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Posts posted by Mmmfloorpie

  1. 17 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

    Becky’s character was okay until she started dating Mark. From then on, she became a brat with little disregard for anyone else. She became unbearable and surprisingly, Mark became more tolerable than Becky (and David). 

    While both actresses were okay in the role, I found that once Lecy resumed the role from Sarah, she seemed miscast. I think I just got used to Sarah’s version that it was strange seeing Lecy as an adult Becky, and the going back and forth between the two actresses didn’t help. While it was a cute gimmick, I would have preferred they kept Sarah as Becky instead of bringing back Lecy. 

    I watched the later seasons a while back and was shocked how little was done to develop the Mark and David relationship. In season 8 they have that conversation before the wedding about how all they have is each other and they could never rely on their parents.

    Where was that for the other 5 seasons?? All their relationship is portrayed as being is Mark is just a bully. I know it's a comedy but it would have been nice in one episode for the B plot to be about them as brothers and their relationship with each other and or their parents.

    • Love 9
  2. 13 hours ago, Bastet said:

    But there's no love lost between Lorre and Barr, right?  (As there's generally no love lost between Lorre and any woman who's had to deal with him.)  Lorre doesn't strike me as someone who's ever done anything that didn't benefit him without being prodded, so I'd have no trouble believing Galecki had to do more than ask, "Hey, can we re-arrange my schedule X month so I can do an episode of Roseanne somewhere in there?" but I'm glad whatever happened, it worked out.  I'm not a huge David fan (although, as I said, I liked him more - and post-Lanford Darlene a hell of a lot less - on re-watch than I did originally or while watching syndication sporadically), but it would feel odd not to see him at least once.

    Lol, this was the point I was making in my original point.

    6 hours ago, charmed1 said:

    Comedienne, Luenell posted this to her Instagram account.


    No idea who that chick is but I really hope this doesn't turn into the Will and Grace reboot.

    Everyone is so happy to be back and the studio is filled with friends and well wishers... And they are all too busy being happy to be back that they don't realize the jokes aren't funny and the show sucks.

    I'm worried Roseanne has lost her edge. The show was fun because she was tough and cranky and never held back. Revival Roseanne could be more like Grandma Roseanne. Just happy her family came back to visit.

    • Love 2
  3. 7 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    I started becoming tired of the David character when he was living with Darlene in Chicago and while she was working and going to school he just sat a round in that crummy apartment all day. Geez man, get some gumption, sign up for some classes and FFS get a JOB.

    He didn't get accepted to art school remember :( lol

    From Galecki...

    'Deep thanks to my Big Bang Theory family for knowing the importance of visiting one’s roots and loaning me out for a quick minute. Much love.'

    Sounds like Lorre didn't want to let him and he had to beg.

    • Love 4
  4. 2 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

    They’re not my favorite, but they all have a scene or two that is enjoyable. I like the one where everyone is snowed in. 

    Something not right about that episode. I used to watch the show on TBS around the 2000s and they always seemed to skip that one. Like it wasn't in syndication. I only finally saw it years later when the DVDs. I've seen it on tv since and it always seems heavily edited. Like a lot of the Darlene and David part is cut like Alex and Nicky or whatever their names are.

    Also just the look of the episode is different. Hard to explain.

    • Love 2
  5. The episode when Jackie says she was a cop and could bring anyone down. She jumps all over Dan and tries to tackle him etc. There's a lot of other times she does physical comedy and she doesn't seem to have any chronic issues leftover.

    That was how I meant it.

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  6. Funny how in season 1 they don't want to leave the kids alone to go to dinner but by season 2 they drive to Molene with Becky and Darlene staying home.

    In the first season that was just because Jackie was running late. In season 2 she went to Molene with them lol.

  7. 3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Watching the show today something struck me.  The Home Ec episode and Dan is asked to come to school for career day or something and Roseanne goes ballistic because of the implied sexism in not asking her. But when they're on the field trip at the supermarket and she asks one of the girls to choose some meat. Meryl chooses the steak and Roseanne goes "what does your father do?" Seems a little sexist to me.

