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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. I blame the nice suit Dean got in Time after Time after Time. In fact that also meshes with the comment on his suit on The Slice Girls. I seriously found myself waiting for the bags even though the show was cancelled years ago. I loved Joyce and Frank and have really liked the Leviathans (overuse of cheesy cgi notwithstanding) for all the reasons stated.
  2. Personally, I am glad we didn't get hallucinations all season because I am not a huge fan of them. It made BSG unwatchable for me to constantly have a hallucination talking. I can see how they could have played with it, but I suspect it would have driven me crazy. It does feel like killing a dog is lazy shorthand for evil. Still upsets me every time (though so did the eaten cat head). Then again, I would probably say the same thing about kid zombies. Lol. A very good girl. I am torn on this one. I like the concept but thought it lacked something in execution. It also felt strangely placed for some reason. It didn't flow well for me. That may be a function of binge watching.
  3. I am not sure what we were supposed to feel, but apathetic is what they achieved over here too.
  4. It was such a great sibling moment. This one was great. I am not particularly scared of clowns, but I know so many people who are. I loved that the clown did a fakeout by winding up with one arm then hitting with the other. It was such a clown move. It cracked me up. I realized the other day that clowns have been largely relegated to creepy and my son associates them with scary movies . Like he didn't know they were supposed to be silly. 😆 The ridiculous deaths were great, but the best was getting the brothers being brothers.
  5. Ugh. Another one off that seems poorly thought out. It feels like there was this interesting thread about who should die and what the brothers' internal code should be that got pushed to the side and made an F plot and never really developed to something coherent. Everytime they address Amy, it feels like someone is trying to write a story after overhearing an outline in a bar. It was hard to care about Emma, who was the barest sketch of a person maybe genetically related to a main character. It was hard to care about the Amazons who were basically a cult with super strength and mild cannibalism. I did like some of the back and forth between the brothers, but I suspect this one doesn't stick with me long.
  6. Logan/Chase Graves! Given that I watched Veronica Mars, the and the last two seasons of izombie before this, I feel like he is sponsoring my maternity leave. Lol. I don't have much to add. I really enjoyed this one. It stands out in a season where the one offs are fairly mediocre. There were some eye rolling wink at the audience jokes (which is my least favorite thing about time travel episodes) but it wasn't as exhausting because the side characters got clued in fairly quickly. Plus I loved the Sheriff and giving her grief some screentime.
  7. We did have that one scene where Sam was trying to get information about the abandoned asylum and then seemed to benefit from therapy. Sadly, the long term relationship required to really delve in is not happening. Lol. They seem to have fake insurance info or accounts, if I recall from prior episodes. Earlier this season Bobby lied about lapsed insurance (committing a fairly serious EMTALA violation if it had been real) to get Sam out of the hospital and I recall mentions of insurance previously. Add it to the list of fraud. This is actually taught in the military to allow everything to fit in a pack. John was in the military, so that might be a nice continuity point. This episode was competent and enjoyable, which is to say I am not dying to see it again but I liked it well enough. That is enough of a rarity on the one off episodes this year to be high praise. I really liked them splitting up to divide and conquer. It made more sense than having them split after a fight, I think. I also like that they got it wrong. So often we see them say something like: oh, it's a *insert random obscure monster.* I fought one before and *insert a bunch of generalizations based on one encounter.* The monsters are people adjacent (heeee). Their behavior may not always be subject to generalization and the lore may be off. Overall, it was entertaining and interesting. That's enough for me.
  8. Sam made up slightly for arguing cake is pie by recognizing that licorice is trash. This one gutted me. I mean legit crying. I really liked Bobby and thought he brought so much to the show. Maybe there was some retconning, but even cutting it out he has been so closely tied with the boys that his loss is hard. It is interesting that your life flashing before your eyes is really reliving memories. Perhaps it is the universe sorting out the ones to create your heaven. I think everyone covered my thoughts pretty thoroughly except to say that I liked the reaper. I like that each reaper has a different strategy. I liked that he was calm and constant.
  9. I enjoyed this one, though I couldn't help but get distracted by the logistics of bibbing. Well, until the end. Bobby is one of my favorite characters and I just don't mind the retcon. The turducken sandwich concept was hilarious to me. I loved hungry Dean who was not in the least discouraged by the disgusting autopsy. There was actually a lot of brilliant grossness. That sandwich alone.
