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Posts posted by Ariah


    Didn't the show say that Clarke was mad at Wells because he turned her father (and her) in for treason or insurrection or whatever? I could have been hallucinating, though! What is the book explanation?

    Yes, that was in the book. I must have missed that in the show - that should teach me not to do ironing while watching!

    The re-evaluation was also in the book, but I got the idea it was just a pro-forma statement, as the air is to precious to waste if a person does not contribute to the society... Either way, Clarke was pretty scared when the soldiers came for her and she was sure she's going to be airlocked even with the re-evaluation. Some "crimes" (and I still have the impression that some=all) can get you only killed.

  2. I liked it better than the pilot. Awkward CGI aside (the panther was strangely mutated, I guess), the plot moved a bit and we got some nice scenes on the Ark.

    Princess Clarke can be annoying, but I kind of like her - still don't know why. I usually hate such girls on tv. Wells tried to be usefull (and failed partially). It's kind of sad how Clarke ignores him - something terrible must have happened between them before her confinement. I wonder if they'll go with the book explanation.

    Belamy keeps being a big jerk and his sister Octavia is the go-to annoying girl of the series. For someone kept under the floor for so many years, she's really... open to people? Open in the not so sensible way.

    So, Finn's got a girlfriend up there and she's a mechanic. he also has a penchant for giving his love-interests weirdly cute metal origami.

    I was wondering: the idea behind keeping the underage offendes in confinement was that the state was against executing children. So once they grew up to become legaly adults, they were airlocked. First: it's awfully cruel (knowing exactly how many days you have left). And secondly, Raven can now consider herself one lucky girl - if the 100 were not sent down to Earth, her boyfriend would have a few months of life (which transcribes to 3-4 visits from her).

    Anyhow, I'm all in for some Lord of the Flies atmosphere. I used to like The Tribe very much.

  3. I believe the whole True Love thing is that is can be romantic, but can also be - I don't know how to put it - family oriented?

    So: Henry is Emma's True Love (as proven by the kiss). But that doesn't mean Emma's heart is now closed (as much as she would like it to be) and she cannot find a romantic True Love. Henry is her Motherly True Love.

    (And yes, I think Hook would be great as her Romantic True Love). But on this show you can simply be in love with someone without it being the majestic, magical True Love.

    For instance: is Aurora and Philips's incomming child a True Love Child? It should be, the father woke the mother from a Sleeping Curse. Is Robin Hood's Roland a True Love Child? (Probably not, as the show trueated Maid Marion as a backdrop decoration). Is the second offspring of Snow and Charming also a True Love Child? Once again, it should be. But the whole True Love Child business is sketchy.


    • Love 1

    Honestly, I didn't get any of the plan. I don't know what Jafar's old ass dad was supposed to do to stop Jafar when he's been made in a pet parrot  in that cage for however long. What was Cyrus going to do with the other bottles?  How did Amara get out of the staff? Where the hell was Alice running to, she didn't seem to have a direction. Was it simply busywork distraction, keep the guards busy until... what? I just didn't understand it.

    The plan was confusing to say the least. I guess they wanted to steal the bottles (Cyrus was supposed to get close to those), but why was Alice saving the Sultan? I don't know - to plead to Jafar's black heart perhaps?

    Amara sudden out-of-the-staff-ness was... sudden. It's like "Oh, I forgot, I actually CAN free myself. i couldn't when you were keeping my son in a cage, but look now!". maybe the writers just wanted to wrap things up quickly and skipped a Free Amara Quest from the script.

    On the whole, I really really heart Will. Can the original show have him? If Ana cannot be brought back, let him interact with Ruby. They can chat about how they both got shows that were canceled.

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