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  1. Yes, I agree that the way she said it wasn't overly rude or anything. It was just strange. I read an article after I posted that said that when the Charles became king, Archie and Lilibet automatically got the prince and princess titles, so the whole family's title now includes "of Sussex". Which, fine, but to act like now her last name is suddenly Sussex (when they don't even live in the UK anymore, nor are active royals) is weird. And her delivery was as if she and Mindy Kaling were friends from high school or something and Mindy kept using her maiden name instead of her married name. No one has ever referred to her as anything but Meghan Markle in the media. I've seen articles where they refer to her and Harry as the Sussexes, but that's only when they're talking about them together. When they're only talking about Meghan, it's always Meghan Markle. Maybe she's trying to rebrand? Also agree that I'm not sure who the show is for. It's Meghan entertaining "guests" at a rented property. Why? I think she views herself as some sort of Martha Stewart-esque, lifestyle guru and someone needs to be honest with her and tell her she's not. I watched parts of episodes one and two (couldn't make it through an entire episode) and I found the show to not only be tone deaf, but dull as well. Very similar to the Alec Baldwin reality show that just premiered on HBO Max.
  2. So regarding the second episode with Mindy Kaling, I am so confused about Meghan going on about how her last name is Sussex now because that's what their kids' last name is. Her kids' last name is Mountbatten-Windsor. I double-checked just to make sure I wasn't remembering incorrectly, but yeah, it's Mountbatten-Windsor. I understand that Harry and Prince William used their title as their last name for school and whatnot, but now that he's no longer an active royal, it's odd to me to just start using Sussex, especially when legally, that's not even their kids' last name. And hey, Mountbatten-Windsor is probably a pain to write out so if they want to use Sussex instead, then fine, but then legally change everyone's name to reflect that. And certainly don't correct someone on tv that they have your last name wrong when you've all of sudden decided that's what you want to be called and didn't inform anyone.
  3. Let's be real, the reason you're allowed to join the military so young (when you can't even legally drink or rent a car) is because they know people that young are easier to mold and less likely to question orders (or wars, for that matter).
  4. I think y'all are missing a key point with this Sunny/Jeopardy topic. Sunny didn't lose at Jeopardy. She lost at Celebrity Jeopardy...which is way more shameful as it's 1000x easier!
  5. Y'all got to keep up with your internet memes. Here's the wiki for the original doge (for which the coin, and most likely the current organization, was named). My oldest is in middle school and it's still popular with that crowd (which sums up where we're at as a nation right now).
  6. It's a pattern with him. When he was with Kim K, he always seemed to be very involved in what she wore and her photo shoots. He's got some thing about putting the women he's with on display. It's pretty gross.
  7. Personally, I doubt anyone who didn't vote this election would have been inspired to vote by Biden. In fact, more people probably would have stayed home (I know that was the first time I'd ever considered not voting. When your choices are a senile old man and a hateful old man who's also possibly senile, what's the point?). And anyone who was racist/misogynistic probably voted for Trump. So I doubt the end result would have been any different. If anything, Biden would have lost by a larger margin.
  8. Am I the only one who's kinda concerned for Michelle Obama? She missed Carter's funeral and now she's missing Trump's inauguration. Now, it could just be bad timing for Carter's funeral but the excuse they gave was she was on "extended vacation" in Hawaii, which could be legit or it could be that she's seeking some kind of medical treatment. And with Trump's inauguration, I get why she just wouldn't want to go. I'm just hoping that she doesn't have cancer or something.
  9. Which makes no sense since there are meta humans all over the place, half of them being heroes. It's like whenever they bring the X-Men in with other Marvel characters. Why would anyone be bothered by mutants when you've got a ton of other people walking around with powers they got in random ways? Also, they showed Dina going to school, going to the playground. People were obviously aware of her but all of a sudden no one knows who she is once she's on the news? And why didn't they sign her up for some sort of swim team? Argh, the more I think about this episode, the madder it makes me.
  10. WTF was that? I was really into the first five episodes of this show but last week was a bit of a nothing burger for me and then this finale? Are you kidding me? Nina dies (And why was she in prison, exactly? For the crime of swimming naked?) and then the princess storyline is wrapped up in the dumbest, quickest way possible. Ugh, I was all excited about this getting renewed for season 2 but now, eh, I'm not sure I'm even going to bother.
  11. This was my least favorite episode so far. One, there's a weird current of pervy-ness running through this show that icks me out. From the unnecessary sex scene with the princess and Flagg Sr, to the unnecessary brothel subplot in this episode, to the guard at Throne's house reading the unnecessary porno mag. Not one of those things advances the plot in any way. It's just there to be there. Also, why is the Bride now in underwear? Again, completely unnecessary and just weird. Two, Dr. Phosphorus had a pretty "meh" backstory. So far, it's been the least interesting and the least original. And why would he think it was a good idea to try and screw over not just an organized crime boss, but a hostile foreign government? That was just dumb. And then for him to murder Throne's children? Yeah, not my favorite character. I'm assuming this ends on a cliffhanger since I don't think they can wrap everything up in one more episode. Though I believe this has already been renewed for season 2, so bring on the cliff!
  12. I cannot handle bad stuff happening to kids. Totally cried at the end of this episode once Weasel's backstory was completely revealed. Though now that I'm drained emotionally, wouldn't the cops have kinda pieced together what happened? The kids were obviously killed by the explosion so while I get why they would have kept Weasel to study, I don't think they would have concluded that he was a murderer. Also, two cops and neither of them tries to save the kid? The kid who is obviously still alive? That was just sad for sad's sake. EDIT: Also, I'm guessing the princess is some centuries old, energy sucking vampire type thing bent on world domination. That would explain why the queen looks like she does and why she seduced Flagg Sr (probably figured he'd be useful to her later and look, here he is trying to warn her).
  13. Maybe she could trade it in and get a less expensive car instead? I think you'd have to compare the extra money in taxes to the cost of possible maintenance for an older car.
  14. I would say it comes off as vanity, more than anything. Jonathan constantly mugging for the camera and saying crass stuff just to be outrageous for no reason. Antoni giving pouty looks in every dance transition shot. Jeremiah seems to actually be sincere but the rest? Eh, it seems a lot more about them than the "hero" of the week. They're probably just bored with it after nine seasons and should have moved on when Bobby did, but here we are. That being said, I am enjoying this season a lot...but if they announced a new cast next season (save for Jeremiah), I wouldn't be upset.
  15. I just finished that one. I kept hoping that they would offer to pay for the woman to get a breast reduction, but alas, they did not. I've known two women that got them in the past few years (one was an E cup prior, not sure about the other as I only met her post surgery) and they both said it was a great decision. I know it would be a massive gift but still, I was holding out hope for her. I'd say so far that's been the best episode of the season for me as that woman and her child really needed help and she was so grateful to receive it.
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