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Everything posted by Zig-Zod

  1. So Casey Cott was on Law and Order: SVU tonight. It felt like a recycled, straightforward episode, and he was fine in it. The subject matter of the episode was uhhhh...well I've linked a promo and clip below https://youtu.be/xait7nbQSR8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buWC2SW--dg And for something completely different, Casey and Camila were at the EW/People Magazine Upfronts party and took some cute photos with Jaimie Alexander. I'm assuming it was only the two of them since I guess the party was in New York where they both of them happen to live.
  2. Kevin getting fleshed out next season. I hear his arcs will focus on his relationships with his dad and his love interest so that's something. And the writers won't even comment on whether his mom is alive or dead. I also need them to just start over on Chuck because I'm salty about what they did to his character. Crazy wish list casting: Giancarlo Esposito as Hiram Lodge. Fairuza Balk as one of Sabrina's aunts
  3. Jughead's line this week about how Kevin and Veronica are people he would've shunned a few weeks ago made me wonder about how much Jughead would avoid Betty if he knew Kevin was hanging out with her too. I'm probably overthinking it, but the initial set up made it seem like Kevin and Betty were close friends, and he doesn't exactly seem new in town. And yet Jughead doesn't consider him a friend (which I can understand since they swapped Kevin's comics personality for something more stereotypical that this Jughead wouldn't really get along with), and I guess would avoid him if he could help it. That and his "Oh, it's Kevin" line, lol.
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