to start trying. 

    Yeah, a lot of her art looked like she just slapped it together. Speaking of the "dirty pour" art, I just bought everything to learn how to do this. Until now, I've just done painting of objects, but I love the abstractness of paint pouring. 

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  2. 13 hours ago, Lovelylv said:

    Alex constant crying and whining is unbearable to watch and it has just gotten worse, you could tell he’s a smart kid very vocal smart aleck. I don’t know why his mom baby him so, maybe because he has the most health problems i don’t know but I do feel like Amber herself needs therapy she has issues that she needs to deal with, she’s overpowering and controlling and Trent bless his soul just enables that behavior. Amber nitpicks every little thing. Doesn’t seem to support any of her kids choices if it’s not her ownes. like when Anna was trying to help her mom with makeup you can tell Anna likes and practices it and Amber was so not with it, it’s just makeup lady dang. Family/individual therapy would help them all.

    I agree that Amber is really overbearing to the point of being really annoying. She just seems really bossy all the time. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Maharincess said:

    They did suck for allowing that poor kid to have a camera in her face while she was so terrified.  And anyone who is on a reality TV show are fame whores. Especially people like this couple who don't need the money.  

    I have no clue who the people you mentioned are but a fame whore is a fame whore.  

    I really don't think they did the show for the money. There is STILL a HUGE misconception about disabled people and what they can do, can't do, or should/shouldn't do. I've seen it on these message boards - people making assumptions about what they think disabled people should have, do and not have and do. There are so many assumptions made about disabled people, that I have actually thought about pitching an idea for a show - I have Spina Bifida and walk on crutches. There are very few people who walk on crutches so I get stared at like I"m a freak all the time. And people are constantly telling me what I should and shouldn't do or what they think I need help with just based on what I look like. We need shows like this to normalize and teach "normal" people about disabilities. But I guess that if I did have a show about my life with my disability would make me a fame whore. I don't think so, but apparently that's what some people think. 

    • Love 11
  4. 8 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

    Imagine the kids using scooters and banging into walls and putting themselves at risk by accidentally going down stairs!  Both kids were guilty of ramming their toys into walls in Houston with Jen yammering to no avail “stop it!”   

    They also might have considered increasing the depth of the steps instead of adding more steps.  Bill is not a designer!

    As far as income well they have the TLC money, their books, speaking engagements in addition to salaries.  The pee pad income has yet to be realized but likely was a consideration when they applied for their mortgage.  Vehicles are likely leased and written off somehow....also what about disability income.

    If you make more than abouit $1300 a month, you're not getting disability! LOL!

    • Love 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

    I don’t see any posts saying Jen was arrogant, not sure how we got here and not sure how megalomaniac applies either in any posts.  


    19 hours ago, Libby said:

    Bill thinks that he's hilarious, he also acts like one of the kids. He's a horrible disciplinarian and actually causes some of the kid's behavior problems. He likes to act like a big shot - Mr. Money and Mr. Cool.

    However, he praises Jen to the end. If anything negative happens in the public's eye, he takes responsibility for it. At the end of the day, he protects Jen and plays her up no matter what. That's what's important to Jen.

    She couldn't care less if he's a fool who doesn't raise her children properly and acts like a big shot. As long as she's always top dog and he takes the fall whenever she doesn't look so great, she's happy.

    In long term marriages, both people get what they need. Bill and Jen's  partnership works for them.

    The bolded could be construed as the poster thinking Jen is arrogant. 

    If people think Bill acts like a kid, have you ever seen Chip Gaines from Fixer Upper? I had to stop watching that show because he screwed around acting like he was 10 years old all the time, and Joanna just laughed at him. Bill relates well to kids. Nothing wrong with that. 

    • Love 3
  6. On 11/2/2018 at 5:17 PM, Libby said:

    I have no doubt that Bill and Jen overwhelmingly love their children. I also have no doubt that they overwhelmingly love the TLC money. They are trying to get the money while also trying not to hurt their children. I think that they will find that they made a big mistake. A lot of children are not kind. The children already have disabilities to overcome. Their parents are putting them in a position that they also have to overcome being TV personalities. Children can be cruel. The older that the kids get, the meaner that their peers will be.

    The girl who played Annie on Broadway when I was growing up, went to a nearby high school. She was brutalized by the other girls. She was playing a character, not herself. Will and Zoey will have it worse.  Bill and Jen can't even imagine how they are setting up their children to be hurt.

    Or maybe kids will be nicer to them because they think it's cool that they have been on TV. Whether they are on TV or not, they will get teased, made fun of, etc. Kids (and a lot of adults) are mean. I don't think being on tv is going to make it any worse. 

