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Posts posted by Mmmfloorpie

  1. On 6/16/2017 at 10:01 PM, BookThief said:

    I don't see how it's hypocrisy. Most people do stupid shit as kids/teens that, even though they came through it OK, they don't want their kids to repeat. DJ stole a car--at an age he couldn't even legally drive let alone actually drive--and left it in a ditch or whatever. I know that was the hitting episode and I won't get into all that, but he SHOULD have been punished in some way. He could have died. He could have killed someone/himself. He was old enough to know better.Then he just left the car and let everyone think the worst. It was a big. fucking. deal. If parents couldn't punish children for mistakes they also made as children then, yiiiikes. What a world that would be.

    DJ did the EXACT same thing as Roseanne did though. And I don't think they were that different in age. Not sure if they mentioned Roseanne's age but cousin Ronnie would have been 16 say because she had a car and Roseanne is said to be younger because she looked up to her and was going to follow her etc. So Roseanne would have been 13-15. I think by the DJ episode he was 12-13. So not that different in age.

    The problem is I think everyone just forgot Roseanne is said to have done the same thing. Otherwise they would have had DJ do something different.

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  2. I rewatched a lot of the seasons recently and noticed something I never did before... In the episode with Joan Collins, it is revealed that Roseanne stole a car and then totaled it...

    Then a season or two later, DJ steals a car and wrecks it and Roseanne totally flips out on him. Hypocrisy much?

  3. 5 hours ago, readster said:

    Mrs. Readster and I were just watching Dan's 39th/PMS episode, wow! There are moments that are hilarious and moments where I was waiting for the family to push Roseanne out of a speeding car. Ok, here is the truth, I hate sitcoms who write women that they mood swing like no one's business when it's that time of the month. However, have I, my wife or even my brothers seen or experience women from 14 and up having mood swings and PMS like no tomorrow? Oh yes, however, we you know knew how to open our mouths and go: "Ok, enough!" "We know you are being ruled by hormones right now, but stop treating us like we are to blame for anything. If you did this to a cop you would be arrested." Guess what? They walked away and later apologized. The episode problems is that Jackie, Crystal and the girls acted like they had never seen Roseanne like this. Dan has known since Day 1 that Roseanne gets that bad every "28 days" as he put it. Yet, by the end of the episode, Roseanne thinks Dan gets like this every month, when he is worn out from dealing with her shift in personalities. That was showing early on Roseanne being so self centered at times, she doesn't see her own faults. 

    I think Dan getting moody every month was just a punchline to end the scene out.

    I often think about if I ever introduced a friend to the show, which episodes I would start them on... The PMS one is not one just because of Roseannes behaviour like you said. Theres times when she has attitude and it's funny but there are a lot of times when she has attitude and it's scary lol.

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  4. 2 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Ann Wedgeworth? I thought she was perfect as Dan's mother in the first Thanksgiving ep. What I thought was out of character (for the character established in said ep) was that she was supposed to have owned a travel agency and was never portrayed as unstable. Then there was this whole retcon about her being nuts all of Dan's life. That bugged me.

    Same with Roseanne's father.

    But the best way I can describe why she was miscast is by comparing her to Ned Beatty. He was PERFECTLY cast as Dan's father. There is a strong resemblance.

    I just felt there was no resemblance with his mother. She just looked like some bingo playing, beehive wearing piece of trailer trash. Plus she didn't look old enough to be his mother and neither did her boyfriend. Dan and him could have played high school football together.

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  5. I'm watching Arsenic this exact moment. Bugged me that it wasn't Dan's original mom... But Dan's original mom was INSANELY miscast anyways.

    I love how there isn't even a resolution to the episode. Dan just says "people with glass mothers shouldn't throw stones" and the episode just ends.

    So does she move in with them now or what?? Lol.

    Someone blamed new writers on lack of continuity. Looking back, Roseanne probably knew the season would end with everything being fake so she didn't care.

