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Posts posted by slaterain

  1. On 5/2/2020 at 8:21 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Tami Roman will always be the girl from the Real World LA to me ("IT WASN'T NOT FUNNY!"), so it cracks me up whenever I see her do anything else because I never expected anyone from those MTV shows to have any kind of career in the spotlight.

    OMG - I didn't connect her to Real World Tami!!! Ha! I couldn't place her at all and didn't realize she was able to build a longer career from that start! Kudos to her!

    I agree with everyone - Vanessa Williams is a superstar! Love her! she totally deserved the win. Seeing her made me thing that Ugly Betty may need to be my next random past show binge! 

    Loni was great too. Really all three made this an amazing episode. I can understand why they would want to start with men for the pilot - but this ep was way better. And there male quick drag challenge was hilarious!!!

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  2. On 4/25/2020 at 9:28 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Nico was one of the contestants on the first episode of RuPaul's Celebrity Drag Race. You will not be surprised that Nico was extra as fuck.

    SO EXTRA!!! I may have decided as much as I like Nico's character on Younger, I may need to avoid seeing them when they are just being them-self as it was a bit annoying. I think it is great to talk more about gender fluidity and I didn't realize Nico went by they/them until the show. But between the show and then reading some comments about Nico's interactions with Ashton - ugh. 

  3. 2 hours ago, cardigirl said:

    I'm so tired of my DVR cutting off the last 30 seconds or so of the show. What happened, please?  I've enjoyed this show quite a bit, although I have no real idea what is going on, the characters are great!  



    This keeps happening to me too and it is so frustrating!!!

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  4. Well I am sad to see Frank go, I was ok with the choice. I would have actually been ok with any of the bottom 3 based on the tattoos alone. Frank was my fav of the three but we are getting towards the end so it didn't bother me too much. Then they did the second elimination and I was ok with that too. I think overall Bob has been more consistent although he has been struggling the last few challenges. 

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  5. 11 hours ago, Maverick said:

     Is that the reason for that odd bit where the producer had to run up and talk to her when the results we read?   Was she about to throw a hissy fit?   That was so weird.   

    I'm guessing it was like someone else said - that they were helping unbolt or whatever to take the head off. They said last season that when the results are determined they do help the loser to freshen up/makeup/hair before the mask gets removed too. So I'm guessing we just don't normally see this but they included it this one time simply because of Will Arnett's entertaining voice over!

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  6. On 3/14/2020 at 7:54 PM, jewel21 said:

    Ugh, I hate these black and white 'film noir' episodes. They bore me to death, and this episode was no exception. 

    there is only one show that i have ever enjoyed the noir episode which was Fringe. This doesn't even come close. I was bored most of the ep with the exception of Karen David singing!

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  7. So I totally missed whatever vh1 put up about Cherry to start the episode... based on what people are posting - sounds like it was a Weinstein level issue which is so disappointing. I tend to love the campy queens so enjoyed her in the ep. Now I need to do a little digging to learn more. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    Why was Georgia doing the guests laundry? Do they do that in original recipe Below Deck and I just never noticed it? 

    yup! there was one recent BD or BDM episode where someone threw a guest's fancy designer top in a dryer when it should have been hung dry - or put it in the washer when it should have been handwashed... can't remember the details

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  9. 1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

    While I felt bad for the girl who was coming back for the second time, I thought they were right to not turn for her.  I noticed that this time, while they were saying to her face that it was lack of experience, not ONE of them said they were hoping she would come back.  I think they all realized that she just wasn't that good, and even with practice, not likely to get much better.

    I thought it was a good thing that they didn't turn for her too. (even putting aside the fact that I think they should have to be 18 to audition in the first place)  She needs a few years to get her voice more under control. She may have it but she is definitely still young and has plenty of time. The artists that typically succeed when they are told to come back are usually either not chosen the first time because they totally picked the wrong song and come back the next season with the right one - or - they take a few years to sing everywhere, have life experiences, find their full voice and then come back stronger. 

    • Love 5
  10. 19 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

    It is pretty amazing that there are only 4 people on this season in their 20s (Adam, Michele, Nick and Sophie) and the youngest of those 4 are 28.

    I love this!!! It's actually refreshing to me to have it be a mostly older group and not have all the PYTs that always gave me the popular in high school vibes. There are definitely many beautiful people in the game, but having them be older just helps break away from the instant cliques it seems. I actually enjoyed hearing them bond over babies. 