    • Love 10
  7. 3 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    caught some re-runs on at lunch, the episode where Anna had bet Elizabeth she couldn't push herself up the ramp with no assistance. Trent clearly helped her, he was holding her chair so she wouldn't roll back, do I blame him, no. However, Elizabeth COULDN'T PUSH HERSELF UP THE RAMP WITH NO ASSISTANCE. I know Anna has had some issues, based on the show, & it makes me wonder if she feels like she's not treated the same as the others. I had a step parent, I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about Amber, maybe I'm wrong........

    I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling either. From either of them actually. They are just very matter of fact. And in the previews, she is telling the kids they may lose their house -- who does that? That isn't something to tell little kids. 

    • Love 4
  8. 21 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

    Heritage Tours.   Count me in the group that doesn't "get them".   Not to sound harsh, although I'm sure it will, wasn't it enough that adoptive parents traveled a great distance, at great personal expense, to adopt their children and give them a better life?  Perhaps when they are grown, they can go back to study their heritage.  I just see them as someone's marvelous marketing scheme to play on guilt (you took them away from their land of birth!) or generous nature  of adoptive parents, a la, "oh, your adoptive children just *have* to have these tours, or they will be missing out on so much of their heritage!"

    I happened to catch "7 Little Johnstons" this morning and they were talking about taking a trip. The girl they adopted from Russia said "Let's go to Russia! I want to see where I came from" or something to that effect. The mom said they didn't have passports or anything and the trip was short notice. So I can see taking kids back to where they came from. They wonder who they really are and where they came from. It doesn't take away anything from the adoptive parents - if the adoptive parents feel like it does, that speaks more to their own insecurity of whether the child loves them or not I think. I think everyone has a curiousity to know where they came from. Look at how popular genealogy is, and DNA testing. 

    • Love 11
  9. 54 minutes ago, sATL said:

    re: the pee pads...

    I don't own a dog, so please be patient in me asking this question. I thought once dogs are trained they go outside. Is that not true? I see dogs outside and they and their owner seem so happy.

    and the reason to manufacture in China was cost and time to market ?

    I have a dog that I got when she was about 5 years old. She was pee-pad trained. I have tried for the last 3 years to get her to go outside, and she will sometimes, but she still wants to pee on the pee pad. So no, not all dogs will go outside. Mine is a 6 lb Morkie though. 

    • Love 3
  10. On 10/9/2018 at 9:09 PM, ShaNaeNae said:

    I love 7 Little Johnston’s and looking forward to their return. One thing I’ve always liked about several LP families on TLC is they don’t accommodate their house because they’re little. They want the kids to get used to average height stuff like counters because that’s how the world is built. Then I go to hearing Bill bragging “we need an elevator, small counters, etc.) and it just gave me the ughs. 

    Another reason I haven’t enjoyed this show the last season or two is Jens favoritism of Zoey. They make sure Zoey is the princess of their world. She is not going to handle criticism as she matures, thinking she’s just as perfect as her parents have told her she is. I feel bad for the girl. 

    Yes, disabled people, like myself, need to get used to living in a "normal" world, but in your own home, if you have a physical issue, there is no reason not to accommodate it if you can. I don't cook much because I am short and walk on crutches - about 4'10" and when I cook at the stove, my face is just inches from the pan. If I could afford it, I would redo my kitchen to have lower counters and lower cooktop to make it easier for me. I also have to live in a ranch style house. If I lived in a two story house, I'd want an elevator also. There is a limit to what disabled people can do and put up with on a daily basis. If someone has the money to make their house suit their needs, go for it. I would in a heartbeat because it would make things so much easier on me physically. I would put in all drawers and no upper cupboards because beyond the bottom shelf, I can't reach any higher, and getting on a chair or step stool is really dangerous for me. I have had the upper cupboards lowered a couple of inches, but it still isn't enough to really use them. I guess unless you have these issues, you can't fully understand the need to make things easier.

    • Love 18
  11. I've been seeing reruns in the early mornings of this show. I may be in the minority, but I can't stand Trent. He seems to always be making sexual comments. Once in a while, fine, but it just seems he is a total horndog and it's gross. He also looks mean, like you wouldn't want to mess with him. 

    • Love 1
  12. 55 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

    Is it just me or do they still not have those babies on a schedule?!?! I mean they were feeding 2 babies, at the ball field the helper asked if she needed to finish feeding a baby?  Gracious I can't imagine that. 

    I thought that too. Even with twins, they needed to be on a schedule so you aren't constantly feeding a kid. 