    Us as the audience didn't know it wasn't real at the time and that's always stuck with me.

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  6. 9 hours ago, UYI said:

    I did too, actually. For all the people annoyed by Tom Arnold, I thought Arnie could be very funny, especially in the bingo episode! 

    And when they find out Leon is gay at the poker game...

    • Love 4
  7. 23 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

    That Andy was played by Roseanne's real daughter, Brandi.

    Let's hope Arnie doesn't show up in the new version.

    Why? I liked Arnie...

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  8. 5 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    I actually really liked the Darlene baby episode.  For a dramatic episode of a comedy I thought it was very well done. I didn't think Roseanne acted out of character or rude at all.  What exactly is The correct response for a situation like that?  There really isn't one.  Hell I'd have acted the same way.  Get me a second option. Get me a fifth opinion if you have to but save my granddaughter.  

    The last season had its charms especially in the beginning. I liked the first few episodes when the Connors realized how rich they really were and what it really meant.  I forget the episode but there was a moment where Dan helped out an old friend.  Which was a nice moment.   

    Of course it devolved into lunacy.  But there were an occasional episode I did enjoy.

    I liked the episode as a whole. The Dan cheating/Darlene baby episodes were by far the best part of season 9. They weren't just self contained episodes. A lot of the episides gave me the impression that they had no ideas and just stalling for time. Notice how there's very few skits during the closing credits? Because they didn't have enough material for the main episode let alone the credits.

    Another gripe about season 9. I HATE the Wellman episode when Roseanne says "we turned over the diner to the people who just worked there" or whatever... Sorry but Leon and Nancy were co owners. Just completely ignoring continuity.

    And the episode previous when they turn the Diner over, she says something like "now you guys can know what it was like when we first opened it" or something. Like sorry, but Nancy was an original owner...

    • Love 2
  9. 22 hours ago, Bastet said:

    That's one of my favorite scenes of the series, as hard as it is to watch.  Becky gets hit with the college news and then, before she's had time to blow off steam and think about her options, she finds out about Mark's job offer.  Darlene talks some sense into her, and she realizes it would be selfish to ask him to stay, so she's off to tell him to take the job.  In that moment, she thinks (as she says) she's not going to college and she's never going to see Mark again.  It's the perfect storm, and for her to lash out in the worst possible way, giving voice to exactly what Dan is feeling in his own shitty moment - that he blew it as a husband and father by taking a chance on the bike shop and failing - is so incredibly ugly, but so incredibly raw and real.  Good people behave in very bad ways sometimes, and this show was great at showing that.

    As we've also discussed in the Episodes thread, I also love that her decision to marry Mark isn't as stupid as it seems on paper.  If things had worked as they anticipated, it wouldn't have been the end of the world -- Mark has a good job that will allow him into the union, she goes to community college in Minnesota as she would have in Lanford, etc.  Still not a wise decision, certainly, given their ages, but for her to say, "Don't give this up for me; go take that job" and him to say, "Marry me and come with me" is a frustratingly realistic choice for them to make under the circumstances.

    Which leads to Dan in the bedroom, heart breaking as he says, "She's going to get pregnant, she's going to forget all about school -- this is it!  This is her life!" 

    And Roseanne telling Mark she knows he didn't force Becky into anything, she got married because she wanted to - but she also knows she wants to finish school, and go to college, and if she doesn't, then she'll know that's because of Mark.

    Then the wind beneath my wings/Morticia and Bubblebutt goodbye between the sisters, and Roseanne's perfectly-delivered "Good-bye, Becky." 

    Dan finally calling Becky, and her reaction.

    Ugh, my heart.  That storyline is so well done.

    Weren't there later episodes where he still wouldn't take her call though? Lol.

    • Love 1
  10. 44 minutes ago, Dee said:

    As soon as the writers felt Sara Gilbert had grown enough as an actress to deliver a solid punchline, they abandoned Becky's character (other than sticking her with Mark) altogether.