    Sort of. When she goes balistic though isn't it because she feels like since she isn't the breadwinner, her duties as wife and mother aren't seen as being as significant or important?

    Until The Lunchbox I think it was generally acknowledged that her income was more supplemental and Dan was primary. Most of the second season she is unemployed and is jealous of Dan's success. 

    The salon and Rodbell's were pretty low on the income scale and Bonnie says Roseanne was only part time. I doubt she made much tips with her demeanour as well.

    Back on topic, lol, her assuming that the father was likely the breadwinner wasn't a betrayal of her being a feminist ideals. Just an acknowledgement of reality in 1991 Lanford Ill.

    • Love 2
  8. In the birthday party episode Dan says when the 19 year old was trying to show him up "if I picked a sack of cement, he picked up two. If I picked up 6 2x4s he picked up 12. 2x4s could be used to make the molds for the cement like for a driveway or sidewalk.

    Season 2 episode 3, Dan says he had to give up a job pouring a driveway because he already had a job pouring another.

    By episode 4, Dan is said to be doing the drywall at the Burt Drucker job. This is the earliest reference to him doing drywall I've found so far.

    • Love 1
  9. Watching the first and second seasons again. Seems like they hadn't established Dan does drywall until later in season 2 and maybe season 3.


    Everytime he talks about a job it revolves around something a cement finisher would do. More than a few times he says "I'm pouring a driveway" or something to that effect.

    When they meet Chip's parents he says he knows the guy that did the parking lot or something like that.

    Also when his father comes to visit the first time Dan is trying to fix a cement mixer I think.

    I think they firmed up he does drywall around the time Arnie comes on the show.

    • Love 4
  10. 3 hours ago, IDFfm0870 said:

    I just found out that there will be a Roseanne revival, and I am totally thrilled.

    I would love to have Beverly, David, Leon, Fred and Crystal back. But to know that all of the original six will be back is incredible news already.

    Could do without Nancy, Leon's hubby and false Becky.

    As for the unknown kid at the table read, if it was DJ's child it could be interesting, as child DJ did not want to kiss a black girl in a school play if I do remember that correctly? So DJ could be the father, maybe that girl from school became his wife, what do you know.

    I have a feeling that the first new show will do a Will & Grace (just saw the first new episode yesterday, too. That is how I found out about the return of Roseanne), sort of joke right at the beginning to leave the entire topic of season 9 behind, and I hope they will put the joke on Roseanne.

    I am wondering if, contrary to what Roseanne said about a possible revival some years ago, Mark will possibly get a "funny" in character death to honour him doing such a wonderful job back in the original show.

    Thanks for sharing the video fron the cast, so great to see them back in action.

    I heard bits of pieces of the Will and Grace revival as it was on in the background at home.

    I noticed the audience reaction was REALLY raucous and they seemed to hysterically laugh at very line, even if it wasn't a joke.

    The actual jokes weren't even funny and sounded really hacknied. 

    I'm sure the studio audience was all people very close to the show and must have had all the goodwill in the world. They were probably so exicted to see the characters back that they were genuinely excited. 

    Me watching it in the real world did not have the same reaction lol.

    I hope Roseanne isn't the same.

    • Love 3
  11. It's just a look alike couch too I think.

    Wouldn't it be funny if they just all pretended they were still like in Season 4 or something? Roseanne still works at Rodbell's and Dan has a bike shop. 

    The kids are clearly middle aged yet still live at home lol. Darlene and Becky still fight like teens. DJ is mostly seen and not heard.

    The Bowmans still live next door and Jackie is a trucker.

    Might work for one ep but not a 13 ep series lol.

    • Love 4
  12. On 10/24/2017 at 4:40 PM, CaughtOnTape said:

    When DJ doesn't wanna kiss the black girl in the play.