    • Love 1
  13. Maybe there wouldn't be a health benefit to breast feeding them either. My sister had 2 preemies, one 7 weeks early, the other 4, and they both had to have special formula to get extra calories and other things that normal breast milk doesn't provide. (She wouldn't have breast fed anyway, but she couldn't if she wanted to, because as preemies, they needed a special formula.) 

    I also have twin sisters, granted not nearly as many as them, but still multiples. It was important to feed them at the same time, took two people, so that my parents could get some rest in between. 

    • Love 1
  14. 44 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    Have Bill and Jen ever said why they prefer two-story homes? They're constantly making an issue about stairs, you'd think the obvious solution would be to live in a single story house. Part of me thinks it's an ego boost for Bill to brag about his elevator. 

    Where did Aunt Barbara come from? Are the other relatives no longer willing to play nanny? 

    On a more positive note, Will's speech is so improved. Even though they add the subtitles, I can understand him easily. I also thought his "I can't stop loving pasta" was hilarious. The struggle is real. Zoe washing dishes like a well-seasoned housewife was cute as well.

    2 story houses are more common, and they are generally cheaper. My dad was a building contractor and said that 2 story houses were much cheaper to build because the footprint was smaller. I'm disabled and live in a ranch house. I've been looking at other houses, and all that I can see for sale are 2 story or split-level houses. Very very few ranch style houses. 

    Plus, I think a lot of people like beautiful staircases. They do look nice. 

    • Love 6
  15. 10 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    He could go to the public library and use a dictionary! Why doesn't Karine teach him some useful words/phrases? Walk around the city and teach him the words for things!  Do they do anything but sit around that filthy apartment and whine? 

    I would think they both would just start picking things up just from repetition. It's really not that hard to learn some basic phrases. 

    10 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Tarik is some kind of magician. Oh, no, you will be homeless? Let me just look at airbnb on my phone for you. Well, what do you know!  Here's a place right in this very  building, all you have to do is go pick up the key. Problem solved. And Tarik will pay for it, of course.  Hazel, you are homeless no more!

    Karine was sooo ready to get a divorce when she is pregnant. She has a miscarriage and now is madly in love with Pole again? 

    Jesse said he went to Darcy's room and she was laying on the floor crying "I'm dying, I'm dying". Jesse loves the crazy. 

    Karine could be trying to learn English, too, since she will be living in the US. They both have plenty of time on their hands. 

    Both Jesse and Darcy love the drama. Of course Jesse loves the crazy, since he is crazy. 


    (BTW: Bichonblitz, love your name and know exactly where you get it. I have a Bichon/Shih Tzu that does the "Bichon Blitz" every day!)

    • Love 2
  16. On 7/21/2018 at 12:40 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

    Good grief, In watching these marathons, is there a couple that IS NOT annoying beyond belief? In a way, I like the Fixer Upper concept better in that the homeowners show up to pick out and buy the house, they okay the initial design, and then we don't see them again until the end, when everything is done.  No fussbudget husbands and indecisive wives changing their minds constantly. 

    But that's reality. Homeowners that are building or renovating are constantly making changes. Sometimes you have to when you see something actually done in the space. My dad was a building contractor for 40 years and it drove him nuts but sometimes when you see things in the space, they don't work or you don't like it. He remodeled my house a few years ago and I made a few changes - not huge, but changes nontheless. 

    • Love 2
  17. 13 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    When did Danielle get a boob job? 

    Adam is a whiner. Good grief. 

    She doesn't know the meaning of stress until she is poor with 5 screaming kids at home and wondering if the bills will be paid that month. I hope TLC is paying them well. 

    No kidding. She has no idea how stressful life is living poor, not being able to go on vacations, and worrying about something breaking down and not being able to afford to fix it. Sometimes adults need to just suck it up and keep the good paying job they don't like, to keep up the lifestyle they want. 

    • Love 7
  18. 13 minutes ago, sATL said:

    I agree what was predicted last week - he was getting downsized - or felt he was getting downsized. Must got a big severance and didn't have to sign a non-recompete document. . Either secretly or publicity - that had another plan in the works for income. 

     Danielle is grinning he gave 2 weeks notice. I just don't see anyone spouse being that calm and happy looking when the stability rug was pulled out from under you b/c the other spouse missed a pony ride, dancing with streamers, making pasta dough and routine dentist appt. And they are 3 - he was more needed at home when they were infants.

    Mimi went to Hawaii ??? and she just started a new job? During the rise of the selling/buying season - ie spring ; people want to be in their new home by the time school starts in the fall..hmmm

    No, she didn't. They were talking about how they wished she would have come, but she was working or something. They had a whole discussion about how impressed they all are that she is going through with the Realtor job. 

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