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Posts posted by galaxychaser

  1. 11 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    So, typical day...Having Mom over for the weekend as usual...no problem other than her always managing to notice whatever has not been accomplished since the last time she was here. But that's par for the course, and I know that my actual sense of ambition goes out of the window as soon as the real summer temps arrive, so I deserve it.

    Daughter, son-in-law and Grand-Jynlet also over for a couple of days (also as usual these days). I do like to have them over, though. 

    Mr. Jyn found a recipe for an Indian-spice inspired vegetarian shepherd's pie for me to make for my daughter , which took me waaaay longer than it should have (I don't cook nearly as well from recipes as I do when I just make things up on instinct). Then made dinner for everyone else. All came out very tasty. After dinner, Mr Jyn and I, plus son-in-law went out to sit on the Adirondack chairs in the backyard with another glass of wine to relax. My daughter was putting Grand-Jynlet down for the night.

    Anyway, somehow we got to talking about how difficult this year has been to get anything in the vegetable garden to grow, etc...It's really been a horrible season, and I'll admit that while early mornings would probably be the best time to do work, I don't do mornings, and especially since Mr Jyn doesn't go out anything like early himself; he actually gets the most work done in the godawful part of midday that's not fit for man or beast. So, anyway, it was really pleasant sitting there after dinner, and conversation went to both my son-in-law and I agreeing that  this was the nicest time of the day to do some work, and we sort of got up to start pulling at a few weeds, and so did Mr Jyn, as he was certainly not going to sit there if we were working - quite understandable. However, after 10 or 15 minutes, I decided that the couple of glasses of wine I'd had were making me feel a bit woozy, and I didn't necessarily feel like devoting the evening to yard work given the fact that we had a houseful of company. but Mr Jyn kept doggedly at the part of the flowerbed he had tackled. so I didn't feel right giving up since I was the one who had brought up the idea of weeding to begin with. So I kept on. At which point Mr Jyn decided that I was being a "ridiculous bitch" about the whole thing. This is just the sort of thing I seem to have to deal with way too often these days, and part of me just figures that the only way not to end up feeling really put upon is to basically agree that he is right, and I have to find a way to be more reasonable (and to do my fair share of yard work. which he is probably more than justified in feeling that I don't quite get to, but I do babysit my granddaughter, do most of the cleaning, and all the cooking, to be fair - plus which he doesn't hate hot weather the way I do).  So. Yeah. I'm frustrated. I feel as though I'm horribly negligent on the one hand, but also feel as though I don't really deserve some of what he accuses me of on the other.

    Sorry to bring this up here....I'm just having a really depressing evening...

    You seem like a sweet, kind, considerate woman. But also stay silent/be a pushover. Your family knows you and knows how to push your bottons. I’m sorry you are not treated kindly. 

    I am a pushover myself and continue to stew inside and never stand up for myself. 

    I hope I didn’t offend you.

    • Love 11
  2. That’s not a pool that’s a kiddie pool. Big difference. Tori could have broken her neck. Zack is an idiot.


    Everyone should unfollow her. If she has 25 followers she won’t be making free $$$ and won’t need to be snarky.


    • Love 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

    Hey you!  How’s life?  Did you stay inside for 3 whole months while the Covapocalypse happened all around???

    No haha. I go outside for walks. No where to go everything is closed! 

    • Love 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

    Ahhhh!!!  I came to read and get caught up and planned not to speak until I read through July.  But I have to comment right here because it’s harder to wear a damn mask than you might think.  Apparently I have 2 issues.  1) I have a small adult size head.  Not small enough for a child, but small enough that a mask meant to cover my nose and mouth is usually up to my lower eyelids and hanging under my chin.  I can see.  You’d think I’d fix that.  Sigh.  I have.  I fixed 5 because I already could never find anything and I’m making easier to lose a mask but run across another....

    2) the fit.  The fit gives me FITS.  Obviously God thought it would be funny to put my ears just a smidge lower than the ears on regular people.  (Mrs Potato Head, right here).  A regular mask that 99.9% of any human anywhere actually works best for me upside down.  Which is NO PROBLEM because I have enough mask to still go from under my chin to under my glasses even upside down.  

    thanks for reading my rant!!!  Now do you remember why you were relieved when I slithered away??

    Nice to see you!!!! So happy to see you back. How are you??? Hiiii waves happily.

    • Love 3
  5. She thinks we care and are chomping at the bits to find out! Kail we.don’t.care. Didn’t she not release. Lux’s name until he was like a month old?

    Probably waiting thinking she is Megan Markle.

    • LOL 4
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  6. 2 minutes ago, beckie said:

    Got a sweet little puppy about an hour ago. I'd share a picture but can't figure out how on here. Now to come up with a name.

    Congrats! Is Nurthan as a name an option? I kid I kid.

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