    DJ:  "Dad said I don't have to and dad outranks you."

    Roseanne:  "Are you new?!?!?"

    I don't remember what episode it was or what the plot was, something with Jackie I think.  Complaining about a male, maybe Gary?  I think it was early in the shows tenure.  And she and Roseanne are talking in the kitchen and Dan walks in and asks what's up and Roseanne and Jackie both stare daggers into him,

    Dan:  "Run away, run away."

    No that was the ep when Bev visits and Jackie doesn't know when she comes over I think?

    Bev gets angry that Jackie didn't go to design school and the Roseanne gets mad that Bev never thought Roseanne could be any more than a housewife.

    • Love 1
  13. 11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

    Interesting that they have a child of color at the table read. I hope its not just a "friend of" character.  Like I said earlier, I would love it if Chuck Jr and Becky hooked up after Mark's passing. Or perhaps its DJ's child.

    I get that the set is iconic and they want it to be recognizable for nostalgia's sake but I do hope they've upgraded SOME furniture and appliances. It would just be unreal that the fridge or stove didn't conk out at some point over the last 30 years.

    At least the chair near the fire place has been updated. It gives me hope that they they obscuring the rest of the living room set because they don't want to show the upgrades just yet.

    Maybe Chuck Jr and DJ hooked up?

    I have no issues with interracial relationships but part of me hopes she isn't the child of one of the original cast.

    I've said all along I don't want this show to be overtly political or have some Hollywood social justice message.

    I can see an episode around the child confronting racism in Lanford or DJ and his black wife having to describe their struggle through life or something.

    I just want to watch these 13 episodes and laugh.

    It's great to deal with real world issues but it has to be done in a funny way. Take the gay issue. Roseanne was truly groundbreaking in this regard but it was funny as hell.

    Sure Nancy and Leon were gay but there were so many killer jokes at their expense. People watching became more comfortable because they could laugh about it. It was no longer a taboo subject or something to be derrided.

    In the current climate around race in America I think everything has to be dealt with 100% sincerety. There can't be any jokes made about it.

    • Love 2
  14. On 10/14/2017 at 3:02 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Yep. I don't know why she felt compelled to drag that onto the show. 

    The whole show mirrored her personal life.

    Her husband worked on the show as creative consultant, writer and acted in one episode.

    She was very close to her younger sister who was a producer on the show. Roseanne's character was very close with younger sister Jackie.

    Roseanne had 3 children (by Pentland) who strongly resemble Darlene/Becky/DJ. Her son's name is Jacob... DJ = David Jacob.

    Tom Arnold is brought on the show as a character and producer. His character's name is Arnie Thomas... Tom Arnold, get it?

    Tom's show The Jackie Thomas Show is referenced a couple times.

    Roseanne and Tom open up a loose meat restaurant in Iowa. Roseanne's character opens a loose meat restaurant having stole the idea from a place in Iowa.

    Roseanne says she is the product of incest and was sexually abused by her parents. Roseanne's character's parents are turned into monsters.

    Roseanne's character is said to be having a baby girl. Roseanne the person ends up having a boy so they end up changing the character to a boy as well.

    There's probably a lot more examples too.

    • Love 5
  15. S3 Trouble with the Rubbles Dan builds Roseanne a shelving unit because she was bugging him about the one in the Bowman's house. She says she has been bugging him for a shelf like that for 12 years.

    S5 Glengary Glen Rosey they are touring Jackie's future home and she says she has been bugging Dan for a shelf unit for 15 years...

  16. 59 minutes ago, readster said:

    For years, you had shows where they had boxes with generic names and even missing letters. I remember both on Home Improvement and Full House they had items with letters missing such as: "runch bar", "plain corn flakes", "super guy comics". You understood they couldn't place them, but it was a bit too similar to what the actual item was they were trying to knock off.  

    Unlike Roseanne which seemed to have its own brand.

