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Posts posted by sleepysuzy

  1. 3 hours ago, becca3891 said:


    I imagine it's mostly shipping to churches across the country. I was approached by a young boy and girl (in a long skirt) in the grocery store the other day. They said "Can we give you a smile?" and gave me a little tract with a yellow smiley face on the cover. I know David prints smiley face tracts and I couldn't help but wondering if this was one of them! And of course I felt sad for the kids.

    I live near HSLDA headquarters and babysat for one of its lawyers. They have made it easy to bypass any regulations by claiming religious freedom.


    I'm guessing she doesn't publicize the likely fact that they're given a salary for being "missionaries" through an organization because it might hamper their grifting efforts.

    If their organization is anything like the ones with which I am familiar, each missionary is responsible for raising all of their own funds during deputation, and they also keep a running list of supplies that they need donated. This can include clothing for the family, nonperishable food, school supplies, toiletries, and household goods. Maybe some churches or organizations pay missionaries directly, but as someone who has been active in Christian nonprofits my whole adult life, that isn't how it usually is done in Evangelical circles.

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  2. On 12/31/2019 at 6:50 PM, sleepysuzy said:

    Elizabeth could also pay homage to Elizabeth "Betty" Greene, a decorated pilot who was very early missionary pilot.

    I'm quoting myself because I found out today that missionaries in my church use MAF flights to transport for medical needs. I was checking out the MAF website and Elizabeth Greene was not only their first pilot, she was also a fraternal twin to her brother Bill. I definitely want JD and Abbie to name her Elizabeth.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    So, how will this affect them now that they will have a new home church? 

    The sponsoring church doesn't have to be the home church (where they attend), depending on the structure of their organization. My denomination has a network of sponsoring churches assigned to each missionary family. Since we sponsor them in the field, there are rules about what they can do during deputation that vary from sponsoring to non-sponsoring churches. During deputation,  they are often required to raise enough funds for a year or more when they return to the field. It usually is all laid out in the church bylaws. 

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  4. I could see them using a homeschool co-op. Jill could outsource her responsibilities to her older girls,  signing them up to be teacher's aides for the youngest kids. I've seen other large homeschool families do this to keep up with state requirements. 

    I went to a Christian college in north central Ohio, and it is pretty diverse. All of my roommates were even more conservative than the Rodrigues family - no makeup, jewelry, or haircuts in addition to long skirts. There are Amish, Mennonite, Pentacostal, and Baptist groups in the area. Some of my classmates were from the Wooster area.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

     Sadly, there are a lot more cases of people getting shingles in their 20s 30s and 40s, probably due to increased stress we can immune system. It’s sad and I’m glad it’s totally preventable by vaccine given in childhood. 

    I got shingles at 16. I'm in my 30s now, and I can't get the vaccine even with history of having an outbreak. 

    I know many parents my age who vaccinate their kids for most things, but skip chicken pox vaccines because "we had it and it was no big deal." Having shingles young gave me a different perspective. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

    Because Jesus. Apparently the Duggar’s are way too special for silly vaccines. 

    Except no Duggar has ever made an antivax statement. The Caldwells are the family whose post sparked this discussion. I am adamantly in favor of vaccines because of facts, and the fact is that the only record we have of the Duggars and vaccines is that they DID vaccinate Josie, and likely her siblings as well based on context.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Zella said:

    Any famous missionary pilots? If there's gonna be a namesake, that'll be who it will be. And Jill Rodrigues will cry herself to sleep at night that Tim didn't get off his ass and get married in time to name his kid after a missionary pilot first. 

    The End of the Spear guys - Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, etc - would fit the bill. Famous missionary pilot and crew who died in the field. Elizabeth Elliot is Jim's widow and a well-known author in the evangelical community. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

    #speaklife ? What kind of hashtag is that?

    In Christian circles, it usually means to speak in love and kindness, a reference to the plethora of verses about the power of the tongue to destroy or build up. It's also a popular TobyMac song.