    14 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

    That happened to me once when I was dog sitting.  I figured out that the Samsung TV sound was set to ACTION MOVIE and I changed it to VOICE FORWARD and it was perfect.  It is the only TV with that option, so I am always happy to see a Samsung TV at my dog sitting house since I can adjust the sound to focus on voices, not the marching band in the background!  

    And now my next tv will be a Samsung!!! I need this feature in my life!!!


    4 hours ago, marys1000 said:

    Not particularly into conspiracy theories either but in the one where Rob/Amber/Sandra have a pre-alliance....could it have been pre-planned for Amber to take one for the team?  "If Rob and Amber are on split tribes Amber will just let herself get voted out".  If Rob wins, they both get the 2 million.  IDK, seems far fetched.  

    I think that Rob and Parvati have played their old timers alliance hand too early.  Should have gone with Adam in a less obvious power play.  Now the newbies are gunning for them. 

    I kept thinking that Sandra was playing that hurt by Rob bit up a lot and figured it was a smart play for her to not loop her in with him and make her an even bigger target. I do wonder if they are already planning to work together. I also wonder if it was a bit strategic to not fight too hard since I am sure that they thought one of them would be the first to go - and since the original EoE with the winner being there most of the time, it is smart to plan for one of them to get there early and play the game from there. 

    I do wish they had gone for Adam. Mainly because I actually loved Natalie's win - I also don't watch TAR so I never got annoyed by her and her sister as it seems many do. 


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  11. 8 minutes ago, Lamima said:

    When is part 2?

    next week, same time - but I had to set my tivo to specifically record the ep - for some reason it isn't showing as new. 

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  12. First off - I really can't stand Andy and they need a new host. The fact that the first 5-10 minutes of the episode is him individually saying hi to each of the 9 guests so that they could tell Andy how awesome he and his show is is quite obnoxious. And a waste of time when there is so much to discuss. 

    Kate - I generally like her - mainly because she is typically very good about focusing on the task at hand and handling difficult personalities well on the job. There are many times where I was impressed with how well she just listened, let whomever vent/rage, and then figured out how to handle it immediately. She has good snark, is blunt, and has definitely found her niche for the show. (I did not agree with her blaring the music at Caroline. It was an extreme reaction to an extreme situation and two wrongs don't make a right.) This charter though definitely broke her. It is hard to tell what is genuine and what is for the show. And sometimes I don't think she even knows. I don't necessarily think she was intentionally bullying Simone but she definitely let some passive aggressiveness come through. Whether that was fully related to Simone, or partially due to the general shitshow that was this season... who knows. 

    Simone - I have very mixed feelings about Simone. She definitely started eager to learn and was upfront about her skills. She did unfortunately state that she liked doing laundry and she was much better at it than Courtney so I can see why Kate divided the labor as she did, especially soon after the start.  I do agree with Kate/Capt Lee that this show is not a good way to be trained. Learning will be limited to observation and adaptation. Editing definitely made it seem that when being taught how to do something, Simone seemed to dismiss it (pouring a beer, opening a wine bottle). However - she was more active on service as the season went on. So she definitely learned something! So I wonder how much of the "Kate is evil" narrative was provoked and highlighted by the brus and by production. I am also sure there is some implicit bias going on. Probably both from her previous charters keeping her in laundry and here, and maybe also by production. The yachting industry is definitely lacking in diversity so production highlights that and pushes that angle through their prompts even more. I do hope she takes a service class or gets on a boat that has more staff with more options to gain experience. I also hope that the boat has a better and less misogynistic culture too! 

    Ashton - ugh. just ugh. still everyone else's fault and not his in any way. His nodding along when Capt Lee was talking about checking your ego when you get on board was so ridiculous! He was by far the worst at that! 

    Tanner - seemed like he had a plan to apologize and look good but no clue and actually learning occurred. You wanted to be the next Colin/mom role on the boat and invited all the commentary about your mom. You can't claim high ground that no one knows your family. and apparently the "private" fb group was not so private (again clueless!) 

    Brian - just stop and listen. that is all it takes. and if you feel wronged don't just attack! Others are allowed their own opinions. his responses and my guess - his texts were just more attacking - didn't like you anyway b!tch variety of a toxic male who gets turned down. 

