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Posts posted by Magnumfangirl

  1. What was that halfway place?  Don't you have to have some sort of criminal record to be there?  They made it look like you just walk in some clinic, pee in a cup and get free room and board for a while.  And why was Jamie sharing a room with a woman?

  2. 50 minutes ago, shura said:

    The man playing the principal

    That's Rex Linn.  In real life, he's Reba McEntire's boyfriend (they met on the show).  I knew of him from JAG where he played a most interesting character.


    Back to the show:  How are they possibly going to make the next two episodes funny?

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    It's hard to believe that Martin leaving when and how he did is what they planned all along. 

    It's impossible to believe.  The entire premise of the show was the potential romance between them. The mysteries were always secondary.  Something must have happened behind the scenes.  Whatever, I'm out.  The show is dull without William.  









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  4. This one was boring.  I don't understand what's going on with the show.  Is Stuart Martin only available for half the episodes or is this what the writers and show runners actually want?  If Martin is so busy he can't film 6 episodes at a time (I doubt this because his credits on imdb don't reflect that), then they should do 3 episodes twice a year.

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  5. I liked this one, but I think it would have been better if there had been more of William and Eliza in the present.  Maybe William could have woken up midway thru the episode and they recollect the rest of the story together...

    Anyway, I agree that the young actor playing William had the voice and accent down perfect, but I wonder if Scots agree with us?  

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  6. Sad episode, but the idea that the ballroom at the Ritz  was staid and boring on V-E night was ridiculous!

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  7. On 12/28/2023 at 2:41 AM, Yeah No said:

    I spotted a 1968 (it also could have been a '69, I didn't look at it close enough) Buick Skylark in the street scene with Alice and Isaac. 

    I noticed the out of place car, too and I wasn't even alive in the 60's, but the most  anachronistic thing about the show is the dialogue.  No one in the 1960s would have described food as "amazing."  That word used to only be used for things that were actually amazing.  My grandparents probably never used it in their lives except when singing in church.  

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  8. On 12/24/2023 at 11:40 AM, iMonrey said:

    there really isn't enough to tell about Julia to fill eight hours a season. 

    Yes, that's it exactly.  Once The French Chef became a hit, what else is there to tell about it?  I've decided the show is really about the beginnings of PBS and Julia Child is just a piece in that story, but this portrayal  of her seems more like a drag queen parody than anything resembling the real Julia.  I've watched a few episodes of season 1 of The French Chef on youtube and the actress looks and sounds nothing like the real deal.    The real Julia's voice, accent, and inflection reminds me of Martha Stewart and her body type is more runway model than linebacker.  IDK...this show is just weird....🤷‍♀️

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  9. 11 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

    but it was darker than the original series

    I thought it was too dark.  It was ok, but not what I wanted on a Friday night near Christmas.  

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  10. Hmm.. I thought this was the best episode yet, but apparently I'm the only one.  Lol!  If Frasier is a creepy old man,what was Martin?  He was an old guy with a gunshot wound on a cane who had to have a live in therapist!

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  11. I liked the David/Freddy/Eve story.  It was silly, but it made me laugh.  I'm liking the younger cast more than the older one; except for Kelsey, of course.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Cherry Styles said:

    Was it a secret shoutout to Eddie, whose real name was Moose, to have Moose talk to Frasier when the dog was in the scene?

    I think it was.  

    The David story was silly, but overall a good episode.

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  13. 19 hours ago, TheOtherOne said:

    Freddy came across as really smug and unlikable, and the long section mocking Frasier about dropping out of Harvard

    I thought that scene was the best part of this episode and the rest of it was pretty blah.  The show needs more Frasier and Freddy interactions.  

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  14. I watched both episodes tonight and thought it was pretty good.  I was expecting it to suck, but I enjoyed it.  I like the role reversal and the apartment is gorgeous for a change (except the ink blot wallpaper is a little weird).  I always thought the Seattle apartment was hideous save for the fake view!  Anyway, it's cute and will probably get better once the cast finds their groove.

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  15. I quit the show when Mark left, but I'm bummed about the Duck man.  The Ducky-centric episodes were always the best and I still think they should do a Ducky prequel instead of all these new location spinoffs.  

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