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Posts posted by EvergreenLove

  1. As much as I love Roy and Keely as a couple, I feel that Keely has a lot of growing to do beyond the days where her worth was tied into her sexuality and which ball player she was with.  In that regard, it wouldn't surprise me if she outgrows Roy.  I'm also very intrigued by Suzy Campbell's clear infatuation with Keely and what will come of it (if anything).

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  2. Taylor's whole post focused on what everyone should have been doing for HER, not the other way around.  Her feelings don't automatically equal facts, and her ignorance wasn't going to be excused no matter what her reasons were for not knowing.  Of course it's okay to not know something, but that doesn't mean you get a pass just because everything else was in line for you to make the team.  Just ask Zoe from Season 4 (the one that was cut for her Tom Landry flub).

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  3. 1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

    In spite of my post above, I did have to get rid of one person like that. I flat out don’t like people whose politics ARE their identity, regardless of which side they’re on. She pushed an agenda point in no less than 4 greeting cards she sent me last year. If someone can’t even leave their politics out of it long enough to wish someone else a Happy Birthday when they KNOW the other person feels differently, they’re toxic individuals. 

    I agree.  My goal is to be welcoming to all and for my personal beliefs to remain unknown unless my opinion is directly solicited.  And I will not tolerate someone as you just described - if a person is so steadfast in his or her beliefs that incendiary or polarizing language cannot be left out of any conversation, I'm out.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, sATL said:

    Not to wish ill will on anyone - but what about also featuring alumni who life might not be as monetary glamorous? For example, maybe they married someone in a blue-collar profession. Since they seem to focus on death in the TCC's lives - any alumni a widow? Any alumni had issues with maintaining a healthy weight post-DCC ? Any alumni trying to over come medical concerns? Any Alumni dealing with a financial hardships - like due to job loss/income,  natural disaster, etc ?  I mean at times they make it sound once your a DCC, your set in the land of roses, until the after-life...

    It's been said before and worthy of a repeat - people such as you described would likely never be a DCC.  By nature, the vast majority of DCC have to come from a very privileged background.

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  5. 4 hours ago, LilyD said:

    I may be wrong but those Kitty scenes seemed more about drama than anything else. There’s also that rumor thar said she left MTT because she didn’t like how she was portrayed.



    I wonder if the portrayal caused enrollment at her studio to decline?  Perhaps she didn't like sharing the spotlight with the new, fresh faces they brought in as guest choreographers?  It does seem odd that she just fell off the show so abruptly.

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  6. 15 hours ago, Peanutflutter33 said:

    Interesting. Poor gymnast Kat was criticized for the cutouts on her dress. I thought current Kat’s thong was way more inappropriate. 

    YES!!!  I'm no prude, but come on.  Kat's whole costume was beyond cringe-worthy.  I can go back and watch so many clips of candidates being called out for slutty outfits or routines, but Kat's bare ass gets a pass because she's K&J's own little Beyonce?  Just no.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Peanutflutter33 said:

    Ugh, Kat! Like I said before, she’s beautiful…that’s all. They tried to make a moment out of her bringing back the cane and isn’t that cute and clever? But I bet the reason they didn’t show anything else from her solo is because it wasn’t that good. You can tell from the few steps they showed that she’s not at the same skill level as everyone else including the rookie candidates. 


    1 hour ago, M1977G said:

    Speaking of Judy, I thought she was hilarious talking about her dream about Kat's dance. And I kind of thought we didn't see more of Kat's dance because they didn't want to show too much of her booty in that Brazilian or thong leotard she appeared to be wearing. But yeah, that was some buildup to see almost nothing of Kat's solo.

    Interesting thoughts about why Kat's solo wasn't shown.  I've never been a fan of Kat, so I rolled my eyes when the cane came out and wasn't upset when they didn't show her solo.  She grates...bad.

    I reluctantly paid the $20 to iTunes for the season pass. Ten minutes into this episode, I was already having buyer's remorse.  Something just seems off about this season.  It seems they're trying really hard to make everything fresh and current when there's really no way to do it successfully.  I'll continue to watch since I paid for it, but I'm already bored.

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  8. 1 hour ago, go4luca said:

    Whoa.  I didn't realize Daphne ended up tearing both of her ACLS. 😢 What a brave young lady she is.  


