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Posts posted by slaterain

  1. I really wish there was a map that they would show and help us all orientate!!! Like a game of thrones type entry - where on earth is everyone right now? How far apart? And where on earth would a submarine beach even remotely nearby? gulf coast I assume - is that where they are? Are they all in texas? 

  2. On 10/6/2020 at 11:37 PM, theatremouse said:

    My understanding is part of the policy is duration. So the judges are sitting next to each other maskless for extended periods indoors - their seats have to be farther apart. Nick stands close to humans onstage maskless for less than a full segment - he can be closer. I think it'd send a better message to people at home if he were consistently positioned farther from anyone else on stage, but I think they're following the letter of the rules, presuming my guess is right and he's farther away in between takes and whatnot and not standing that close for more than a few minutes at a time.

    I agree - America's Got Talent I think did it right - Terry always stood further apart even though they are only standing together a few minutes...

  3. On 7/31/2020 at 11:46 AM, Jack Sampson said:

    According to Google, she's been married since 2017.  I doubt she was trying to get on the show.


    On 7/31/2020 at 11:47 AM, Empress1 said:

    I noticed a sizeable rock on Trishelle’s finger; a quick Google search tells me she’s married. I more got the vibe that the brunette had “he’s supposed to be paying attention to ME” intentions. Trishelle didn’t seem to care that much about Henry; she just seemed drunk. The brunette was the one who was talking shit about everything & saying she didn’t respect Christina or the marriage.

    Totally missed the wedding ring! Well then I still think it was her that pushed him to do the show so that she can be on tv again! 

  4. On 7/30/2020 at 10:49 AM, HZAnita said:

    Drunk Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather hovering with their wands (champagne glasses), ready to whisk Prince Henry away from Evil Christina to a safe cottage in the woods

    Best Description of those hovering 'friends'!!!


    22 hours ago, ramble said:

    I want to say poor Henry but good grief gravy why is this guy on this show?!? He is painfully uncomfortable and can’t even make minimal chit chat. Not that I think his bride is a prize. If she thinks marriage is going to be like a romantic movie she is going to be so disappointed. I wonder if Henry thought doing this show might wake up whichever one of his honey bees he has buzzing around him that he desires and they’d suddenly realize he’s more than “just a friend”. Ain’t going to happen dude. 


    22 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

    No one thinks they'll be picked when they first sign up and see this massive crowd. If I were a single man I'd show up just to meet the single eligible woman...its got to be a happy hunting ground!

    Here is my theory... Henry is in love with Trishelle but has been completely friendzoned. Like many have said, she keeps him around as her backup +1 in all the string-along glory. The brunette friend who wanted to claw out Christina's eyes - I think she has a thing for Henry but he is still too infatuated by Trishelle to notice/care. Trishelle is who really wanted to be on the show and made sure Henry came along to the casting. Only he got picked! So of course Trishelle still wants to be on tv so she encourages him to do it. Brunette is still pissy - hence the rant on anyone who would do this show. And now Trishelle is using every opportunity to be on the show as the best friend - in all her drunken trashy glory.  

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    On 7/29/2020 at 5:43 PM, John M said:

    OK, did anyone follow the fish thing? Aren't they staying at a hotel? They didn't talk about cooking the fish, or bringing it to the parents house to cook, they just said Dracilla wanted a decapitated fish and for some reason that request needed to be obliged. 

    As for the Ethiopian hospital, it did look well equipped except for the fact that, nobody seemed to be giving birth in the hospital, it looked like the entire OB/GYN wing was completely deserted, which seems unusual for a hospital that is set up to regularly deliver children.

    These were my two big questions too! 

    Regarding the hospital - I wonder if they moved people or showed an empty section to not have privacy issues with the video taping. 

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  6. On 7/28/2020 at 10:36 PM, Rickster said:

    The firefighter was disadvantaged by being too short to properly do the first challenge. She had to reach too high to push the upper discs, which angled them in a way that it was hard to slide them. In the second challenge, Courtney had too much momentum and mass.

    This!!! I was so frustrated watching that. It was definitely not the challenge for her. She couldn't get any leverage due to her height. Then that little slip at the ladder on the next challenge meant she had no chance. I wonder how she would have done on the climbing fence one or a couple of the other challenges. 

  7. What a pathetic episode. I liked the wrestler/announcer woman and had hoped she would have had a much better showing at Mount Olympus.

    I was really bummed when the golfer was the one who advanced. I was frustratingly glaring at my screen while the other guy kept hitting the top of the tube with his feet and not moving it at all. I also really hate it when both challenges are the same muscle groups. Having both competitors fall off multiple times is not fun to watch. I assume that these all occur the same day, right?

