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Posts posted by Badsamaritan

  1. I just don't think Uncle Frank would be willing to pay what SBu would want. I mean, they let him walk before, and FV has his own pets. If he brought OGJason back, he really wouldn't be able to do what he's doing with Freaco because I just don't see SBu willing to take a back seat the way they've been able to do with a recast Jason. Plus, Frank ain't finna pay for SBu to fly home to Nashville every weekend.

  2. 8 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

    I can't remember how I stumbled across this, so obviously grain of salt, but I read a few days ago that LAURA is Charlotte's mother. How fun, right?

    I think the gist of it was that Laura and Stavros are Charlotte's parents, BUT there is another little girl out there about the same age, who was living at that house on the island, who is Lulu's and...Valentine's I guess. 

    This has been another edition of "Really?!!!!.... With Auntie Velvet."

    Edited to add that I found the link. gh-daphne-charlotte.jpg

    You know, I'd almost prefer they go the GL Reva route and make Charlotte Lulu's clone rather than her daughter. Honestly, I'm kinda surprised Uncle Frank hasn't gone to that well, especially with the Cassadines involved. At least the timeline as far as Tree/Dr. Priest thinking she's their daughter vs. being Lulu's thermos baby could make a little more sense. I'm positive Helena had DNA samples of all the Spencers and anyone else who had the misfortune to get locked down on the island. Kinda like an alien abduction with all the probing.

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  3. For me, I need at least one solid couple. So that's why I would want to see them mixed in with other stories. If that's not good enough, have the new baby be born with some kind of disability. The way each handles the situation would provide the conflict.

    I think the Haunted Star should be turned into a gambling boat. Somebody could develop a gambling problem. Bad guys could try to hang out there. It could dovetail into Scummy's Blacklist story - he starts using the place as a hangout and draws other bad guys there. Nobody would know Scummy is undercover so Lulu could be all 'Grrr!' about him giving her place a bad reputation. Maybe Dante finds out Scummy is undercover but he can't tell Lulu. It would give her something the fuck else to do besides have baby rabies.

    I'm trying to give characters purpose and a job so that conflict could arise more naturally instead of just having characters wander around PC e'ry damn day having the same fucking conversations over and over. I'd have Laura and Lucy go in on Deception together too. I mean, they have a magazine in town now, a cosmetics company would fit right in and bam, you've got 2 workplaces with natural crossover. It would provide another opportunity to integrate some of those college age characters living at Bobbie's boarding house I wished for yesterday.

    There are lots of ways to fix this show. It's just too bad we viewers care more about it than the actual assholes charged with doing it.

    • Love 7
  4. I'd make sure the hospital, police station, and district attorney's office were in play. I'd turn that old apartment set into housing for college kids, and let Bobbie run it. The various college kids would have internships at the hospital, police station, attorney's office, and ELQ. That way, you would have an organic reason for the younger generation to mix it up with the older generation so folks aren't so isolated in stories. Avery would be killed and Sonny would go the Blacklist route and work with Anna and Robert to bring down the 5 families from the inside. That would be his rehabilitation. But he couldn't tell anyone.

    AJ is alive. Lucky is recast with Jeff Branson. Sam and Jason open a security firm providing both physical and electronic security for places like ELQ and the hospital. That gets them around town and involved.

    • Love 3
  5. I want the show canceled because most of the actors and crew have suffered enough. Let them move right the fuck on to something better. FV can suck it, though. He ruined 2 shows, he can spend the rest of his working life saying 'Can I take your order, please' as penance.

    • Love 1
  6. The problem is, there is no next gen soap writers & show runners. That's why they pretty much keep recycling through the same 5-10 people. Now, YR went in a new/old direction - they hired a former British soap showrunner and then brought back 2 old school writers who learned at the feet of Bill Bell. But their show is also still number 1 in the ratings and its sister show, B&B, is a huge hit overseas. So the network had incentive to try to right their soap ship. With GH, which hovers between 3rd and 4th out of 4 in the ratings, I could see it no longer being profitable to try to fix it. But I lay the blame of that squarely at FV and RC's feet. They mucked shit up so very badly, and even after RC got canned, Uncle Frank continues to treat the show like it's his personal collection of Pokemon and he keeps stacking the deck in the form of actors but nobody wants the lame ass Freaco card even though he's got like eleventy thousand copies and keeps shoving them in randomly.

