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Posts posted by Ariah

  1. I actually want Ray to be this stalkish-slimy guy who visits Felicity in the morning (or maybe drives her mother there, I don't know) in order to get into Felicity's good graces. I want him to make a move on her while trying to comfort her crying, only for Felicity to raise an eyebrow and ask (in the typical Felicity fashion) "What do you think you're doing?"

  2. With Felicity-themed episode approaching, let me hust put it out there that I'd love for the show to once do an episode in which the bad guy needs Felicity Smoak to do soemthing, because she's the only person capable of doing that thing (hack into a highly secure system, get very important data...) and they threaten to harm... Oliver Queen in order to force her to do so.


    Just, you know, the good ol' role reversal.

    • Love 14
  3. What is it with Laurel ordering people to kill other people? O seriously don't know if the writers aprove of this behaviour or are they showing her off as unhinged (I vote for unhinged, but I may be biased).


    Also, the lack of Felicity hurt.

    • Love 3
  4. Funny how a villain connected to Regina was a hysterical megalomaniac with a scenery chewing attitude and a desire to get what is "rightfully" hers and a "villain" connected with Emma is a cool, calm lady who wants to have a family.


    Not suggesting anything here ;)

    • Love 5
  5. This episode was not as bad as I was afraid (seeing the Regina heavy promos).


    It's true, I'm no fan of Emma running after Regina with rainbows and kisses - let the witch be. Just watch her in case she does something non-heroic again.


    Also - good for you, Sydney! You're no traitor, you just got even. Don't let anybody tell you differently. Enjoy your freedom away from Evil Queens.


    DairyQueen is wonderfull - quiet and menacing. But when I saw her being Emma's foster mother, my mind jumped right into another Elizabeth Mitchell's character from Running Scared (a thriller with late Paul Walker). She

    was a very creepy 'motherly' character there.


    Spoilerish clip from a film Running Scared that would not go under spoiler tag... Sorry!:





    I'm not going to dwell on the logistics of how the DQ got to the land without magic or how she escaped the cursed Storybrooke to foster Emma. But I am going into the logististic of young Emma's age.


    Are you trying to tell me that in 1998 Emma was 13-14 and looked like this:



    while two ot three years afterwards she looks like this?



    But I guess putting the young Emma with Neal would raise all kinds of flags.

    (gifs courtesy of onceuponamirror.tumblr.com)

  6. I'm no SwanQueen fan (far from it, a CaptainSwan die-hard fan here), but I'll bite and let's see what'll come out of it. Judging from the Breaking Glass episode.


    - A relathionship in which one party is constantly talked down by the other, rejected and shut down as the unworthy / pesky.

    - A relationship in which verbal abuse on one part is justified, as the said part is emotionally unstable and a victim in her own mind.

    - A relationship in which it is perfectly ok to seek forgiveness from the party one has done nothing wrong against, while the said party has spent a better part of her life trying to either kill or maim the one seeking forgiveness.


    Errrm, no. These are no grounds for a relationship.

    • Love 5
  7. On a rewatch:

    Ray gave Felicity a BLUE pen.


    Laurel was dressed in blouse/jacket combo that mirrored the classic comic book Black Canary look. (but in the original comics the jacket was blue, the bodice/bouse was black).


    People who dress Amell in shirts with rolled-up sleaves should get a raise.

    • Love 2
  8. Ok, let me just say that Thea actually looks like she could be Malcolm and Moira's daughter. I mean Willa can pass for Barrowman/Thompson love-child. She has Thompson's little mole on an upper lip and Barrowman's button-nose. Yup, I can see that.


    On different note, I liked that Laurel got her ass handed to her. After going half-cocked into a situation she could have handed differently (an anonymous tip did the job better and didn't get its eye blackened in the process), Laurel deserved a little reality check. I was afraid we would see her fight a bad guy with skill, but no. A positive surprise.


    Another positive surprise was Oliver refusing to teach her how to fight. I wonder if it was the riginal plan, but Stephen said "no" to their scenes, hence the introduction of Ted. I can only hope that's the case.


    Any episode with little Felicity is a downer for me, the next one will have Nyssa to cheer me up, though.


