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Posts posted by JJ1

  1. 49 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

    Shame they ruined the format.  

    Hoarders was always one of my guilty pleasure tv shows and I was thrilled when it returned last week. But gotta say - these 2 episodes have been beyond boring. Maybe it’s the 2 hour format, but it just drags on and on.

    I may have to find a new guilty pleasure! 

    • Love 5
  2. On 3/6/2019 at 10:37 AM, Galloway Cave said:

    The one thing I have always wondered about is how painful the toes are after the numbing wears off. Nails have been ripped out, holes dug under corns, etc. The guy who had a pound of flesh (zing) removed from that one toe had to be in pain. But damn if it didn't look half-way decent when it healed. 

    Don’t know about any of the other treatments, but my sister had to have a toenail removed a few years ago. Toe was injured and it got a bad fungus. Anyway, doc said most effective treatment would be to remove the nail, clean and disinfect the nail bed and just let it grow back. She said it didn’t hurt when he removed the nail (and trust me, she’s a pain wimp! 😁). It took forever to grow back but it wasn’t painful during that period. Today, it looks perfectly normal.

    • Love 3
  3. 53 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

    Not only was I gay, but over the next couple of years, I started to live life as a woman. I decided 'Hey, like I look like a woman, maybe I should try on wigs.' And so one day I tried on certain wigs, and makeup, and I was like 'Oh, I'm so beautiful.' I said 'I should,' I said, 'I think I should be a woman.' I said 'I look so good as a woman.' And when I was 22, I decided to start living my life as a full woman."

    Being transgender isn't about deciding to present as the gender opposite to the one you were assigned at birth because you look better as that gender.

    This is so strange. There is no mention of Destinee ever feeling she was female. According to what we were shown, Destinee's transgender identity is based upon Destinee looking at her body and deciding it conforms more closely to a female body than a male body, and making the decision to present as female because of that.

    I had the EXACT same reaction to her comments. While I am certainly no expert on the transgender experience, everything I have heard about it clearly states that it is almost an out-of-body type existence. Your mind is telling you that you are Sex A, while your body is Sex B. It is NOT about deciding that you just like wearing wigs, makeup and sexy clothes.

    But nobody ever seemed to question her about the terminology. 

    • Love 9
  4. 17 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

    One thing I've noticed after all these episodes... Hoarders hang onto and find value in everything EXCEPT bras and teeth.

    Yep, there seemed to be a definite Deliverance vibe last night. 🙄

    • LOL 3
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  5. I know they made a big deal at the end about how heartwarming it was that all the neighbors chipped in to help. Well... maybe... but all I could think of during the cleanup was that those neighbors were helping because they saw this as a possible end to their decade-long nightmare and they wanted to make absolutely sure it didn’t fail just because of lack of manpower. I know if I were in their shoes, I would have been in biohazard garb working my butt off!

    Becky and Andy need to be in an assisted care facility where someone can keep an eye on them, but they are so contrary and suspicious that people are trying to take away their “liberties”, it would probably never work. 

    • Love 11
  6. Good grief! This episode is just one huge cluster f***!  

    I know it’s always a hard balance between clearing out the house and ensuring that the hoarder has a true wake-up call so the hoard doesn’t come back.

     But Andy and Becky have made it perfectly clear that they do not intend to cooperate. So the experts need to just let it go! Let Russ do as much as he can.

    • Love 8
  7. I had a ganglion cyst on my wrist several years ago. Talked to a doctor who referred me to a surgeon. I can’t remember how much the surgeon was going to charge, but I remember deciding I could just live with the cyst instead! Anyway, I got in a (probably bad) habit of rubbing it while I was sitting in traffic and one day, as I was rubbing it, it just collapsed. Looked at wrist and I had a slight bruise. It came back a few weeks later but a little more rubbing and it disappeared again. End of cyst.

    And with a lot less angst than those two seemed to be going through! 

    • Love 4
  8. One thing I especially respected about Justin is that even though he recognizes that his mother’s bad behavior has created a lot of psychological problems for him, he also has enough self-awareness to know that he is the only person who can turn it around. He reached out for therapy even before the show and didn’t wallow in self-pity. He simply made a decision that he was going to change his life, put a plan together and started marching forward. And kudos to his dad for being there to help in Houston.  I expect we will be hearing great things about Justin in the future!