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  9. Although the Caldwells are openly anti-vax, I don't believe the Duggars are on that particular bandwagon. I work in Christian education, and very few families in these schools are actually anti-vax. Most believe in using modern medicine, although Gardasil is still controversial. I myself am on board with all vaccinations. 

    I hope that Joe and JD, as the "headships", follow JB's lead on this and vaccinate their children. 

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  10. Regarding Jill, molestation, and childbirth: many women who have been sexually abused or assaulted find aspects of childbirth re-traumatizing, and I've known many who especially had a hard time after a csection. Csections require having a spinal and being immobilized, often with arms strapped down. I would not be surprised if her csections brought up residual trauma, feeling her body had betrayed her and feeling a loss of control.

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  11. On 2/11/2019 at 12:42 PM, Rlb8031 said:

    Not the same. NOI was founded by Elijah Mohammad in the early part of the 20th century (I believe it was the 20's or 30's). UNOI was founded by some other dude (in the 80's??). NOI sold bean pies and the Final Call on streetcorners to raise money, UNOI ran restaurants in the cities they were active in to raise money. 

    From what I remember about Elijah Mohammad, he was as nutty as LRH. I first learned about the NOI by reading  The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and bt the end of his life evn Malcolm was starting to reject NOI and go more toward mainstream Islam, especially after his trip to Mecca.

    I view COS and NOI both as controlling cults led by evil men, and I hope the contribute to each other's mutual destruction in this unholy alliance.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Heathen said:

    Typical fundie hypocrite. Isn't Kendra the product of premarital hanky panky? 

    Not necessarily. I've personally known women who got pregnant literally on the wedding night. Due date is 40 weeks after the first day of the last period. Most women deliver between 38 and 42 weeks from that date, so 40 weeks splits the difference. However, thise who deliver on the earlier side of full term (37-38 weeks) can appear to have had a baby only 8 months after marriage. It's possible that they didn't wait, but it's also very possible that they were virgins on their wedding day. 

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  13. On 12/17/2019 at 11:58 AM, dariafan said:

    Bring on the extra toes !

    Since double first cousins from sets of siblings have nothing to do with consanguinity, I think their safe. I had two uncles whose wives were sister, so their children were double cousins. 

    I agree that the still shot out of context of the video is making this "courtship" up out of nothing. Lauren C might end up with a Duggar, but who knows at this point. I wouldnt be surprised if Jim Bob allowsa younger son to jump line to marry, though. Two 18 year olds have many years of fertility, and he does have that goal of reaching 200 grandkids. Jana isn't participating, Jinger will likely limit hers to around 4, and JD got a late start. Jill seems to have dropped out of the race, too. Someone has to pick up the slack.

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  14. 2 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

    Children (well-nourished, healthy children, that is😒) typically don’t bruise easily.  That must’ve been one helluva lick. 

    I don't agree. I worked in childcare for years, have an MEd in Early Childhood Education, and have four children. Bruises are just blood from broken blood vessels, and can happen pretty easily in active children. I had to file numerous "incident reports" in the center where I workwd because we had to document every bump or scratch, and most were caused by minor accidents. Children do literally trip over their own feet and fall down for no reason on a pretty regular basis. 

    I even had hamdouts for parents about bruising and how long it takes a bruise to appear, change color, and heal. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Zella said:

    I have noticed a lot of fundie families that I know choose Biblical names for boys and then more modern secular names and/or virtue names for girls. So, you have sibling with names like Elijah, Nathan, Brittany, and Joy. 

    The Rodrigues family is a bit eclectic with their names. All of the Kellers I know of have biblical names (I mean Nathan and his siblings). It will be interesting to see which way Nathan and Nurie go with the names. We probably won't have to wait long to find out.

    I teach in Christian schools in an area with lots of Anabaptists. Lots of girls are named Rachel, Leah, Anna, Elizabeth, Lydia, Hannah, Esther, Rebekah, and Sarah. Very few named Mary, though. I had one class with 12 students, and 4 were girls named Sarah.