    Kevin - I appreciate that he came ready to apologize and actually seemed to learn from the experience. I do think his running to tell Brian about Courtney saying she was telling everyone was just stirring the pot. later that episode or a next one when he pulled her close to hug her I wondered if he had a crush on Courtney and it was his little way to break them up... 

    Courtney - totally impressed! I hated her the first episode but she quickly became my favorite! I would love to see a dream team of her, josiah, and kate on a new season. if only!

    Capt Lee seems ready for a fight and also just ready to be done. I do think he has an old school attitude that most frustrations/fights/issues should never have to make it up to him and should be handled by the chief stew/bosun/chef. Unfortunately with the casts that Bravo gathers - that really isn't effective. 

    • Love 15
  13. I'm excited to see where this show goes - do we know when the next ep is going to air? I know there was going to be a pause in between but I really hate when they do this - I would think it would cause many to lose interest if there is not a sooner follow-up. 

    In the meantime, I stumbled across Netflix's show Soundtrack - which was really good - it's a different take where they lipsynch to the songs instead of sing them but the choreo and interactions are great. The songs are used to show/amplify a person's feelings/thoughts in the moment and are not really happening. Madeleine Stowe is in it and some new faces to me. I really liked it. 


  14. beyond the basic fact that the full john legend concert including 5 min break is quite unrealistic and way over the top... why the hell are they sitting that far away?!? You could sit in any seat and so you sit more in the back to watch just one guy at a piano?!? Come on! 

    • LOL 1
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  15. 9 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    Kipping pull ups like that is a great way to:

    • Not get stronger
    • Give yourself bloody, raw palms
    • Tear a rotator cuff
    • Look like a douchebag

    It is a poor way develop lats and biceps so that you can do actual pull ups. Jessica seems like a person with good intentions, but nothing backing it. It's like she goes through the motions and will make comments she's heard coaches and trainers say, but she doesn't understand what they mean or know how to actually develop someone. Whitney "jumping" on that box to do a pull up is not developing any strength in her lats or her biceps. She's never putting those muscles under load at all. The big risk is she's holding that bar and slips off the box. Her own weight is going to rip a shoulder out of socket or break her leg.

    Kipping pull-ups should also not even be a skill to work on until you can do multiple strict pull-ups in a row. Every second of that movement should be in full control. Unfortunately the majority of people that do them are not in control at all. 

    • Love 4
  16. 5 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    Whitney does not lock out a lift, but part of that comes from Jessica being a big time CrossFitter where it's all about doing as many reps as possible in a set time. Form is sacrificed - they literally call it CrossFit Slop - for speed. Whitney is not capable at any of the lifts and a judge in a weight lifting competition would give her a "no lift" because of it.

    The biggest concern I have with her on the show is that the wrong and incomplete information is going to get followed by someone watching it and they're going to get injured.

    That was beyond crossfit slop! Even crossfit competitions require you to lock out to count reps. And she wasn’t doing multiples. She was going for a 1 rep max. What bugs me is that Jessica talks about Oly lifting competitions and yet doesn’t give any form comments at all. I completely agree that it is irresponsible to show this incomplete info. And the walking on her back thing?!? Glad Ryan quit and said something about that being wrong. 

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  17. 4 hours ago, cherenkov said:

    On another note, the training with Jessica shows both how not fit Whitney is, and how shitty a trainer Jessica actually is. Having Whitney stand on a box and "jump" at a pull up bar? This is not a great advertisement for her. I get that Whitney can't even do reverse pull ups, but an actual trainer who isn't a total hack like Jessica would put someone like Whitney on a lat pull down machine and build strength. It's not a realistic goal for her to do pull ups or reverse pull ups unless she loses probably 175 pounds, and kipping them like Jessica (fuck I hate CrossFit for this encouragement of shitty form) is only going to ruin a rotator cuff.

    I was trying to decide if Jessica is a shitty trainer or if she knows it isn't worth critiquing Whitney because it is her show. Your comment solidified that it is probably both! The lack of critique just amplifies the shittiness of the training. She never talks about form and I agree - there is no reason for Whitney to do the jumping pullups at her weight - it is a good skill to do if you can then hold at the top of the bar and slowly let yourself down. Whitney is nowhere near that!