    Personally, I don’t consider it brave as much as  foolish. It’s possible that if she would’ve cared for her first injury properly, she might have avoided the second torn ACL and been able to come back to dancing sooner. I know this is the norm in professional activities, but I don’t agree with pushing one’s body and not giving injuries the necessary time to heal.

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  9. The TPTB have marketed these cheerleaders VERY successfully.  We all know they aren't the "best of the best" and can watch the show with a critical eye (such as the recent conversation of how "hard" the entrance is portrayed to be when it's likely not so difficult in reality), but they have marketed this squad to be the greatest professional dance organization known to man.  This is why we see the increased talent level every year at auditions, we watch a hit TV show for 16 years running, and we think first of DCC when NFL cheerleading comes to mind.

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  10. I also fall in the camp of the gals doing what they desire at their weddings.  Personally I think it's a bit tacky (college fight songs, Thunderstruck, etc.) as it seems more of a way to show off your former status rather than actually celebrating a marriage, but it's also not my wedding.  Live and let live.

    Now, if they all wanted to bring the groom out and have him dance "Thunderstruck," with all the current and former DCCs, giving him the special poms - that would be pretty entertaining.

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  11. 3 hours ago, StellaCL said:

    And Judy was incredibly sweet to Taylor when they finally cut her. I was like, wait, am I watching the same show? Judy just set her up to be massacred by Cassie and Ally, but then she really likes her? It seemed very two-faced. I am still amazed the Cassie-Ally scene even aired with how bad it made them look. 

    I'm convinced the Cassie-Ally-Taylor scene was a manufactured moment for the show.

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  12. 5 minutes ago, J-R said:

    OH MY GOSH!  I clicked on the link to see Maddie and the first picture is of Gina.  Yikes.  Scary Skinny.

    I know this dead horse has been beaten into the ground many times, but I stand by my previous statements that TPTB need to intervene.  At the very least, stop placing her so prominently in media offerings.  This is not the PR image they should want associated with their "world famous" DCC brand.

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  13. 1 hour ago, aeroluv327 said:

    I'm always curious about how that interaction played out in real life.  

    When Ally is talking, she's not looking at Taylor at all.  So it makes me think that her comment had nothing to do with the Taylor situation and was just edited in.  She wasn't wrong, we've all been in rehearsals or meetings where everyone's time gets wasted by endless excuses.  But it looks like she's just butting in when the situation had nothing to do with her.  (I can't remember who Taylor's actual group leader was, if it was Ally then maybe she did actually chime in because she had a reason to.)

    But yeah, I agree that everyone sucked.  

    Taylor was in Group 2, which was lead by Brittany Evans.  Maybe that explains Brittany's face when Cassie was calling her out?  Who knows, maybe Brittany was the one that started that rumor to begin with.

    And I respectfully disagree - Cassie's hair was/is fake and awful.  Her extensions during her rookie year were the worst I've ever seen.

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  14. While I feel these gals probably have above average looks, I certainly don't think they are the most beautiful beings to walk the earth.  They are carefully designed to look like that, especially while in uniform.  Twenty bucks says that if I ran into any of them at the grocery store completely stripped of makeup and in a messy bun, they would look about the same as any other young gal out there.

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  15. 1 hour ago, sATL said:

    Watching episodes where Judy teaches that entrance , that always seems to be down to the last 2 weeks of camp, when K&J want to block for the game, (for the life of me I can't figure out why so late), stresses me out - and I am on the couch 1000 miles away. Hearing a woman scream "1,2,3,LINE" - is enough to make a person shake & crumble on the spot. I know that entrance has been a crowd pleaser for 20+ years - but if the dancers are stressed , K&J are stressed teaching and correcting it - is it really worth it? Maybe it's time for "entrance version 2.0". 

    JMHO - I've always felt that the statement about starting to train the squad on the entrance only 2 weeks before the first game is fabricated for the sake of the show.  Either that, or the entrance really isn't as hard as they would like us viewers to believe.  I also think that Judy screaming (ahem, I mean "teaching") is for the show as well.  I'm reasonably confident that their practices look much different when the cameras aren't rolling.

    Not to say this squad can't be stressful, but the degree of stress on professional athletes vs. NFL cheerleaders is probably comparing apples to oranges.

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