    • Love 5
  17. 1 hour ago, SparklesBitch said:

    First, this is a great idea for a new thread! 

    Second, I totally agree about "Slammer!" for all the reasons you mentioned. 

    Third, I'll see your "Slammer!" and raise you a "Jackie, you might want to try Earth sometime, I think you might like it."

    Not sure if that's exactly right, and I don't remember which episode it is, but I think Jackie is trying to convince Roseanne that she could mold Dwight into a great guy and Roseanne says something like the above quote and Jackie laughs like it's the funniest thing she ever heard in her life and I always cringe really hard. Ugh. 

    Haha good one!

    • Love 1
  18. Since we have a favorite quote thread, I figured it would be appropriate for a "least favorite quote" thread.

    Please post any lines you thought were untrue to the show, made you cringe, or that you just plain hated!

    The quote in the title of this thread refers to one of the episodes in season 4 after Becky gets birth control and Darlene finds out. Becky turns to her and says "SLAMMER!". So cringeworthy because even in the 90s I don't think kids actually said this and, in my opinion, Lecy totally overacts it.

    The other reason I started this thread is we got to talking about that "Feeding the Monster" documentary on Youtube. The main thing I took out of that was Roseanne hated the dialogue that was really "cute" or "arch" or something a person living in Illinois would never say. She wanted to keep it real and dispell the sitcom lines. That's why she fired so many writers and treated them like dirt.

    DESPITE this, I still find a lot of the lines to be "written to be read" and lame. Here are some examples:

    The main one is in season 5 iirc when Bev buys the apartment at the retirement community and Roseanne gets freaked out about her own mortality.

    Roseanne asks Darlene if she thinks of her as young. Well, Darlene delivers that totally phoney line about thinking of her as a friend and contemporary. It was SO bad that poor Sarah Gilbert couldn't even get through saying it without tripping up on her words.

    Clearly no person in real life would be clever enough to think up something like that on the spot. If they had just worked on it and simplified it a bit the joke would have worked better.

    Another example I have is in season 2 when Roseanne and Jackie confess to Bev all the bad things they did as kids. 

    Roseanne confesses to spending time with Dan instead of studying. Then she says "Well I always got good marks" and without missing a beat, Jackie says "mostly on your neck" or something to that effect.

    I cringe everytime I see that lol. Such a sitcom set up to a joke and then the punchline delivered with perfect timing. The fact she says "marks" tells you it's a set up. Any real person would have said "I always got good grades" or something.

    Interested to hear all of yours. I have more but thought I would let others comment lol.

    • Love 4
  19. On 10/5/2017 at 10:12 PM, DB in CMH said:

    For any Canadians on this forum - ever notice the occasional Presidents Choice product pop up? I just noticed DJ eating Decadent cookies in a season 7 episode. PC products were only Ever available in one US chain - Jewel supermarkets in the Chicago area. Guess that's a little Easter egg for those paying attention and adds to the Chicago realism on the show. 

    Yep I looked that up before too.

    I always wondered about the brand of various food products in the show. The black boxes with the white bold lowercase font.

    Could have been made by the production designers I guess but maybe it's some type of generic brand (oxymoron much?) in California that they covered the logos on?

    I can see a script saying "Jackie picks up a box of crackers" or "Roseanne takes Darlene's class to the supermarket and there are aisles and aisles of boxed foods". Do the production designers make all that stuff or just go to a store and buy off the shelf? I'm thinking the latter.

    On 10/5/2017 at 2:11 PM, JakeyJokes said:

    Yeah, I think "rewriting the equal show" doesn't mean scrapping the entire plot and starting over. I know she was really picky about dialogue and not being too sitcom-my. Norm MacDonald wrote during Season 5 and said she would constantly send scripts back with the note "there are too many jokes", which was confusing to the writers.

    Oh I know. But in that documentary they make it seem like Roseanne hated the episode and the whole thing was going to go down in flames. 

    In reality I think she just wanted some of the jokes rewritten.

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