    I'm on board with those saying felicity was right telling of Laurel. Still, I think there's more to her slight animosity towards Laurel than being fed up with orders. It may be subconscious, but here is Felicity, still very much in love with Oliver (or her idea of Oliver), trying to get away from the blast zone of Ollie's indecisiveness. She wants to forget or at least not think about all these romantic peturbations. And there she has Laurel calling for favour, out of the blue, like it's the most natural thing to do for Laurel - ever. Laurel, who was Oliver's ex. Laurel, who is grieving, yes, but obviously wants to get into Oliver's romantic zone now that there's a vacancy. Laurel, who urged Oliver to get up and kill when he fell off a motorcycle and could have been seriously hurt. I'm no saint, I'd hang up on Laurel in Felicity's place. On some subconscious level, they are rivals - not friends. It's instinct at work.

    • Love 2
  9. That bothers me, too, dargosmydaddy, as well as Henry constantly doing things during an investigation that are borderline or outright illegal. Is Henry really so selfish that he doesn't care that Jo has to clean up his messes (e.g., getting a search warrant before the Frenchman realized her book had been stolen by Abe) in order to make the evidence/information admissable?


    It's true that Henry acts rash - I think he's not having much experience in working WITH people, and suddenly he's being in the field, all self-righteous and on a high horse that can be partially atributed to his longevity. He acts on a whim with a 'devil may care' notion. But I think recent developments (him being paralysed and dying too slowly for one) can change his attitude.


    But let me just say - bravo to the show for addressing the paperwork and legal aspects of evidence gathering. On other shows I've seen such things are handwaved and pushed aside: stolen evidence? Who cares. Punching a witness? Punch him harder. Glad to see some reality on a supernatural show :)


    [edited becaue I can't spell]

    • Love 4
  10. I still love this show, not for its "crime" mysteries, but for the characters and their antics - and this episode did not dissapoint. Henry is all kinds of adorable and can I just have one? I'd love to have a Henry to bounce some crazy theories and talk about history with.

    Abe is also lovely and I'd like to learn more about his story with the Frenchman (nice touch with the gender switch).   


    Joe was... as always - not much to do, although in the end she did act. Good irony on her final conversation with Henry.


    Adam, on the other hand, remains a mystery - perhaps he has been Jack the Ripper (the evidence of the ease of killing and precision in knife wielding). He's also almost omnipotent (which may become boring in the long-run, like with Red John on The Mentalist).

    • Love 4
  11. And just a few days ago, he was the one who sent Hook with the book to talk to Emma, which seemed like a good sign he was okay with Hook being part of Emma's life.


    So I'm back to wondering what that little scene was even supposed to mean.


    I'm hoping Henry was not ok with the fact that Emma did the asking (as in 'the man should ask you out first'). It's also very shallow, but it saves something from Henry's character... Well, alright, there's not much to save anyhow.

    • Love 1

    My really random question: Where did Henry go after he and Emma arrived at Granny's? He was there, and then Emma left without him. It just seemed weird.


    Perhaps Henry went to school?


    I know, I know, Henry doesn't go to school.

    • Love 1
  13. That's the feeling I've been having, too.  Right now, I would not be surprised to find that plotline merging with Operation Mongoose, and (horrifyingly) finding out that because Regina's overcome her darkness she deserves an extra-shiny rainbow of a happy ending. 


    Regina will probably not get sucked into the hat, because the hat will recognize her special-snowflakeness and refuse to suck in a person so bold and audacious. Or it will just yell "Gryffindor".

    • Love 6
  14. I keep wishing Henry would turn out to be gifted with awfully powerfull but at the same time terribly difficult to harness wild magical power, which would force his family to send him off to a borading school for magically gifted students (which, I know, does not exist...)


    The thing is, I wish there was some way to get rid of Henry.

    • Love 1
  15. Well, Hook did come to the sheriff's office to talk to Emma, but got distracted by Will's presence in the cage. I'm hoping he came to tell Emma the truth.


    I mean - the truth worked well in the Good Form episode! Why do the writers forget about that little fact?


    But still I guess the writers are following the motto "Evil always wins because good is stupid".

    • Love 2
  16. First and foremost: I know violence against kids is bad, but henry does deserve a firm whack on the ear. Or both of his ears.

    A. What does it mean he's not ok with Emma asking Hook out? I hope it's because he thinks Hook should ask Emma out, not because he's suddenly judgemental of Captain Hand.