    A little cynical part of me thought the golfer just knew he wouldn't be able to come close to catching up and used his fall and a sore shoulder as an excuse to quit. I don't think he had any energy left - no endurance at all. Country strong is a bit obnoxious but I liked his "at least I can talk this time" comment at the end of it. 

    Hopefully next week is better. I am looking forward to the finals. I really want Matt Chan to win - special place in my heart for him as he was one of the original Crossfit competitors back when I first was getting in to it. 

  8. I would love it if when the guests hand in their tip at the end of the charter that they share frustration with Sandy popping up constantly checking on them. It's like the server who constantly interrupts your meal checking on everything. The best servers walk by and are available if you need them. If it is not bad enough for you to make an effort to reach out and comment on an issue, then it probably is nitpicky and not worth it.  

    • Love 23
  9. 9 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    I can’t believe TLC had Karine take Pierre to that hoarders/former meth lab trailer. That place looked like it was crawling with    germs. I hate to break the fourth wall, but are we supposed to ignore the fact that Paul has collected a tidy sum from this show over the years? My older son currently lives in Columbus, Ohio. The rent on his 2 bed/2 bath townhouse is $618. Seems to me that the equivalent in Louisville would be cheaper.


    9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    For a half-decent apartment here, it's around $1000 per month for a 1 bedroom. Might be a few cheaper places.  A nicer 1 bedroom is in the $1200 range. 2 bedrooms in the $1300+ range.


    8 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    Based on the amount of Fortune 500 companies in Columbus, Ohio, seems to me that it should be more expensive to live there than in Louisville, Kentucky.

    Columbus is about the same or slightly more expensive than Louisville as listed here - at least if you are trying to be near the city center or in top neighborhoods/nearby suburbs. While there are some deals to be found, you usually have to go pretty far into the suburbs to get that lower cost of $618.
    But, I was also shocked at the cost of the camper/lot considering. How far out of the city was Paul looking? I would think if you got further out they would find some very reasonable options. Part producer/part Paul's cluelessness?!?

    • Love 2
  10. On 7/11/2020 at 8:14 AM, Fallacy said:

    But I didn’t like Cracker’s look for the lip sync at all, and totally agreed with Ru that Roxxy won that one. It wasn’t just her costume. She oozed sex and looked like she meant every word of the song. I appreciated Cracker’s effort, but Roxxy was just hot. 

    From the start of the lip synch I thought Roxxxy had it and am glad she won. It was more than the costume changes, she actually enhanced the song instead of fought against it. Cracker's seemed slightly frantic. While the song has a good beat, it is more of a sultry song and Roxxxy oozed it as you said. 

    I'm glad Alexis was sashayed away. While I don't think Blair will last the next week, I have enjoyed her more this time than her original season. I do think she has grown although the pout at the end was ridiculous. So there is still some growing to do. Alexis would definitely drop shea if she had the chance. And while I don't think she campaigned for Shea to go, I am sure she mentioned to India about how they could all take shea out. As usual the truth is most likely somewhere in between. India took a chance that Alexis talked to other queens about it and tried to get the focus off of her. And that is the last that I will ever mention that producer-enhanced storyline.

    I do think that this season hasn't been as exciting (especially with the amazing last regular season) and the choice to have all but the winner be in the bottom was a producer choice to try and stir up drama. 

    I really want Juju to take this home. I didn't see her other seasons (late to the show) but caught her on the makeover show she did and loved her calm and realness there. Happy to see it come forth here. 

    • Love 2
  11. grrrr - my tivo never records the snatch game episode!!! Something about having the same episode title that it assumes it is a rerun and pulls the wrong season's information as the description. I thought maybe it didn't air because of the holiday. Now off to find it online. 

  12. First off - I LOVE TWITCH!!!! So happy to see him show up on anything!

    So I was torn on the ballroom couples - I liked Luca/Allessandra more but Jefferson/Adrianita definitely had a higher energy performance. I think my struggle with the latin couple is the faces Adrianita makes during the dance - for some reason her intense open mouth expressions pull me out of enjoying the dance. 

    I was hoping for Upeepz as they are just so much fun and quirky and entertaining. The rise is talented but I felt disconnected from their routine a bit. 

    I do think Kurtis was stronger than the ballet duo. However I think Styles was held back by Emma and their routine wasn't as strong as it probably could have been. If Styles had performed solo, I think he would have beat Kurtis.  

    Now back to TWITCH!!! 🙂 He was adorable and just loves seeing passionate dancers perform. Loved the kneeling by the fire thing he did for the ballroom. But then Derek started to do it too and it was so awkward!!! Like a dad trying to use kid slang/be hip!!! 🤣

    • Love 6
  13. On 6/22/2020 at 5:18 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

    Huh? All the images are edited in. Do you mean the image itself is manipulated? I'm not sure if it is or isn't, but what difference does that make?