  10. As with pretty much everything this show does, there was some good. I actually like Crowley for once and found the loophole seeking demon to be interesting. Becky was a cartoon character and a creep. I never loved her, but this episode had her drugging and kidnapping Sam. Being lonely or having low self esteem does not come close to justifying that.
  11. Even better, I'd like to think Ash has hooked her up to go heaven hopping and that is why she can see what's going on. This is a great detail that I would have completely missed. I live in Louisiana, so I feel your pain. They mention Louisiana a lot but still haven't visited. Not even the rougarou. So I enjoyed the episode except for the interpersonal drama. I just can't get over the idea that Sam would walk away in the middle of everything that is going on or that Dean doesn't understand how telling Sam to trust in him as an anchor for reality but then turning around and lying would really upset him. I mean, I would assume he does from his guilt, but he sure does seem pissed at Sam for being upset. The entire fight has been so poorly handled. I am over it. In my head Sam found out, they had an adult discussion and agreed that each of them had a valid perspective and that they believe the other was trying to do what was right, and they both agreed to stop lying to each other every few episodes (I am guessing that won't happen). But, that aside, I liked this one. Gory deaths, interesting side characters, a fairly predictable but still entertaining twist. In a season where the one off episodes haven't worked for me, this one mostly did.
  12. I usually love the one off episodes. Otherwise, this show gets too serious and loses the sense of fun that makes it so watchable. However, given the last two episodes, it is a huge relief to get back to the main story on this one. I can only imagine how people felt when they couldn't binge watch these. I think most of what I enjoyed about this episode has been covered. The Leviathan interactions and discussions were great. I have really enjoyed the mystery of how to kill them. Every week they know the answer, even for the most obscure monsters. It has been fun to have an unknown. Plus I love that the usual suspects don't work. The weaknesses overlap so often, which I think we can ascribe to the same source (Eve). So, the Leviathans should be different. My only minor quibbles are: 1. Guys, we all know you are gorgeous, but put on a freaking hat. Maybe some fake glasses. Some sort of disguise. 2. Show, we aren't toddlers. You don't have to do the teeth thing if the person has contextually been revealed to be a Leviathan. 3. That scene at the end. It has been covered ad nauseam above, but it didn't read correctly. Overall, I really enjoyed this one.
  13. Well, the witches specifically said they failed because the chicken not cold. How hard is it to get to another town and buy a cooler? Or even just ask Bobby if there is someone else who can try since they have been made. This season has them taking on an ancient monster with no known weakness head on. They have taken on Lucifer, powerful demons, angels, and gods. I just don't buy they don't finish what they started without a good reason with these two. They both killed innocent people. She tried to kill them. The reaction to the cupcakes was hilarious and they were so amazingly gross.
  14. Pardon my french, but what in the actual fuck was that? Just to be clear, a woman who killed with massive regret to save her child is an irredeemable monster who will kill again, but these assholes who killed innocent people with zero regret are cool. Not even a throw away line about how they are just too powerful? "Well, one of them saved the guys from the other" is not only a terrible justification, it shows that they aren't even stopping. Amy saved Sam by stabbing her own mother. Was the Osiris episode meant to be a model? Amy Pond gets ganked cause she feels guilty while these assholes are good to go? I don't get it. At least have them offer the Leviathan in exchange for Sam and Dean forgetting they exist or something. Meanwhile i am over the "Dean has a secret" discussion. It feels like we have done this over and over. The good? The special effects other than the bees were great. Gory and disgusting. The disgusting corpse under the dryer. The nail in the face. And those cupcakes. I do love Charisma Carpenter, so I enjoyed her.
