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Posts posted by MssdDrms

  1. 25 minutes ago, dnzkzy said:

    Splits in general : Tasha -third from the left turned and rolled outward in her hip( means she can’t fully get into split position), rookie second from the right  (turned inward again cant fully get into split), rookie Miranda in dead center - right leg sickeled and foot turned in-girl you are dead center ! Then there is chunk a munk on right end ; left knee bent up and turned in- she is right behind the knees and not flexible.  All basic Dance knowledge but all three ladies make the best of da best ...seriously Judy and Kelly ? Thought you knew Dance

    It's like Jessika is saying..."Ta-Da!!!  look at me...see my belly touch my knee!!"  Cause it looks like it does!  Can anyone say TRAINWRECK??

    • Love 11
  2. 17 hours ago, PBSLover said:

    God, does every word have to be shortened?  It just sounds stupid.  I mean no disrespect to @mmm.  Press conferences are now pressers.  Just as stupid.  Sorry moderators to go off the subject.  

    This is my hot button.  I watch Billions and they use the word “presser" all the time.  I just hate it.  And don’t get me started on “cray.”  Again, it’s my problem. 

    I’m out.

    LOL!!!  My apologies now for using 'cray cray' in one of my posts!  Too funny!!  I tend to agree with you though...are we a society that has gotten too lazy to speak our words fully???

    • Love 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, WaterSpirit said:

    I am still quite chuffed that Taryn was cut over Christina. Christina's low kicks are yes, painfully obvious, especially on the left. Then Jessika, oh my Stars!! I remember a certain DCC who had pos comments on her individual dance tryouts that did not make it back after she went the wrong way on first kick in kick line. For Crying in the Night.

    In comparison, Holly sure could kick... For all of the deal breaker talk in regards to kicking...seems more than a tad unfair. Boo.

    I liked Taryn way more than Christine.  At any rate, I think she's a one-timer.

    • Love 8
  4. 5 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Unfortunately, I think Savannah or Rachel took that spot :(

    I think Brennan should have gotten it over Rachel.  If they had made Brennan a brunette with her blue eyes, I think she would have been a knockout.  I know it wasn't her looks that knocked her out, but how many times have they said during the makeovers that the right look could impact their dancing like a DCC?

    • Love 5
  5. 16 hours ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

    So again just speculation, but pretty sure its DCC

    Quotes from the article:

    1) "Exactly one week later, I weighed 118....I'd lost 9 pounds (and an entire bra cup size) in seven days! The choreographer patted my butt and said "Good girl!"  - that sounds like Kitty Carter to me.

    2)  "When you put 35 hungry, pretty girls together" - 2006 squad was 35.

    3) "reality-show levels of drama ensue" - okay so we all understand this.

    4) "identifying myself as a cheerleader in public" - heard this is the rule.... would some random cheer team like the Chiefs have this rule (oops sorry sore subject with the KC Chiefs, on this board)

    5) "I even had to turn down public appearances for my media job (as in, the one that actually paid my bills) because the squad worried I was a risk to their reputation. " - So Dulce Rosales did commercials and other talent agency events per her online resume.

    6) "The constant negative feedback and constraining rules were murdering my self-esteem" - Again this sounds like DCC to me not the Seattle Sea-Gals or Buffalo Jills.

    7) "The Power of the Uniform" - Really, because we all can't get over the power of the Iconic Uniform of the New England Patriots.

    8) "when it came time for a second season, I opted out" - Ducle Rosales cheered one year.

    Wow!  You are hard core to know all this stuff!!!   I'm impressed!

    • Love 2
  6. 2 hours ago, MyMomSaysImSpecial said:

    What is the obsession about KaShara at point?!  KaShara is point, she will remain point.  She is killing it this season.  Let's think about this logically.  KaShara is obviously not the first person to come to mind when you think point of the DCC triangle.  SO, there MUST be a reason why she is point.  Kelli and Judy are not stupid.  They know who to pick for the front of their squad.  So, has anyone stopped to consider that KASHARA MAY HAVE EARNED that spot?  Maybe her behavior was more upstanding than Jenna's and Kelli and Judy thought, "Hey, KaShara is killing it this season.  Let's make her the point of this triangle because we trust the squad in her hands."  I mean, come on guys, let's face it.  This squad is not always about who the best dancer is. 

    I love KaShara at point...she's one of the few bright spots in the team right now.  Speculation on how Jenna might work her way back to point is just that...speculation. I think she's a weak leader and that's what hurt her more than anything.  Leading from behind never works!   KaShara is just fun to watch!


