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Everything posted by McKinezeInFloMnd

  1. Is Caroline basically a Gold Digger, she only dates NHL Hockey Players and now millionaire App developers. She seems shady.
  2. Hypothetical Question: If Hayleigh wins the HOH, who is she putting up? Angela and Kaycee?
  3. Tyler and Angela seem to be getting too close, even though this isn't a full blown Showmance, it's starting to appear that way. This could be the one downfall to Tyler's game...he needs to tread with caution here.
  4. Scottie fell in love with Hayleigh and it basically destroyed his BB game. He blew it.
  5. Is KaShara the only veteran to confirm this is her last year and she is retiring. Could we be looking at a situation where 30+ girls could be re-auditioning next year for the team. I know Season 8 had 32 returning veterans, which I believe was the highest in the MTT era. Wow Finals next year could be a Blood Bath.
  6. How does Taylor pull off that hair flip in this video, that was fricking amazing. I'm starting to become a huge fan already after one game.
  7. Is Tess still the tallest on the squad, or did Taylor pass her on the height scale? Also, do they stand next to each other in the kick line? Taylor looks stunning in the uniform, was watching the game on TV and they showed her in the background.
  8. Just wanted to give a shout out to Selina...she is so beautiful and was such an amazing DCC....great Ambassador as well. I will certainly miss her on this squad.
  9. MTT is going nowhere for sure. Reality shows are the cheapest content to produce and CMT needs content. MTT also has a massive crossover effect, NFL, Cowboys, dancing, drama....the template of the show might be the same each year, but it's new characters each year that keep it fresh.
  10. Well I guess we can put to bed all the "Nepotism" talk for this season. I really do hope that Dayton and Victoria eventually become DCCs....Hopefully whatever happened with VK was just a minor misunderstanding and doesn't jeopardize any chance of her re-auditioning....and I really hope Dayton gets another year under her belt dancing on this cruise ship and gets more comfortable with the production aspect of her shows...which will set her up for success in front of the MTT Cameras.
  11. If that is true, that is definitely one of the 7 Deadly DCC Mortal Sins.
  12. It has to be fraternization, that is the #1 DCC Mortal Sin - again she probably pulled a Paige and DCC pulled the Plug. Twitter accounts don't come down that fast for nothing once TC starts.
  13. There is no way Tara got cut for weight or being out danced. She's drop dead gorgeous....what did she do... what was her "DCC Mortal Sin".....yes its mortal sin not moral sin(I'm Catholic, lol)
  14. Are we overlooking the obvious on why Tara got cut...."Fraternization" That was the mortal sin.
  15. If Tara is no longer on the team, I don't think it was because of weight, or some great job....I got a feeling Tara might have pulled a Paige, just speculation, nothing to back this up.
  16. I really hope Scott Padgett of CBS 11 doesn't get released from being a judge per his comments on Victoria. That forum should be without any bias.... many people see things differently than others. Different points of view should always create the best team for DCC.
  17. That is really the unknown question, I'm team Dayton all the way...this is only a theory, but she probably just wasn't picking up the dances and style at the pace TC moves at. Nothing to be ashamed of either... I'm bummed because it sounds like she isn't going to tryout again. Which sucks, because she would have made an exceptional DCC.
  18. My thoughts on Episode 1: 1) Kelli looks amazing, wow she is so beautiful. 2) Nick Florez is such a breath of fresh air, instead of Anthony Ramos. Not hating on Anthony Ramos, he just seemed out of place on the show with his segments. They seemed forced. Nick Florez is perfect for MTT. 3) Daphne (UCLA) Cheer captain. Ugh got a weird vibe from her edit. She seemed unapproachable and fake and had a RBF. (might be against the rules of this board to type out what RBF means) 4. Madline Notre Dame, yes she is the full package. 5. And Victoria, wow she seemed real to me, extremely approachable, didn't seem stuck up at all or entitled. She obviously can dance and looks like a DCC, always thought she did. It shocked me though how likable she was, because in the famous words of Kelsey Lowrance "Oh Those Boards" painted her as monster leading up to this.
  19. I noticed that as well, just guessing on this, but they probably do the Kelli introduction speech in different groups, they probably seat around 135 at a time. Kelli walks out and talks to them, then the next group comes out. They might do that for a handful of reasons. Again just a guess on that.
  20. Gina has looked amazing in photographs this summer...a while back i posted I didn't think she looked photogenic. (Again just in photos, she is absolutely gorgeous in real life and on video) I need to retract that photogenic statement....honestly I can see her now as Point in the near future.
  21. I agree love that Kelli addressed the Kalyssa and Alexandria issue, and stated Brennan should have been on last years squad. Ugh which makes me also believe Taryn should have been on last years squad too. Taryn is so stunning, perfect fit for DCC....really bummed she didn't try out this year.
  22. Wow that IG Story photo is extremely cryptic, I don't see Dayton now re-auditioning at all. I wonder what happened. Someone spill the Tea or theory's...I'm dying to know.
  23. Wow 11 days away till the Season Premiere of MTT!
  24. Wow, that doesn't even look like Miranda, I'm not sure of the new look. I think I'm more of a fan of the jet black hair.
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