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Posts posted by Ariah


    ...and looking at Barbie (and now Sam!)


    My thoughts exactly. Only here for the eye-candy.


    The rough hotness that is Eddie Cahill graces my screen again. I kind of don't care about the rest... It's just all too inconsistent.

    • Love 2
  2. That was strangely... not interesting.

    I actually don't know what to say about it. I understand the overwhelming misery and resignation, but it's all not that captivating.


    There are good actors, some nice directing choices, but the sum of all parts does not say: "watch the second episode".

    • Love 2

    Which one said "He understands the Musketeers codes, every man for himself."

    Aramis did.


    I admit, the whole spy setup was silly and transparent, but i still enjoyed the episode. The main villain tried to trick everyone, yet I felt some sympathy for him. Also, he came crazy prepared: when D'Artagnan opened the door and the extra fuses lit up? Well, nice thinking.


    ...and the spark between Anne and Aramis ignites. As Porthos observed, Aramis always aims high. But this one may actualy burn him.


    The chemistry between the three Musketeers remains great. I think I could just watch them banter for half an hour...

  4. OK, when I said I want Eric back I wasn't expecting that. I guess it's a nice metaphore, with the show ending so does the only good thing about it. Unless there's a cure...


    Maybe the showrunners hate the fact the audience likes Eric more than Bill (and they prefer Bill), so they constantly make Eric less and less powerful? 

    • Love 1

    But really my favorite is the Douglas Fairbanks one from 1921 - now THAT is a swashbuckler.  Fairbanks is perfect, plus Barbara LaMarr is probably my favorite Milady and it's a trip to watch Eugene Pallette(!) as Aramis.


    My favourite Milady has to be Lana Turner from 1948. She's just so alluring!

    Aesthetically speaking, i think the cast of the 2011 3d version with flying ships was all well chosen to their parts - too bad the film was terrible... But i would have watched Matthew Macfadyen, Luke Evans and Ray Stevenson swashbuckle with Matts Mikklesen's Rochefort - if only the film had a script.

    • Love 1
  6. True about The Man in the Iron Mask. It's one of the early DiCaprio pictures that Leo is not dominating. I liked the twist with the parentage (another thing sort of linking the film to the BBc version right now).


    I also vaguely remember the Russian mini-series of old (the Russians did another version more recently...). It can be found on YouTube with English subtitles. It's sort of strange, because there are songs played during some scenes, like musical numbers.


    Also, strangely, I cannot remember any French adaptations apart from that one weird follow-up with Sophie Marceau as d'Artagnan's daughter. Naturally, there's also an American tv version of the theme, with Susie Amy. Funny thing, d'Artagnan is there played by... Michael York.

    And Young Blades, the tv series. Riddiculous to the extreme (but with a certain charm. It sort of falls into the same category as Hercules and Xena).

  7. There's been so many adaptations of Dumas' work about our daring French soldiers! Some were mentioned in the episode threat, so I though... Why not set up a place designated for them?


    The version from 1993 with Charlie Sheen (Aramis), Kiefer Sutherland (Athos), Oliver Platt (Porthos) and Chris O'Donnell (d'Artagnan) was mentioned most often. I admit, there was a lot of the pretty in it and Tim Curry was a funny Cardinal (is the Cardinal supposed to be funny?)

    But Charlie Sheen did not make a good Aramis, and as much as I like Chris O'Donnell, his d'Artagnan did nothing for me.


    The 1973 version with Michael York - I remember only Richard Chamberlain as terribly feminine Aramis and the fact that Constance died in a really unfortunate way (well, it's in the books!).


    I even watched the 3d version from 2011 and thought the cast was pretty good! But the film was pretty bad. I think the BBC series sort of took the ideas behind this film - the musketeers as special forces, Milady as cat-burglar/assassin, and made them feel right...


    Does anyone remember the old animated series with Dogs as musketeers? I used to love that when i was a kid. Dogtanian, was it?


    I also remember the anime series in which Aramis was a woman in love with Athos. Yes. That was... strange.


    And let's not forget about this little monstrosity. A kung-fu fighting d'Artagnan.

  8. I have the whole 1st season on DVD and watched it last week with my parents... yes. We are all Dumas' fans and we really liked this version of the heroes. My mum would ask each day "are we going to watch d'Artagnan and the boys?"