    I don't know what kind of fitness Christina teaches but she looked wore out during the cycling scene.  No way does she do that six times a week.  

    • Love 7
  7. 6 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

    I still have a soft spot for Jenna despite all this. I feel she has been very harshly reprimanded for her actions. Yes remove her from the hall of fame trip but I think she should have remained as point in the triangle. 


    If she doesnt get Pro Bowl, which I agree is highly unlikely, I would like to see Lacey. I LOVE KaShara but don’t think a 3rd year should get it. I’d say Jinelle as she is the second highest senior but I’m not her biggest fan. 

    Season is early so she may be banned from point for so many games, then when she's out of the doghouse she'll assume point again.  I love KaShara too and she's really bringing  it this year.  I think Lacey or Jinelle will go to Pro Bowl.

  8. 1 hour ago, KnyghtRyder said:

    Sorry about that, @ByTor! My quoted reply posted incorrectly.  My entire iPad is freaking out right now! It's on it's last leg, and I'm praying to every spiritual entity I've ever heard of that it lasts till Christmas! 

    Regarding the photo, the spacing is off on the right side. Maddie needs to move an inch to her left and come up about an inch or two. Then Simone needs to move a shade to her right (closer to Stephanie) and then shift Amy L to her right also, moving her a shade closer to Simone.  That would put Simone directly between Cersten and Milan and then Amy L between-ish Milan and Maddie. Although I think Selina handled her "weight warning" talk very maturely, I think her place in the formation is the right decision.  I know she has a teaching career, wonder if she comes back next year.

    Christina's name *was* mentioned as possibly being present but Shelly commented that Christina was with her (Shelly) on the night in question.  Although I don't think we are gonna see everything that went down, I'm comfortable believing that rumors of the incident probably got Kelli's attention, whether there was already grumbling in the ranks or social media clued them in, and she started her own investigation of sorts into it before confronting Holly (and possibly Jenna).  Kelli's name is now intrinsically linked to DCC - I'm not a Cowboys fan (although my great uncle did play for them a long time ago), I'm not a TX native, I don't live there now - but when I think of the Cowboys, I think of DCC and Kelli McGonagill Finglass. My husband, who IS a Cowboys fan, calls her the Pretty Dark-Haired Head Bitch (a compliment, I promise you).  To me, Kelli had to act on it to shut it down for not just the DCC rep, but hers also. I shutter to imagine being called into Charlottes office for a reprimand.  From what most of us have been able to glean, it seems Jenna and Holly were called on their bad behavior and given the option of A. punishment or B. quit. Maybe Jenna chose option A and Holly chose option B?  It makes me sad for her, I thought she was adorable and was definitely a fan, showboatin' and all!  Do I think this type of rule-breaking behavior has happened before? Of course! But when it is done so publicly in this age of social media...man, bad decisions. I don't even think it is entirely tattletales, it seems like this generation cannot keep themselves off social media. My stepson snap chatted his microwave burritos today. MICROWAVE BURR-IT-OS! Not even good ones! Maybe 12 years ago, if you were a favorite, a blind eye may have been turned, but not today. I guess I see it like @parrotfeathers, no one is indispensable and the rep of the squad is most important to TPTB (The Powers That Be).  I'll still watch regardless, this show is such a guilty pleasure. ☺️

    Sorry my post is so long!

    Holly may have thought they wouldn't let her quit since she's been a big fav.

    • Love 3
  9. 4 hours ago, Java said:

    An addiction is an addiction, yes, but I disagree with the better or worse aspect.  IMO the implication was that she could've been getting illegal drugs from a bad crowd.  She wasn't doing anything illegal; if anything her doctor failed her by giving her legal meds without proper monitoring.  Courtney has come out on the otherside of that time of her life, and I'd hate for an old, inaccurate rumor to get new life.

    I'm glad the rumor mill was wrong about Courtney and I'm happy she's come thru it OK.  She seemed so sweet. 

    • Love 2
  10. 8 hours ago, GBPack22 said:

    I would love to know what the contract violations really are? Who slept with who??!  And can anyone remember back a few seasons when Courtney (with the wild curly hair) made it to camp and at the first team meeting Kelli was in tears about losing someone and they never touched on it again?! Why did Courtney quit? She was my all time fav!

    Rumor mill had it Courtney C had gotten in with a bad crowd and had a little drug problem.  I liked her too.

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