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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 2 hours ago, CouchTater said:

    I just happened upon an episode of "The Goldbergs"  and realized the mom, Beverly, looks like an alternative universe JRod.  They're different in many ways:  Beverly is Jewish and her kids are healthy and educated and worldly.  BUT they both wear terrible 80's hair and clothes.  But of course Beverly's show is set in the 80's.


    My psychiatrist has that hair style. I think it’s a wig lol. She looks awful. She is really pretty but the bad hair ruins her looks. 

    I used to watch the Goldbergs. But quit a few years ago. 

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  2. 42 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    Somebody send help!  My mind has gone!  I had a dream about the Duggars!  In it, I was with very young howlers.  I can't explain how I got there.  I don't know if it was the TTH.  They were asking me questions about the outside world and I was quietly telling them about choices, what real school would be like, not everyone is evil, etc.  They were all agog with that - then JB came over, sneered at me, and I woke up.


    I had a bad dream too. I was having sex with one of my doctors! Yikes that woke me up quick. Brain bleach please. 

    I have never dreamt of the Duggar’s. Yet.

  3. 5 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    Oh they know. They just don't care because babies for Jesus. I don't think Joy saw the worst of it growing up but she had to see how that many children diverted attention away from each individual child. Unless she's that dumb or indoctrinated.

    She is both dumb and indoctrinated 

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