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Data Cat

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Everything posted by Data Cat

  1. Their relationship is a secret? It seems odd that no one in Nashville would know. Didn't that fashion designer who came onto Will know about him and Zach?
  2. I think a lot of it has to do with Teddy not being there. It makes it feel like they're trying to erase him. I'm far from Teddy's biggest fan nor do I think he was a saint of a father (*cough*blackmail*cough*), but he's still Daphne's father and Deacon just isn't. Anyway, not trying to argue. Just a difference of opinion.
  3. That's funny you mentioned that because it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. My stepdad has been in my life since I was 12. I would never call him dad. I buy him Father's Day cards, but that's not the same thing. :-)
  4. So it looks like I'm the only one who liked this episode. And considering the minimal (but awesome) screentime Gunnar had, I was surprised how much I liked it. I'm not ready for Deacon to be with someone else because I just don't think it's realistic that he'd move on from Rayna this quickly, but I like his friendship with Jessie. I think it's good for him to have someone who wasn't as close to Rayna and has more of an outsider perspective on the situation. Their scenes last night were emotionally effecting for me, which is the first time that's happened in a non-Gunnar scene in a while. It would have been nice if we'd seen random chick for a while before she started giving Avery relationship advice, but I get that we were supposed to infer that they've gotten to know each other on tour. The advice may have come because she wanted to jump him, but it wasn't any less accurate. Avery and Juliette have a decidedly unhealthy relationship and have for a long time. I was so glad when he decided to tour despite her objections. (I just wish we could have seen more than 3 minutes of it.) I must comment on the preview for next week. I will happily suffer through all of the "stolen song" nonsense in order to get the scene of Gunnar telling Scarlett how she really is. They've played this season like everything is his fault and it's so not. I just pray it doesn't end in a reconciliation for them. I'm so beyond done with them as a couple. I'm more undecided on whether I would give up Highway 65 to get rid of Zach, but the answer is probably yes. I loathe him and every second of screentime he takes up from actual characters on this show.
  5. Woohoo! Please let this be more than 60 seconds of airtime!
  6. He was jumped outside a bar after Gunnar had thrown away his illegal gun. I loved getting more of Gunnar's backstory because he's my favorite character, but I really regret that we did not get to see Gunnar and Avery on the road. Maybe with some phone calls to Will. That would have been awesome. I would also also love an episode with no Scarlett for once. Soooo tired of her. Though I will say that I do understand why she and Gunnar can't break ties completely, even if it annoys me because I want them to be over so, so badly.
  7. I was sure, I mean absolutely convinced, that I would hate this episode because it would just be more of Gunnar putting himself aside in favor of Scarlett, which is what he's been doing all season. Imagine my surprise that they actually got to have a real conversation and that Scarlett, of all people, was the one to call him on his behavior. I loved that scene and everything that was said. I used to be a huge fan of them together because they had a real magic about them but this season has killed that for me. I'm not even sure I want them to perform together anymore. I hope this separation is permanent and that they're both able to move on for real. I wouldn't object to them being friends, but that's all. No pining. It ended on a more honest note than they have had since before the end of season 4. Let that be the true end of them. On a happier note, let me just say how much I absolutely love the Bros taking care of each other, even long distance. "Will told you to call, didn't he?" Love. It. I will be sorely disappointed if we don't get at least some scenes of Gunnar and Avery on the road next week.
  8. This. So very much this. I don't understand why she wants to be famous (which her actions indicate that she does) if she's going to an emotional breakdown every single time something doesn't go her way.
  9. I can't believe there's been only one comment about the best scene of the entire episode: Deacon and Avery! That's the Nashville I fell in love with, which had tons of friendships and extended family and everyone's interconnections with everyone in addition to the soapy, dramatic, romantic goodness. Deacon and Avery had a friendship that was independent of both Scarlett and Juliette and it was great to see the writers actually remember that for once. My second favorite part of the episode was Gunnar finally growing a spine and confronting Scarlett. I regret immensely that we will never get the second half of that conversation, which is the only reason that it's downgraded from first place. I've been wanting that to happen for many, many episodes now and it was good to see it, no matter how brief. The writers finally had a chance for them to have a real conversation and as usual, they blew it. They've never known what to do with Gunnar and Scarlett as a couple or as individuals and so they've just thrown fake obstacles and drama at them for no good reason. Such a waste. Does anyone else worry that Gunnar is going to jail for beating up the mugger (who looks all of 15, btw)? Because I'm very concerned about that. I don't trust these writers and EP's at all. That's not what I meant when I said I wanted Gunnar to be away from Scarlett. I will say that despite everything, I'm looking forward to seeing Sam's performance next week, even if I wind up hating the episode.
  10. I'm not sure if I prefer this oblivious version of Gunnar who has no spine and lets Scarlett walk all over him or not seeing him at all. Given that he had about two minutes of airtime, I guess I get the best of both worlds! And yes, I know fans of other characters (Will) have it worse in terms of screen time. But it still sucks. I miss when the show had friendships instead of just couples. The Bros (Gunnar, Avery, and Will) are by far my favorite part of the show. I despise the new writers and show runners. I just got into Nashville. I caught up on 4 pretty good seasons that were fun and soapy and interesting (and with great music!) only to hit season 5 and be bitterly disappointed. What a shame.
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