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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 3 hours ago, Westiepeach said:

    What on earth could they possible even know about each other? They were not allowed to spend any time alone together. Unless all the questions were about Jesus, I got nothing.

    Maybe the game let them get to know each other. That way after the wedding:

    Na: your favorite color is purple 

    Nu: yours is red. What’s your favorite bible version?

    Na: King James. Let’s get busy!

    1 minute later 

    Na: that was GREAT!

    Nu: Ummm yay

    Na: I’m hungry go make me a sandwich 

    Nu: ok 


    • LOL 1
  2. 3 hours ago, doodlebug said:

    You can also contact any prospective therapist's office and give them your insurance info and ask them to pre-cert you.  Most insurance company provider lists are not up to date, so, while you can check your handbook or the website; the information may be out of date.

    I find it hard to believe that the hospital didn't have some sort of access plan for their outpatient clinics during the pandemic.  If not telemedicine, then another site or, at the very least, a phone line for leaving messages.  It is patient abandonment not to provide some sort of care, even if face to face visits were not possible.

    From mid-March until early May, in Ohio, medical practitioners were only allowed to provide 'essential' care which means no routine visits for annual exams and such.  However, we were still allowed to see pregnant patients and people who needed procedures including placing IUD's and implants.  Contraception was and is considered essential care.  I find it difficult to think that mental health care isn't also essential.  I will say that some controlled substances require a face to face practitioner visit for refills and, if you are one one of those, there's a reason they couldn't give them without a visit.

    Did you actually contact the clinic and your doctor and ask about these issues? Just because the clinic building was shut down doesn't mean services couldn't be received.  It just doesn't make sense that they closed up shop and were completely unavailable for 3 months.

    My appointments were through texting or calling mostly texting 


  3. 1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

    I think Jill also has a sense for sniffing out those "with a calling to be helpers or to servanthood"  Sidney Dingus seems to be one of those types

    The church I used to work for did a "spiritual gifts" class and if you identified as having gifts of servanthood, helping etc they signed you up immediately and worked you relentlessly until you bailed on the church. not just for church serving. house sit/pet sit while they traveled. they grifted home improvements, snow plowing, lawn service, car leases from big 3 execs. etc. they claimed those with the gifts of helping and servanthood were spiritually blessed by using their gifts as god intended.

    Raises hand I do have a servants heart. Jill would latch on to me like a leech. I also have a hard time saying no. I’m too nice and people take advantage of that!

    • Love 10
  4. 13 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

    I wonder if poor Sidney is beginning to resent being used like this. She's the one Jill is leaning on most. I know someone who gets in this situation all the time because of an inability to say no and a belief that god is directing it all. It never turns out well. God certainly doesn't mind refusing requests, so humans should take a hint.  

    Is Sidney Dingus related to the family by marriage? I can't remember. If so, I wonder what Mr. Sidney Dingus thinks of the situation. Which Dingus handed over the side of beef, by the way--my favorite Jill grift ever?


    By marriage she married into the Dingus family.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    Well that stinks.

    This is so shocking to me. As a mental health clinic they have an obligation to serve their clients. Depending on the reason they closed, this borders on unethical. When my colleagues and co-workers talk among ourselves, we call ourselves unsung front-line workers of this pandemic. We didn't miss a beat. We scrambled to meet the needs of those we serve, and I'd say we've done a great job.

    I would look around for remote therapy. Wishing you luck finding new services.

    Thank you. 

    A patient came upstairs to speak to anyone because her bill to see a psychiatrist was $1200. I almost passed out. $20 is a bargain. 

    The place is open so I don’t need to look for a different location. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    Is it possible he/she could refer you to some6who does?

    She’s leaving so I will be assigned a new one. They don’t do online visits at all. I don’t want to look for anyone else because I don’t know who takes my insurance. 

    • Love 2
  7. 2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    A hospital closed? For three months? What did their patients do? I'm involved with a fairly robust mental health community and nobody I know shut down. All went directly to telemedicine, with the exception of blood work, inpatient stays, and detox and residential units, which all stayed open.

    It’s a clinic inside the hospital 

  8. There is no online therapy/psychiatrist visits. I asked. This is a hospital that surprised me that they are not doing online visits. It was closed March-June. In June she told me if I don’t see her in person no more medications. Crazy right? 

    I am going to the doctor tomorrow to ask about my maybe tumor. The teeth are on the back burner. 

    • Love 3
  9. First I lost my therapist in February. The new one canceled on me twice already. 

    Now my psychiatrist is leaving. She found a job close to home. I’m free to go see her at her new office but it’s 2 hour commute each way. Not going to do that. 

    I’m so sad and devastated. Life keeps changing and I don’t like it. 

    And I have to job hunt. I don’t know if I will find anything else.


    Maybe I should start playing the lottery.

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