    • Love 8
  7. I just love this show. I knew tatted up detective was gonna blow it about the kid in front of the defense attorney. I kinda thought by the captain's expression that he knew ol dude shouldn't have said anything in front of her and that it would come back up but it didn't so that was a nice surprise. 

    OMG y'all next week!!! 

  8. 5 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

    I honestly didn't understand a word of her interview in terms of Nelle's story or her motivations.

    It's most likely bullshit anyway. She's still a noob so she's in the stage of actually thinking her character has any kind of motivation whatsoever other than what the writers decide to have her do on any given day. Remember how KeMo used to talk about JT trying to find character motivation when filming their scenes? She basically told him there is no motivation, just say the fucking words and let's wrap this bullshit up for the day. She gone learn.

    • Love 2
  9. When Amy actually went to get the Neosporin and Sheldon said 'You're lucky you're cute' and Amy busted out that smile and got giggly? So cute. And I love that Sheldon sees her that way.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Sheldon interact Mrs. Fowler. I think she and Mary would probably get on very well together since, from Amy's description, she seems very conservative. I can't remember, do we know anything about Mr. Fowler?

    • Love 5
  10. 13 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

    3.  I want to say Billy Miller, but I think he'd be welcomed back.   So, I'll go with MSt.   But there's no way Billy doesn't want back on Y&R.


    None of these sound like they're RoHo tbh.   He just resigned a long contract, keeps to himself, literally doesn't gossip, and stays out of trouble.  When the story/character are decent, he can perform.   None of them are Mo, either.  Mo isn't that stupid tbh.  He will most likely go down with the ship. 

    Heh, everybody keeps trying to get rid of BM. He just re-signed with GH though, so it appears he's not looking to leave.

    I also don't think any of these are about GH. I've just got this feeling they've been told the show has an expiration date. And they can thank Michael Strahan - there's no way GMA hired that man and did all that advertising just to have him do a few segments. I bet all the money in my pocket plus a million dollars that he's getting either his own talk show or a third hour of GMA to headline, and GH will be sacrificed come Fall 2017. ABC renewed Uncle Frank's & Jelly's contracts for one year, so I think they'll make some kind of announcement after the holidays.

    Y'all, what do I get if I'm right? Ooh, a puppy! Can I have a puppy?? I will love him and squeeze him and call him George. :)

    • Love 3
  11. 10 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

    I thought she got mad because he didn't tell her the truth about about Sonny faking his death. She still wanted him when she slapped Copkilla (pre-Cam) and during the SOS (post-Cam) and when his marriage was breaking up - at which point, he'd been a mobster for well over a decade. Plus, when Jake was working for Julian, she sent her children away to keep him. 

    This right here is why I can never like Liez. She chooses penis over her own damn kids pretty much every time. Didn't NotDeadJake get run right the fuck over because she was too busy obsessing over another DNA test instead of making sure his ass stayed in the house? And then to flat out lie to that very same kid about his daddy in order to keep penis in her bed? And now she's brought a baby snatching serial killing rapey murderhobo into her home. Gross. There's not enough whitewashing in the world to make me forget how selfish she is. At least get your tubes tied, damn.

    • Love 1
  12. You know, for writers that had so much to say during the election, their writing on this show is completely tone deaf. Times have changed regarding sexual assault - as they should - but they're still writing stories like it's the 90s, early aughts. Same thing with the mob bullshit, who hears about that anymore? And that is what's gonna help kill this whole genre dead, not being able to move stories into the 21st century. They're all stuck in the past, showrunners and writers alike. And they wonder why they can't get a foothold on the 18-49 year olds.....