    B. Being ok with tearing apart family and rewriting "a happy ending" because Regina is throwing a tantrum? Really?


    Someone freeze this kid. Please.


    The date was sweet, but once again i am reminded I'm watching a show aimed at young adults and pre-teens, not a grown-ups show. The motivation behind these characters screams of Sunday cartoon. Hook especially: as it was said before, he's got the idiot ball this evening. I admit, Colin plays an adorable idiot and I'd hug him for it, but characterwise? The Hook established in seasons 2-3 would never act that way. Also, he should tell Emma the deal right off the bat. But it's now all for DRAMA. (The pleasant surprise of Hook telling the Snowing about Neal in the Neverland was, apparently, a one time thing...)


    Anna/Dar One? I love Rumple in his Imp mode, so I was all for the fun.

  17. "My name is Dinah Laurel Lance. Six years ago i lost my boyfriend and my sister. A year ago i lost my other boyfriend. Now I've lost my sister again. I cannot let all my pain be wasted. I need to continue my sister's work and get back my first boyfriend who is my soulmate I know... Also, this is a pretty good jacket my sister left me."


    For those of you who watch Once Upon a Time... It hit me today why I dislike Laurel. She's the Neal of Arrow.


    Both characters are great on paper and should evoke sympathy. But something went wrong. The writers tried hard to make the characters work, they killed off good characters in order to make them likeable. They invented storylines to showcase some crazy skills. But nothing worked out in the end.

    • Love 3
  18. Upon rewatch I've noticed the difference in behaviour of Laurel and Felicity watching Oliver fall of his bike during the fight.


    Laurel urges him to get up through her teeth, furious because he fell and hence - failed (her).


    Felicity asks if he's ok.


    If the writers want Laurel/Oliver relationship to be romantic... They took a wrong turn somewhere in the Glades.

    • Love 8
  19. There is a difference in weight if a gun is loaded or empty. Really. I've been to shooting range and shot live ammunition, I know. Also, there's the funny thing with having one round in the chamber when you're about to shot. One should check if the gun is reloaded and checking involves actually seeing the round. So please, writers, stop insulting the viewers intelligence with "the gun was empty" twist. If you need to go this way, use "I loaded blanks", which is also kind of riddiculous, but more palusible. A blank can still kill a person if used in very close proximity. Make the gun jam, writers. This actually can happen quite often.


    Ok, rant /off.


    I guess I'm in the minority with my lack of shock from Sara's death. Actually, I found the process the team had to go through after her death (what to do with the body, how to deal with the fact that she cannot be burried legaly) quite realistic if harsh and cruel. It was cruel to have such a great character killed, it was cruel to have her body placed in the freezer, it was cruel to have her burried in a pine box in her old lot. But this is how it had to be. Death in itself is unfair. Whatever is done after, is never going to make up for things neglected when the deceased was alive. Yes, what was done to Sara's remains was pragmatic and practical and as such it can be viewed as emotionless. But it was not shown as good - Felicity said this out loud. It was only shown as a cruel necessity, as everything regarding sudden death is.


    More nitpicks:

    - How did lithe Laurel carry more bulky dead Sara with the arrows still sticking out of her to the Foundry? And how did nobody in the streets noticed that?

    - Will detective Lance wonder why Sara's grave had been re-digged?


    Romantic Angle:


    Felicity, while talking of Sara to Oliver touched upon a valid subject: if Oliver is capable of not-grieving "his Sara", would he grieve for Felicity? Ever? Or is he virtually incapable of feeling anything? From Felicity's point of view, this can be the case. That's why she simply walks away from this situation, unwilling to wait for Oliver's feelings to resurface.


    Olliver bottles up. He thinks he's being strong, but he's just being miserable and making other people around him even more so. But, a fun observation: each time Laurel went for a hug, he reacted as if he was trying to keep her as far away from his body as possible. Even when he patted her head, it was terribly distant. As if I was watching to shop manequins hugging, with their joints not well oiled.


    Also, I'm all for Felicity starting new job. I think, to some extent, Oliver took Felicity for granted (Laurel sure did this episode, I was hoping for Felicity to say something to the bossy lawyer). Now, with Felicity exploring other options, Oliver may start to miss her (I hope!) and realize how terrible his decisions are.

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