    It trully is the first version in which i like d'Artagnan. Up till now, he was just a silly pup I was supposed to like. This time, i actually enjoy his story. And Constance! She's great. Not a waif-like sweet creature she used to be in other versions. This Constance has 'spirit'! Plus, she has a very nice, rounded figure.


    Also, I must admit, this time around Aramis is my favourite of the canonical Three. It has always been Athos, but in the BBc version, Aramis is the one. It doesn't help that he's just dashing.


    As for the plot - I really appreciate the series (and it shows in the pilot) for it's production values. It brings back the enjoyment of swashbuckling tv, of old Flynn films, where violence was shown, but not too explicit, and where sex was more suggested than presented with anatomical accuracy. I have nothing against gore and sex on the screen, but I enjoy The Musketeers without those elements being thrown at my face every two minutes (looking at you HBO and Starz!). it is possible to do a fairly mature tv production without a porn (oh, the surprise!)


    I believe the producers hit the jackpot with the main cast: the Three (+ the Gascon) have all great rapport and extreme chemistry. The Cardinal is simply wonderful (and he's not just a moustache twirling villain, he acts predominantly for the good of France). Constance? I'm still enamoured. Milady - well, she's the femme fatale of the piece and she knows it. The King and Queen prove to be (in later episodes) equally well rounded characters.


    There are shortcuts and anachromisms, naturally. But as far as fun is concerned - I'm in for the ride. I'll rewatch my DVD's.

    • Love 1

    I'm hoping Molly gets taken out by the terrorists in an upcoming epi.


    Molly will probably feel "lost" and "neglected" and will drift towards the American diplomat. For drama.

    • Love 1

    hey're deviating more from the book this season

    Is it possible to deviate more? ;)


    They should just say it's "inspired by a book by Stephen King" and stop pretending.


    Anyhow, speculations: I predict there's going to be a love triangle of some sorts between Julia, Barbie and a third wheel.Because a dead husband wasn't enough. (Unless he returns in all zombiefied Dome glory)

  11. I liked it, but the fact that I always liked Adam Rayner does help. He plays confliced well, and Bassam is extremely conflicted.


    As was said before, Molly is extremely annoying so far, but maybe - just maybe - she's one of these people who want to believe there is a lot of good in the world and nobody is truly evil. Perhaps the US diplomat has been telling her how great the country's economy has been, and how good the presidency of her father-in-law is. So she cannot comprehend that something IS WRONG.


    (It may also mean that she's not really intelligent. it's ok. Not every character has to be wise. She may just lack mental faculties and be too simple to understand the graveness of situation. Do we know what she does for a living?)


    I wonder if the president told Jamal "your brother would be better than you" and that's what will loom above recuperating Jamal for the rest of the season (and turn him into brother-slaying wannabe). I also get strange vibes from Jamal's wife, Leila. It's clear she didn't want to sleep with her husband for quite some time. Still, in this society, it may be difficult for her to get a lover. I hope they're not setting up a situation, in which she sets her eyes on her brother-in-law (or they won't write it that she was actually bethrothed to Bassam, but as he left, and Jamal's fiancee died, they sort of ended together...)


    I mean, you don't watch "The Dark Knight" and think "oh, that Jim Gordon is just so cool," you know?


    Actually, I did ;) I love Jim Gordon, i don't care about Christian Bales' Batman. Keaton is my Batman.


    Frankly, I have nothing against Wolverine being the lead, i have more against Mystique being the centre of everything. I dream of strong and confident Jean Grey, powerful Storm and Psylocke. The X-franchise lacks good female characters.

    • Love 1

    God fucked them all once, looking to a savior for salvation? Not fast learners, are we?


    True, but then again... Isn't that the way God acted in the Old Testament?

    Like: I'm fed up with people, let's drown all of them (but for Noe). Or, I'm fed up with this nation, let's send them all to slavery. Or, I'm fed up with this nation, let's send them all to slavery - AGAIN. Or: I really like this one guy (Job), let's see if he likes me and kill all his loved ones, take away his money and health... Yup, the God was a real charmer.


    Going with this, perhaps God is not really gone, but his "disappearance" is a way of testing both humanity and the angels - who will remain good, who will betray the ideals... And, in the 10th season of Dominion, it is revaealed that God was there all the time, watching and in the moment when all hope is lost, he reveals himself, there's Rapture, all good ones are saved... That would go right in line with the Srcipture ;)

    • Love 3

    Nolan should have noticed that Irisa is plenty old enough to go out on her own. I'm not sure the show understands they've put an incest motif into the characterizations?


