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  1. I had to rewind the part in the hospital where Gilberto the Pimp told the medical tech that Lupe might be pregnant. The look on that guy's face is classic. He could hardly contain his smirk, and also seemed horrified at the same time. If professionalism wasn't a thing, I think he'd have said "Are you F-ing with me? HOW???"
  2. I agree with everything you said, and did we all happen to also notice that Gilbert looks to have gained quite a bit of weight since the last appearance? I bet you he was doing his best to sabotage her weight loss. I had zero hope for Lupe, but was glad she proved me a bit wrong in the end by having the spine to leave that guy, and also finally..to get up like we always knew she could. They manipulate in their own ways. Hers was to be as intentionally helpless as possible. Yes, I know she has a hip problem, but at her heaviest, just as now..she was always able to stand with the walker and at least take a few steps. She went a long, long period of even refusing to do that much when Gilbert's eyes were roaming yet again. It bothers me that she's not as upset over him bursting her stitches by having sex with her right after surgery as she is about him talking to other women. Honestly, that was a disgusting, selfish, dangerous thing he did to her (and she suffered for it) To me, that would be the bigger reason to get the Hell away from the guy. I worry her priorities are still off, and leaving was more to 'scare him' than a lasting decision. We all know couples like this go back and forth a lot before they finally end the relationship. Let us hope..there will be no babies til then.
  3. Go, Lupe, Go! Waddle out of there and get someone to wash that man right outta your hair! But seriously, I predict her magically using actual bathrooms, washing her own butt and suddenly able to move around now if she's done with Gilbert. He was her whole inspiration for fictional role of 'woman who can't get up' (except for all those times she could, of course.)
  4. How could he sneak off anywhere then? Every half hour, one of them would need to be changed out of their poopy diaper. I'm not being entirely mean here. She's lost SO much weight, and can stand up to get on a scale. She just refuses to be mobile, refuses to walk a few steps to use the bathroom somewhere other than in her bed..she can, she just won't. If any baby happens, some more capable family member better take it and put her in a home, cause that one is intentionally hopeless.
  5. I knew it! Lupe lost over 300 pounds, and still pretends she can't walk with the walker even (Gilbert is SO outta there when she can, so she refuses) and.. she won't even try to wipe her own butt yet! She's hopeless and deeply mentally ill.
  6. Yes, while BED is an eating disorder, most also seem to be emotional eaters on top of that. Not that BED doesn't involve emotional triggers, but these things come in such a spectrum, don't they? Some people seem to binge occasionally without it necessarily affecting their overall weight much, while others binge plus constantly cope with things using food, so you've got a pretty tragic combo there. All addictions and disorders have that underlying cause, so of course they need to delve into that and sort things out before any surgery or diet plan will be a success, but I do see the logic in going ahead with surgery too. It seems not unlike putting an opiate addict on a drug that limits their ability to get high from the drugs..saboxin (I spelled it wrong), because even as they enter treatment (or jump off the wagon) it will at least hopefully limit how much damage they can do to themselves when they make bad choices. I think Dr Now knows on one hand that if they cheat enough, their stomachs will stretch, but in the short term while they're still wrestling with therapy and diet plans, he hopes that at least they'll no longer be able to eat, say..an entire pizza at a time. It's almost a sort of passive form of behavior modification. Even when they cheat, they have to think "Oh, I can only really eat about this much" so they're still choosing smaller portions, and it's a start..new habits forming.
  7. I say he launched himself off in some blubbery attempt to flee his captors. Like that goldfish in the cartoon. He saw freedom, and drugs.
  8. I knew the meltdown from the rehab place was coming. Dad needs to block his number. Tough love!
  9. Awesome, Lupe frustrated the bejeezus out of me, so it will be interesting to see if she decided to get out of that bed or not. She was able to at her heaviest, then drops 300 pounds, and suddenly 'can't' because she found out her hubs was flirting around, and I think she knew if she could get up and walk, he'd flee.
  10. Oh, it's totally possible. The only reason I'm not catastrophically obese is I stick to diet soda.
  11. Because this show is amazing. It's half trainwreck, half inspiring, and it just makes us all feel better about our lives. No matter how bad you're doing, you can probably wipe your own butt, and that, my love, is what TV is all about.
  12. OMG! Long distance pizza-ordering. Whyyyyyy could he not just change his number, hand it out only to the doctors and let professionals wrangle that clowncar wreck of a kid??
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