    They had favored Darlene since the beginning, but after early Season 3, the show barrels full tilt into 'Darlene is a Special Snowflake' territory, which it never leaves imo.

    It's easier to write for a smart ass, sarcastic character than it is for a goodie two shoes so it makes sense they favoured Darlene.

    I think Darlene in season 7 (I think it was) when she was dating Jimmy was her "jump the shark" moment. As David said she became a "cold hearted bitch".

    The worst offender was Roseanne though. Wow. She started as a "tough" mom but by season 6 she became totally unreasonable. Iirc it was roughly around the time of Fisher beating up Jackie that the character really started to change.

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Stacey1014 said:

    I'm watching the Disney episodes and I'm amused that they were able to plan a trip on a week's notice. As someone who has been to Disney World multiple times, I can't imagine trying to schedule a trip for 8 people staying on site with one week's notice, especially when there is a plane flight involved. 

    Well David was their travel agent... And Roseanne did fake being Mrs. Habib. Lol.

    • Love 2
  12. 19 minutes ago, Dee said:

    I agree Becky was in character but it's during that era that Becky is mocked by her parents, and especially Darlene, for continually doing the right thing.

    Over night, she went from an ambitiously nerdy, yet still kind of cool, older sister to an ungratefully entitled whiner.

    She did become a punching bag you are right. When people are ambitious and nerdy and popular they tend to be mocked by those who aren't haha.

    But, I do think she really only turned into an ungrateful whiner at the end of season 4 when she left. When she blames Dan for the bike shop closing is cringeworthy. The first bit was tolerable, but the second half when she starts with "come on mother, you know it but I'm the only one with the guts to say it. You blew it Dad, you blew it big time."

    That was way over the line in my opinion and totally unecessary. The point had been made.

    Part of the blame for her behaviour has to go to the fact that they/Lecy were purposely trying to write her character out of the show so they amped it up a bit.

    • Love 3
  13. I'm currently watching through season 9 and yikes.

    I'm sure we would all like to pretend it didn't exist but it's still fun to talk about... So please post what bugged you and why.

    I am currently watching the "Miracle" episode where Darlene has the baby.

    The original Landford Dr seemed AWESOME. He was portrayed as compassionate, intelligent and articulate. 

    Then Roseanne totally insulted him when she requested all the specialists. There is a professional way to ask for a second opinion and an unprofessional way. The way she handled was very inappropriate in my opinion.

    I've got more complaints but thought I'd leave some for the rest of you lol.

    • Love 3
  14. 16 hours ago, Dee said:

    The show began writing Becky that way during Darlene's depression phase.

    Prior to that never-ending debacle, Becky & Darlene were on fairly even footing.

    Once Darlene began wearing all black and morphed into permanent couch potato, the writers reduced Becky to her personal punching bag.

    The way Becky responded was in character though I thought. Becky was the "good", eager to please first child.

    If Becky went into a funk instead, it would have been counter character for Darlene to start doing the chores and pulling up the slack for her.

    • Love 2
  15. I'm of two minds on this... Becky during the original Lecy years was awesome.

    Season 8 Becky when Lecy returned was terrible. She wasn't the same character. Seemed much more deflated. The couple scenes she has with Darlene didn't have the sizzle of the early years. 

    It was more like Lecy Goranson came back to the show, but not her Becky.

    I feel Sarah Chalke's Becky was much more gritty than Lecy's return Becky. Enjoyed her squabbles with Darlene.

    • Love 1
  16. I am a long time Roseanne fan but have ultra low expectations for this revival. From what I've read, Roseanne wants it to be political satire like season 9 tried to be. 

    The show was best when it was about the Conner family. I can't see how they could pull off an interesting arc like that in only 8 episodes.

    Seasons 1-7 you got the impression they all got together and decided on where the show was going through that season. Like they planned it out.

    Seasons 8-9 felt like they were just "bottle" episodes. You could watch them all out of order and it wouldn't matter. There was no common thread.

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