  15. Don't you hate it when you leave your ghost lighter in your other ghost pants?
  16. Wow, I loved the first 3 of this season, but this one fell flat. I felt like the writing was off for both of the guys. Osiris was an interesting concept, even with his flawed version of justice, but I hated the execution. I also hated the way they had Dean give up. In trial and beyond. I loved that they had him reaching a breaking point earlier in the season (and what beautiful work) but I don't feel that it was or is guilt that has him burnt out. Not sure if that makes sense. The Bobby voicemail. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Those aren't guilt. They are grief and exhaustion and loss of hope. I have identified so hard with him this season as someone who also employs the squash those emotions and sprinkle dark humor on top when trauma comes calling method to life. So to highlight guilt was a weird choice and it would have made way way way more sense to pick that thread upwith Sam who we have seen struggle with guilt for the actions of Souless Sam and who now remembers everything. And it seems weird that his guilt was centered on getting Sam back in to the life. I think, at this point, the guilt for that is probably pretty faded. After all, the YED was always coming for Sam. I could have bought a scene where he feels guilt for not finding a way to save Sam. Even though it wasn't his fault and Dean actually saved Sam from the fate of being Lucifer's puppet, I would have bought a scene where Dean is watching his brother struggle and feeling guilty for not protecting him. Speaking of Sam, what the hell was that last scene? Guilt is such a basic human emotion. Having Sam claim not to feel it was creepy and made you wonder if Souless Sam was back. At least have him echo Jo that death gave him perspective. The logical response to Dean's question, though, was that Osiris was targeting people in the bar and/or maybe could only judge one at a time. The only redeemable part of this was Jo/Dean. Speaking of which, why did she break the window? Am I missing something? He would have been just as dead in an explosion with the salt and cracking a window might let out the gas. It was odd. The whole episode was odd.
  17. I have face blindness, so any change of context or hairstyle can mess with my ability to recognize people. I was glad they expressly said she was the Sheriff or I may never have known. As far as believing fake Dean, there is an element, I think, of Sam's own fears and insecurities coming out. I feel for Sam. hope the hallucinations don't go on forever. I feel like they will get old for me. I feel like these first two episodes were a really strong beginning to the season.
  18. Oh, I know. She can say she won't kill again but she will if her kid gets sick again. And like Mannequin 3, the crimes/actions don't merit the death penalty. But it is still hard to watch and Dean and Sam have killed innocents so there is a double standard in there. Plus we know their Dad killed a ghoul who only ate corpses. Dean is probably right or at least there isn't a right answer here. And i realize that my perspective may change. Also, it seems likely more people will die because the kid's source of ethical food is gone, but what can you do? Anyway, i really loved the episode despite feeling sorry for the monster
  19. Death is the best! That would sound really odd out of context. This was a strong episode. I enjoyed seeing who Castiel targeted. I feel like they could have steetched this a little longer, mainly because i would love to see what else he did. Wish he had pulled Ellen and Jo back. 😭 There were some fantastic character moments and the pacing was great. I don't have much to add. I really enjoyed this one.
  20. Well, if anything was going to make me have a nergasm in life, it's Jewel Staite under the alias if Amy freaking Pond. Excuse me, i am gonna need a moment. 😆 I don't think i have ever been so sad about the death of a one off character in this show. Even some of the recurring ones. I really wish Dean had let this one go. I knew he wouldn't. I do think Sam was wrong . . . about the cake. Amy had gone years and years without killing and she specifically killed bad guys (which is also what Sam and Dean do, in case they have forgotten). But Dean rarely sees shades of gray on this stuff. And i think he is less inclined at this point. Bringing it home for me was the stellar job the young actors did. This was a complete win for me, and i am surprised at how down so many people are on it. It sounds like there are repercussions down the road, though. So perhaps that will retroactively change my view. As for the Leviathans, i am really happy with them as the big bad and hope this doesn't fizzle out like Eve kinda did. They are great. Sufficiently sinister and remorseless. In other news, is anyone concerned for Sam's head? He is taking a lot of blows. Maybe he isn't crazy, he just has TBI. Aim lower, Dean. Our boy needs to recover from his brain injuries. 😆
  21. I guess i wish they had fleshed it all out more. Those are both great explanations but they could easily have been worked into the show. Eve could have bragged about her monster army.
  22. I agree about the mindwipe and the best I have is maybe the ripples just happen the same way unsinking the Titanic did. Or maybe they can. I was really sad how they ended it and i didn't think the story added enough to merit it. I couldn't help but think the same thing. Thank's for the apology, but i really need the accident report and the number for your insurance company. Agree! What kind of ostrich thinking is this? Ignorance didnt save your brother. Now, Ben just doesn't know who to call when something comes for them. This episode had some really poignant emotional beats, but it didn't really make sense and I admit i found it boring at times. I am not really sure whar we gained with most of it.
  23. Even if he didn't recognize his own words, Castiel making a reference to pop culture? Not likely. No wonder Rachel was pissed. He was spending a lot more time on earth than we even saw. You would think Cas would know better than to work with a demon.
  24. Jefferson Starships was hilarious. Eve was a bit of a let down. She is the mother of all monsters, so she should know a ton about Dean and Sam. Yet she underestimates them. I didn't understand why she bit Dean to begin with. She has turned everyone else by touch. And why was she working every monster into a frenzy if her plan was to create a new monster?
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