    • Love 7
  13. I saw over the holiday weekend that Ingo apparently made some comments on FB about the president-elect and how some of us need to 'get over it and move on'. I saw that someone screen shot the posts and put them up on Twitter, I didn't see the FB thing myself. He told on his wife, that she voted for Trump and tried to make the argument that it's because people are fed up and he kind of glossed over the negatives of the campaign. I believe he made the mistake of then getting into it with some fans who responded to his post. I'm a little surprised honestly because I follow Sebastian Roche on Twitter and he is not a fan of the president-elect in any way, shape, or form and he and Ingo are tight. SR spoke out quite vociferously against Trump leading up to the election, I wonder if they just stayed away from the topic of politics.

  14. I know the show has its own heavenly mythology but it seems there are still certain things that follow our real world view of God, so I don't think Azriel's blade could be used to kill God. He is still the Creator, so He cannot be killed. Plus, He is certainly already well aware of what's transpiring with His kids, His ex-bae, and the blade. We know He hears them because of last season when Luci begged Him to save Chloe and He sent Luci back to Hell so he could see that Mum escaped. So everything that is happening, He already knows. But at the same time, I remember in one of the early episodes this season when Luci was talking about Mum, how she was responsible for the plagues and floods and all the Force Majeure that happened back in the day, so we also know God has allowed certain things to happen to His humans without His divine intervention. Instead He basically divorced Mum cuz she was bipolar, took full custody of the kids and sent Mum to an institution. But He didn't kill her.

    I'm positive Dad already knows what's up. Maybe things are leading to a point where Mum has to truly put up or shut up about the kids, and Dad gives her the option of ruling Hell in Luci's place? Since she hates humans so much, seems like making them suffer for all eternity would be her niche. Win/win.

    • Love 1
  15. 22 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

    Wait. WAIT. Please tell me Jelly didn't really say Mr. Cheeto Dust getting elected would give them the opportunity to tell a topical story? 

    Really bad sentence structure. I meant, Jelly have personally been up in arms about the oompa loompa (as they should) and all his misogynistic mouth spewing, yet here they are trying to pave the road for the murderhobo rapist to become a 'leading man'. They should just let Uncle Frank do all the interviews and quit whining about the audience or find another line of work because they suck at writing.

    • Love 5
  16. 8 hours ago, ulkis said:

    In SID, it says that Tom buys Alexis a drink in a bar and then she wakes up in a hotel room next morning and doesn't remember what happened. This . . . is going to be terrible, isn't it.

    I'm convinced this story is actually about Freaco and they're planning on having him 'save', or try to get revenge for, Alexis so that Sam will no longer hate him. Jelly should turn in their NOW cards and STFU about that assclown winning the election because they have a unique opportunity to tell a topical story and they're gonna fuck it all up in service to an arrogant, lecherous gas bag. And in this instance, I'm talking about Freaco.

    • Love 4
  17. On 11/10/2016 at 10:19 AM, Mabinogia said:

    I am loving Maze's story, probably the most out of all. Because in many ways she is like a little child who was held in captivity for so long. She doesn't know how to connect to people and here is this woman who was nice to her, listened to her, was friends with her. She would not want to loose that. With Luci all "oh, it's you!" to her, and Amendial lost in his own downward spiral, she needs Linda. Linda, it seems, was quite literally her very first friend.

    Nope, Trixie was her very first friend. They were at the bar together and Maze offered her a drink. After they chatted, Maze went to Dr. Linda to proudly announce she had made a friend.

    I love this show, and every character. Except.....Mom. I dunno, just not feeling Tricia Helfer as the Mother of All Angels. I think it was a mistake to go with someone so close in age to her sons. I don't feel any kind of motherly anything when she's trying to comfort Luci or Amenadiel. I wished they'd gone with someone who could show that motherly emotion but still scare the absolute crap out of anyone.

    I'm also alone in that I do feel chemistry between Luci and Chloe, but none except friendship between Chloe and Dan. That's not to say I want Luci and Chloe to hook up but I do not want her and Dan back together either. I also like Maze and Amenadiel together. What can I say, I'm rooting for those two crazy kids to make a go of it!

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