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I started out to rewatch S13 as soon as it was available on Netflix - but then felt like I needed to go back and watch the last two eps of S12 to really get a feel for the season since they led directly into the S13 premier.... Which lead me down a rabbit hole of S12 eps, because then I had to rewatch First Blood for some very good reason which I've now forgotten. Which meant that then I had to rewatch Mamma Mia and The Foundry to remind me of some of Mary's evolution and well... Granted, I've skimmed through some scenes (particularly the Crowley/Lucifer ones) but I still haven't made it to S13 yet. I agree: S12 plays very well on repeat. As does what little of S13 I've rewatched.
Server upgrades don't usually mean adding features. It usually just means they're running out of storage room on the current servers. It also usually means a much shorter downtime than upgrade of software or user interface, so depending on the time the upgrade is started, it could be back up before SPN even airs.
I liked the bits of Sam with Shrike, especially in the office knowing the difference between a basilisk tooth and a gorgon's tooth. As an aside: when Dean and Sam were in the vault, I kept thinking they were calling him Shrek! I liked that the show remembers Dean's time in Hell also, but I thought the bit with him putting his hand in the stone mouth thing was overdone. Bart was a pretty good character too, but I didn't like either of his minions much. Lots of good action in this one.
Good episode. Good, creepy monster. I loved Sam's attempts to help cheer Dean up. I love that he tried, at least. I'm not crazy about the two hypodermics now being a part of Dean’s regular toolkit like iron bars and salt rounds.
I have not seen the gag reel for this season, I don't think. Is it on the dvd? I'll have to get it soon. There are several outtakes that I admit affect my viewing of the aired scene, but this is not one of them.
I thought Cas stayed in Sam's room? But I admit to not paying close enough attention to that.
Haven't seen the latest ep, so this all may be a moot point, but I don't think Sam was not even allowing for the possibility that Jack could go dark side. Hoping for the best does not preclude preparing for the worst. (Of course, that's not saying that Sam has prepared for the worst. Most likely, in this show, he has not.)
Not to derail the current conversation, but going back to the most watched ep for a moment: Fan Fiction for me!
An observation I haven't seen noted in the comments, but I thought it was interesting to me: Sam's room in the bunker=21 The kitchen= 23. Jack's room= 22. So, if the numbering is like streets where odd and even are opposite sides then Sam's room is right next to the kitchen. (hee!) and Jack's is across the hall. Also: Dean's room=11. Mary's room=15. So Mary was just a couple doors down from Dean. And probably in a different wing than Sam's. It makes sense to me that Jack was given a room closer to Sam, given Dean's animosity. It's interesting though that Mary was either given or choose a room closer to Dean.
I guess I'll have to take your word for it since I have no desire to go back and verify myself. But I think it depends on the definition of 'heavy hitter'. I guess it also depends upon whether only the 'heavy hitter' kills count towards bad-assery. I don't think so, but obviously you do. According to your survey though, Dean did kill three big names: Abbadon, Cain, and Death, while Sam got none. Granted, it wasn't over the span of 4 episodes or one Season, but he still did get three big kills while Sam got none. So, if I'm understanding your bitterness here correctly; it's that Sam got so many in a short period of time. Never mind that 6 year stretch from Season 6 through Season 11 where Sam didn't get any big kills but Dean did. Hokay.
I agree with this to an extent. But as you pointed out - sometimes, not even the actor can save a bad line (or two.) It also depends on the director and his/her vision for the episode and what they allow the actor to do. Maybe the actor plays it differently than written and the director agrees they like it better and it stands. Maybe the actor tries it and the director doesn't like and makes them reshoot the scene how they want it played out. There's a lot like that which goes on behind the scenes to which the general audience is never privy. And for me it boils down to; without the words first, there is no character. This is not a chicken or egg discussion. The words, the script, came first.