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Everything posted by TUOwl84

  1. @Smplsimon are you able to let us know which rookie candidates made the team?
  2. Unfortunately, because they had a show to make and probably had a contract with CMT stating how many seasons need to be made.
  3. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/08/19/no-cheerleaders-or-mascots-on-the-field-in-2020/
  4. I still think after the CMT season airs. I think they'll do it as soon as the last episode airs.
  5. Lily's twitter won't load for me either now.
  6. Looks like Meredith's twitter is gone too. It won't load for me.
  7. If Hannah bombed her interview... they took Tasha and Christina who both bombed interviews and should've been cut, and in my opinion, Hannah is still a better dancer then both of them.
  8. So DCC instagram page posted a Nike ad with Rachel W, Lexi, and Tess today. Yet only Gina and Maddie have liked the image. Usually the DCCs comment all over every post. Very interesting!
  9. Also Madeline Molloy is not a better dancer then Hannah. Most of the time I forget she is on the squad. Kristin is not a better dancer than Hannah either. Couldn't TPTB have created a "storyline" around either of them instead of Hannah? 😩
  10. Dinner breaks during TC? That seems unusual. If I was dancing for hours I would not want to stop to eat. I also recall Daphne saying that after TC she was eating dinner and I recall it was towards her bedtime in her Vet Vlog.
  11. I think Elli may have been cut too, because she posted an insta story around 6pm Dallas time, and wouldn't TC be going on at that time?
  12. And how the hell did Jalyn not make it back to Show Group? 😤
  13. I just cannot see what story line they could possibly pull out of their asses about Hannah!
  14. I would say this pretty much confirms Marissa made the team.
  15. @Smplsimon @Bennie @lemonbus230 Are any of you able to let us know which rookies made the team? We already know Marissa did.
  16. Hannah would not enter the bubble just to resign for school.
  17. Literally all the vet cuts have been from this group. VK is the 😈 lol
  18. @Smplsimon did they choose group leaders and 2nd leaders last night? Do you know who is point this coming year?
  19. I’m so sad to hear about Hannah! She was one of my faves. I’m wondering if it wasn’t anything dance related that got her cut. Perhaps she was late to events last year. Either way my heart breaks for her. I know she has had mental health issue in the passed and I hope her being cut doesn’t effect it. 💛 I’m not shocked about Meredith or Lily’s cut. Those were honestly to be expected given this years strong Rookie candidates. Brennan, although not totally surprised. It was great to see someone a little older and mature on the squad.
  20. Lisa posted an insta story which seems it would’ve been posted during TC rehearsals tonight. Perhaps this means she could be one of the girls cut? Her insta story was not DCC related. It was of a guitar and a screenshot of a phone call with a friend saying she misses her.
  21. I am also hoping Brennan isn't one of the 3 cuts. 😬
  22. Well if the team was announced tonight, why wouldn't they announce group leaders? This is going to happen during rehearsals?
  23. @lemonbus230 can you also tell us who the group leaders and 2nd leaders are?
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