    As someone with a "unique" spelling of my own name, I gave all my own children traditional names with normal spellings. I wonder if Nurie could go the same way, especially with Nathan's influence. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, dargosmydaddy said:

    Lauren's skirt is dark green. I can't tell if the baby's bow matches it, or is actually black.

    Could it be loose "panties" over a diaper? I'm not well-versed in what diapers look like, but the white thing covering that region appears to have an elastic ...

    Yep, she has what we called "bloomers" where I grew up over her diaper. 

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  17. Many specialists and surgeons are off socially and have terrible bedside manner. I saw a pediatric pulmonologist for my two youngest children, and at firat he had me terrified that my daughter was going to die or need a lung transplant. He definitely just blurted everything out without context or consideration for how it sounded. Over the years that we saw hum, I came to believe that he is brilliant but socially inept. Our speech therapist tild me she thinks many of the specialists would probably be diagnosed as on the spectrum if they were growing up today.

    Shaun's demeanor with patients is not a problem, as I see it. It is his sensory issues and lack of proper boundaries that are more or a concern. I thought Dr. Han was a gaslighting narcissist, though. He clearly knew how to needle people in subtle ways, then step back all ahocked and say, "Why are you getting so upset?"

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  18. On 11/18/2019 at 7:36 PM, sleepysuzy said:

    As with many men who look a bit goofy when clean-cut, I think Nathan would benefit from the still somewhat trendy mountain man look. Put a beard and some slightly shaggier hair on him, and his nose would be more balanced and his thin mouth not as noticable. 

    I had a random snow day today, so I tested my theory. Granted, it's one of Jill's facetuned pictures,  but his acne may clear up. Tim had hrown some scruff, so I think a short beard would be acceptable  to the family.


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  19. 2 minutes ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

    But also, you can’t be a martyr for Jesus if you have pain meds!

    There are legitimate reasons to forego pain meda, especially epidurals, in labor. I got a spinal headache after my last epidural, and it was miserable. Some research suggests that having an epidural can slow labor or increase risk of birth injury feom pushing too hard or incorrectly.

    Has Kendra ever explained why she did not get an epidural?

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  20. In the aforementioned case, the woman's stepsons saw her topless. It was not sexual, IIRC. She was just working around the house without a shirt or bra on.

    I agree that Reznick was in the wrong. Maybe show the kid a human anatomy picture or something more clinical. 

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  21. 3 minutes ago, Temperance said:

    I can't believe Anna went to amusement park (even a little local one) days away from giving birth!!! What if she went into labor at the park!!! She must be do a little later than we thought, but she did say November.  At best it's ten days before she's due (if due Nov. 30), but still that's nuts and a baby ten days early is completely normal and full term! WTF! Is she hoping to have strangers deliver her baby in an area where strangers (including men and her own children) could watch! This is the same woman who gave birth at home rather than let a male doctor look at her! Maybe she thought having a ride attendant deliver her baby was still better than Jill and Michelle! But still! How far is Silver Dollar from their house? (According to FJ, Josh and Anna are probably living in the guest house of the TTH.) 

    I know women even those 9 months pregnant should be allowed to move as they please, but I still would stick closer to home if I was about to give birth!!!

    I've always worked until the day I went into labor (4 pregnancies), and I was up to 45 minutes away from my home/hospital. Precipitous labor exists, but isn't all that common. I always had several hours, sometimes even days, feom the start of labor to delivery. Unless Anna has some history of fast births that I'm not aware of, it doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

    1 minute ago, Zella said:

    About a 2 hour drive from Tontitown. I can't imagine any of that was very comfortable for a woman who is going to give birth in about a week. I have no experience with being pregnant but have been to SDC enough times. One can do a fair amount of walking there, and it is a bit hilly. 

    She could be trying to kick-start labor with that much walking.

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