    On 6/23/2020 at 5:19 PM, Bobcatkitten said:

    I originally thought it might be a fan who inserted that image as a joke. I think that's what the poster meant. 


    On 6/23/2020 at 8:20 PM, gonzosgirrl said:

    That would be in even more poor taste and judgement than the agency doing it. Good grief.

    Yes - that is what I meant - I should have used the word manipulated in or edited in later. It seemed to me that the boys were edited in since all the other images were clear and crisp yet that one was extremely pixelated - a small image made bigger. I could be wrong but usually when you are making a marketing piece/commercial, you make sure to use images that will be high quality enough to look good. It is the only image like that in the whole video. 

    And I completely agree - if it was manipulated in, it isn't a very funny joke.  

    • Love 2
  14. 3 hours ago, Just Carol said:

    But the eliminated contestant gets into the van at night.  Unless it is an underground garage?  It is dark when the contestant gets into the van.

    good point - It could be an underground access - or an alley. So then they come back after getting all cleaned up and the other queens have left to pack up that same night. 

    • Love 1
  15. 23 hours ago, Ananayel said:

    I think what happens is, immediately after the elimination, the eliminated queen goes somewhere, to perhaps do an interview, etc. The remaining queens go to the work  room, de-drag, write notes. Then, the eliminated one goes to the work room to do that last tag, often sobbing. Then the next day, when the others are at a rehearsal or on the runway, or otherwise out of the work room, eliminated comes in to get the notes and pack. Perhaps the untucked lounge factors in, maybe the immediate sobbing interview is in the work room right away, oh yeah, that must be it since the mirror message has to be writte, while the others are in the lounge. Packing all that stuff would take a while!

    On that subject, how to do they get all the stuff there? I read somewhere they are allowed to have 5 suitcases. But if you have one for your boy clothes, you can't fit all those wigs, shoes, accessories, huge gowns, corsets etc. in just four. Rock M's tulle dress alone would fill the biggest one!

    I always assumed that they wrote the mirror message immediately after getting sashayed away. They are still in full drag from that runway. And I assume it happens when they always have the saved queens dance on stage with the register to vote signs. The ousted queen then goes to the hotel or wherever to de-drag while the other queens read the mirror message and leave notes etc. Then later or probably the next morning the ousted queen comes back to pack everything up. 

    • Love 5
  16. I generally enjoy Restaurant Wars and also enjoyed this one - I think there is something interesting to see them work more as an actual restaurant and handle the two seating pressure. I also think it really shows the collaboration that can make restaurants so successful. So I of course enjoyed this ep. i really liked them having the pitches to determine the concept for the restaurant. That helped avoid some of the initial craziness. 

    Regarding plategate - Malarkey actually picked up the plate from the other team's display as opposed to grabbing one from the stock which was shitty imo. Did it warrant the full-blown  anger - not really. An eye roll and a dude as you took the plate back if you were still building the placesetting. But I think they were done. Kevin seemed to put a lot of pressure on himself to make it his full dream and the stress really destroyed his calm that we have seen in other eps. Who cares if you use the same basic white plate!!! No one will notice. 

    Gregory and his team did an amazing job! I want to try everything there and definitely will go to his restaurant whenever he finally gets it going. Kevin's had absolutely no appeal to me. So I do think the right person went home. But Karen was a close second - this would have been a good double elimination ep. She was a mess. 

    My one wish on restaurant wars is that they would at least all have time to pitch in putting tables together and getting the restaurant setup the day before separate from prep/cooking time. There is no reason one person should be tasked with all those things. I do think previous seasons where the team split up training the staff while each had time to cook was a better method to balance the setup. 


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  17. OMG- this episode had so many cringe-worthy moments!!! 

    Jenna - WTF?!?! - you do not go up to the primary that is stage 4 terminal and make some random quip about dying - luckily the primary let it roll off and mentioned being stage 4 and carpe diem. I can't remember what exactly Jenna said first but wasn't it something like "I would die if..."? I don't know if I want to rewatch to find out. I just remember my mouth dropping wide open when she did it. She has the weirdest conversations with the guests that most times are not even remotely appropriate.  she is also uber clingy and desperate. I was pissed when she had georgia take over service to talk mid charter with Adam - and it wasn't how do we get through this charter. And seriously Adam?!? I did laugh when her weird love notes bombed. 

    I did catch one of the repeats with extra notes and one of them was that if Jenna could be on any other bravo show it would be a real housewives of any city. That sums her up well. cue eye roll. Madison said Project Runway which made me like her more. 

    Paget had a couple creepy jealousy moments such as when he saw Georgia dressed up to go out to the fish spa. Dude your girlfriend is on the ship with you!!! shut that down! 