    But the biggest thing that pisses me off in all of Whitney's workouts is her complete lack of respect for the equipment and both Ryan and Jessica's lack of establishing good equipment rules. Whitney never fully completes a lift as the second she gets her arms all the way up, she throws the weights on the ground - no finish/hold/control at all. This would not fly in a competition. And when you only have 10 or 15# plates on the bar - those plates break! She's not even just dropping them from overhead which is bad, she is throwing them down. In the workout with Ryan she even threw down the maybe 5# hand weights from overhead! Whitney's rowing form is also abysmal - even for Crossfit standards (which are extremely low)! Every time she brings the handle up to her chin makes me cringe.

    While I do/did enjoy Crossfit - I lucked out and was at one of the early gyms where the owners were exceptionally qualified, even had rowing experience, and hired qualified olympic lifting coaches and made it so much more than crossfit. Focus was fully on form. I joined it because they had rowing only classes and I rowed previously. Unfortunately those are fewer and far between nowadays. I moved and haven't been able to find one even half as good. 

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  18. 11 hours ago, azshadowwalker said:

    Haven't there been stories of sexual harassment regarding Peck, especially in the early seasons? I seem to remember that, but am open to being corrected. I just remember reading something and feeling like he should have been shitcanned a long time ago. 

    Apparently yes - although it is the first i heard about it (am a more recent Ink Master watcher) Katie Sellergren has been speaking out about him for a while...


    She posted to some FB groups which is how I found out but fb doesn't let you share posts from a group page...

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  19. This is a crazy location and seems like there should have been way more prep and way more time setup before sending these people in. And the whole sending someone in immediately was a change that I think was a mistake.The marine was rushed in and didn't fully have his story straight.  Honestly I'm not sure this was a smart move to go to this prison. I agree with the marine who said it is just unsafe. There are so many blatant things going on that they can see with the cameras and don't really need the spies! They are barely hiding anything. It is so severely overcrowded and understaffed. And how on earth have the locks not been fixed yet?! 

    The woman's pod is a mess - no change of clothes or underwear or anything?!? I understand that prison is a punishment but there is a level of basic human rights that should be maintained.

    I do find it interesting how quick intake was for the women but the men are left forever. I think it was the lack of sleep from the night before combined with being shoved in intake for forever just caused the CO to spiral. He was in no shape to be mentally tough. 

    Then we have the football player who is way too arrogant. Didn't listen to the chief and is drawing way too much attention to himself. I hope he gets checked soon without getting seriously hurt. 

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  20. 37 minutes ago, Jel said:

    No actionable harassment in the law, or in the Survivor players code of conduct? Why put the onus on Kellee, or any victim, to ask for consequences? Shouldn't CBS do that because they have rules/standards/behavioral or contractual expectations?


    This is a serious (not a rhetorical) question:

    If Survivor A punches Survivor B, do they ask Survivor B how s/he feels about it and if they should eject Survivor A from the game? Or does production just eject the person for a rules violation?

    Has this ever happened  and if so, did they ask for players' input as to consequences?

    THIS! I was reading through to see if anyone had brought this up yet - thank you! I don't think it has ever happened on survivor with the closest being the hantz kid where his irrational behavior was worrying and they did an impromptu beach vote. Top Chef removed a contestant once after a physical altercation - immediately. They have video proof of her asking him to not touch her and then Dan continues to touch her - lay his gross head on her. She was put in an awful situation. Dan's actions should have caused immediate repercussions from production. At the very least - the talk should have occurred in those first few days and put him on probation. they let it go on way too long. I am also surprised how positive of an edit he got after Kellee's boot. Granted the women he primarily snuggled up against or touched were all booted. And his behavior was different when Janet was around which says a lot. The sad thing is he may not ever realize or see his behavior as wrong. And it makes me cringe how many comments (not here) that defend his behavior. If a woman says don't touch me and he can't respect that or even make the slightest effort to stop - this is an issue and should be dressed immediately. 

    Regarding the gameplay and if removing him early would cause complaints of production influencing results - Production always impacts results and is part of the unpredictable nature and luck required in the game - all the advantages, etc. Who you align with is a part of it and can be very dependent on the game. Medical evacs also screw up games but are a fact of it. Dan's actions are the reason for his removal and his alone. 

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  21. the annoying thing about her choosing cotton - didn't pink-hair (already forgot her name) ask her if she was sure if she wanted to work with a fabric that didn't stretch when they were at mood Asma selected the cotton - and Asma said it wouldn't be an issue. I would rewatch to check but I already deleted the ep - and also don't care that much.

    I really hate the team challenge to start. I wish the judges got to see the individual personalities and styles at least once before throwing in the team challenges. 

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