    It's overinterpretation like that that makes me a bit afraid to hug my child in public.


    I do not believe the text has shown ANY vibe of sexual tension between these two characters. But it did show great devotion on both sides. Nolan rescued Irisa from a cult that would have had her body and mind exploited, it is only natural that he is over-protective. Yes, she is a grown-up woman now. But he knows her at her most vulnarable and he feels she won't make it alone in the world. is he correct? Probably not. Does he have the right to feel that way? Naturally.


    How many times did our parents try to force safety on us? Even when we are adults with our own lives, the bond remains. And I think that Defiance may be found wanting in many aspects, but not in the portrayal of the parent/child relationship between Nolan/Irisa.

    But again, everybody sees what they want to see.

    • Love 10
  15. The thing is, with such shows, ridiculousness sort of comes with the territory.


    Once you've gotten past angels killing humans, people herded in Vegas (of all places) and pushed into caste system and romance that everybody could see but noone notices... It's not that bad. The show aims for epic, but falls short (there's no epic on tv, and even GoT cannot convince me otherwise.) But still, it does well in some scenes (the opening, with ruined roads, for example).


    I had a weakness for Egan ever since the Kings, so I'll bite. The Michael in the series is not even close to Paul Bettany and that's sad. He reminds me more of Gabriel in the movie, actually.


    But it's always nice to see Giles in a non-mentor role.


    It looks like William is a Nephilim.

    Side note: Can I hope that we'll get a strong, independend female character in the series?... I guess not.

    • Love 1
  16. For DJ Cotrona goodness, i highly recommend From Dusk Till Dawn, the series. For Santiago: The Musketeers (BBC). He's mighty fine there.


    Toby Stephens caught my eye in one awful Bond ;) He is in the same "basket" as Eddie Redmayne for me. Unconventionally handsome, sort of interesting to look at and a damn good actor.


    And, no doubt, a little Jason.

    Ah, I forgot about that little detail. Do we know for sure Emily is Jason's mother?...



    Travis' grief was palpable. One way it might manifest is for him to go back in time to kill Kagame so Sonya won't follow him.

    I like that theory a lot.



    You mean instead of, "I am your father"? Heh.

    Actually, we are not in the safe zone yet... They can still make Brad be somehow related to Kiera... Didn't he say he left a little daughter at home? Or am i confusing things?


    Btw, the scene with the gang "not from now" in the car, when they sort of all reacted like a family on vacation... Brad lashing out on Alec when he was rude to Kiera? (Almost like "Be nice to your mother, son!") I'm not saying they are a family - because they are not. But it had this awkward vibe to it.



    Keira is doing...uh...I don't know anymore. What's her purpose? And all of a sudden she's cool with the guy who killed her?


    I kind of understand her there. She's a soldier and she recognizes other soldiers. She killed quite a lot of people back in the day (or, forward in the day) and I bet some were just collateral. So she kind of sees herself in Brad. I think she wants to forgive him because she herself wants to be forgiven.


    And she's kind of in the low right now, with her hopes of going back to her son almost gone.


    I'm wondering also if Kellog is going to become the big bad for the next season. I just hope he's not doing this because he had his heart broken...

    • Love 1
  18. I must be strange, bacause I liked the episode. And I also like Brad - which means he will die, because that's the way the world is run.


    But I admit, there was a lot of intimacy in the way he and Kiera behaved in the final minutes of the episode. More on his part than hers, but Kiera has always been a cold fish when it comes to men.


    As for Sonya - I think her initial plan was to blow up Piron, but somehow she thought otherwise. Eventually, she went out like her mentor, only on a smaller scale.

    The Alec/Emily think cannot last, i guess. But they did get a moment of happiness.


    I don't know if it's possible at all (I lost track of all timelines a long time ago), but maybe the dark Jedi in the basement is Kiera's son from the future?...

    • Love 3
  19. Watched it. Cried a lot. It hit close to home with the whole cancer-goodbyes theme (my dad has cancer and we're fighting).


    The only minor thing that bugged me was... that all the cancer patients looked too healthy. I've been around the oncology ward a lot (too much, actually) and I believe the effect cancer has on your body was glamoured.


    Still, a pretty emotional journey plus a nice meta about books and their authors.

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