    Adam was out of control and should have been reprimanded immediately. Did Glenn see him berate the delivery guy? I can't remember. That was unacceptable. While I can understand Glenn's comment that telling someone to Calm Down never works and at that point Adam was just banging around in the galley. But that should have been shut down. Tell him to go walk the dock and then come back ready to work. 

    I'm glad Georgia and Madison were able to move past it - and I appreciated that Georgia said I'm sorry and told her upfront realizing she made a mistake. I do feel bad that anytime Madison is upset that it gets blamed to her sister. She has had every right to be frustrated by what she is dealing with on the boat. Negating it by putting it to her family drama gives everyone an excuse to ignore it and not address what they are doing that is making the situation worse. 

    • Love 12

    1 hour ago, Darian said:

    That moment was one of many that got me, too. I was a home hospice RN (and now in hospice myself, with a fabulous nurse, but she's no Howie), and it was one of the best, most rewarding jobs I ever had, but it could be hard. When I was new, the nurse training me said I had a "hospice heart." I guess I thought it meant especially loving or something but I came to understand that yes, it meant loving, but it also meant being able to care for, even love, your clients and their families but be able to lose them and keep doing the job without hardening. Something like that. I feel like there was a nod to that balance in that moment. 

    I love this show. 

    First - huge hugs and love to you as a home hospice RN - I am forever grateful for the nurses that looked after my mom in the ICU and then on the hospice floor. I can only imagine the extra bond of in-home care during that extremely difficult time. I hope that you are being well taken care of now - and glad that you have a fabulous nurse! 

    Second - Howie was a critical component of this show - every second of his character showed that balancing act. The ability to balance answering questions that this is normal, doing things that help physically as well as mentally and socially, and doing what they can to continue comfort has got to be hard. And this show didn't shy away from the grit that a terminal illness has. Families are grieving long before those final moments. they grieve as the lose bits and pieces of who their parent was to the disease. This show summed it up beautifully. I haven't reacted this strongly to a show in a very long time. I have actively avoided parent deaths on shows and movies - yet this one was therapeutic in a way. Because they had these detailed moments that celebrated the small wins while allowing for the grief. I am going to cry again just thinking about it. 

    • Love 18
  19. 3 hours ago, carrps said:

    Oh, Rick Bayless is definitely a good example. He's very respectful and also promotes Latin chefs.

    That's good to hear - I hoped that was the case with the latin community - He always seemed to be respectful when I have seen his shows and his restaurants are ridiculously good. Anytime I was on the 606 I always noticed his house too with the gorgeous outside space. I miss Chicago!!!

    • Love 2

    On 5/1/2020 at 1:57 AM, buttersister said:

    Big fan of Stephanie and have eaten at all her Chicago restaurants. She and the Boka guy were perfect judges for this episode. Still, sorry about Eric’s bad day in the kitchen. 

    Love seeing Stephanie Izard again - she is by far one of my all time Top Chef favorites. She is also the only one who I have been to a few of her restaurants. I didn't realize she had opened a third as I have only been to her first two. I don't live in Chicago anymore but hopefully she is doing well enough that I will be able to check it out after all this craziness is over and I can come back for a visit!

    On 5/1/2020 at 2:04 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

    It reminded me of a fast food chain in Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels called "Cluck in a Bucket".

    For some reason, when I hear "middle passage" I think of a vagina. 

    Ha! On both points!!! I forgot about Cluck in a Bucket!!! 

    On 5/1/2020 at 6:51 PM, HurricaneVal said:

    And I do love Eric, and I would love to try his food, but I just don't think this is the show for him.  He has a certain something that is very watchable and approachable.  Even when he's being painfully earnest about African culinary roots, he comes off as eager and sincere and not patronizing or lecturing.  That's kind of hard to do, especially when talking about touchy subjects like slavery, racism, and African and African-American cultures.  Eric needs a show on the Travel Channel or CNN where he travels around Africa and the US showcasing the cultures and foods and how African roots inform a lot of southern and other cooking today.  I'd watch the hell out of that show!

    I would love to see him do a travel show exploring the African American influences on global cuisine! That would be amazing! And if he had pitched it that way he would have had a much better shot. 

    On 5/1/2020 at 9:23 PM, Archery said:

    Honestly, I was more skeeved out by the Caucasian Brian Malarkey's concept of marrying food from the Baja (Mexican) with Asian cuisine -- all I could think was, yes, go ahead and marry up the cuisine of two oppressed California peoples and act like you invented it.

    Me too! Granted part of it is the mattress/used-car salesman vibe I get from Malarkey, but the other part was that is seemed appropriated. Which got me thinking - where do you draw the line? Rick Bayless is not of Mexican decent but has a doctorate in anthropology/linguistics and lived in Mexico for a time. His food seems to build on authenticity (and is delicious!) but is he considered a good example or a bad? 

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