    • Love 9
  9. So confused by the patients who come in with something that could have been easily treated by a hometown dermatologist years ago.  For example, the woman with the brown spots on her chest and neck - I get those (granted, not nearly the volume she has) and I go to the dermatologist once a year or so to have them all blasted off with the freezing stuff. And OMG the young woman with the huge cyst on her shoulder! Why wasn’t that removed immediately? Even if you don’t have insurance, those procedures would not be expensive.  Hate to think that their lives were so impacted - for years - by an easily corrected problem. 

    • Love 3
  10. Ok, I’m late to this show - just started watching this week - so I apologize if this question has been answered before. But a few days ago there was an “expanded” version of the show that included the guy from the Phillipines.  I had watched the original show so I sat down to watch the expanded version and for the life of me, I couldn’t tell any difference in the show at all. 

    What is supposed to be the difference between the 2 shows?

  11. 6 hours ago, SuzieQ said:
    6 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

    I didn't read this whole thread so don't know if someone mentioned this.  I read on Facebook that Amanda isn't related to any of those other people.  They're not cousins and never met before the show.

    WHAT??? Really?

    • Love 1
  12. People have asked me why I’m addicted to this show and I try to explain to them that - for me - the fascination is not with the 600 pounder. For me, it’s all about the enabler. I wish they would do a few shows and focus just on the enabler. What is the quality of their life? Why do they continue to provide massive amounts of food when they KNOW it is harmful? What is the satisfaction they get from their role in this bizarre circus? They need therapy just as much as the 600 pounder.  Maybe more. I mean, I can at least understand how someone likes pizza and donuts and overeats. But the enabler’s issues are much more complex. 

    • Love 24
  13. Wow! I just discovered this forum and - gotta say - I’m surprised by all the criticism of Will and Zoey. Yes, I’m sure they can be a handful. But MOST kids their age can be a handful.  And remember, we only see what the producers think it interesting enough to put on the screen. 

    But what I’m impressed with is that both kids seem to be totally flourishing after having a rough start to their lives. They are curious, smart, love their extended family and their animals. I’m thrilled to see them doing so well.

    • Love 16
  14. 5 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

    And here I was thinking that this season reached its low point when I was once again forced to watch a bunch of shirtless Bachelor cast offs and Val stomp around a grinding Jenna in the middle of the episode last night. Sigh. 

    Totally agree! What the heck were they thinking???  Looked like Chippendales performing at a bachelorette party. Ridiculous! 

    • Love 3
  15. Maybe some of Dr. Now’s new patients will listen when he gives the “you’ll be dead in a year” speech.

    Frankly, until this year, I felt like that speech had become pretty hollow. I know Henry died years ago, but Dr. Now’s patients just seem to keep on eating and gaining. And eating more. And gaining more. And they didn’t ever die. No, they still lived to torment their caregivers, health care providers, and emergency responders. 

    Meanwhile, people who have lived healthy, responsible lives find themselves dealing with - and dying from - cancer.  

    • Love 12
  16. 15 minutes ago, CarolMK said:

    Plus, didn't they get evicted to? I'm a little puzzled as to why they couldn't get their own place and stay in Houston

    I think I heard her say that no other apartment in Houston would rent to them because they were evicted due to the drug activity.

    • Love 5
  17. 9 hours ago, Trees said:
    9 hours ago, Trees said:
    9 hours ago, JJ1 said:

    The link that you can’t see was a video of Lisa explaining why they were returning to a Kentucky.  I didn’t watch it all the way through. Nonsense about not getting help, etc. 

    Thanks.  Are they threatening ridiculous lawsuits, like that nasty Schenee?  "We were portrayed so badly on TV, it's all lies, they edited to make us seem bad", etc?

    Don’t remember her talking about lawsuits. Just complaining that things were misrepresented and they did not get the help they expected. I just wish one of the folks who give that speech would actually be specific. What were you promised? What was not delivered? What about the process was a surprise to you?  

    But they never go into details. Just whine about “not getting any help”.

    • Love 2
  18. 25 minutes ago, Trees said:

    One of those Facebook links (the first, https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1951145981583579&id=119564504741745) shows for me as content unavailable.  What was it?  I saw the other as the physical therapist.

    Those comments (for the therapist) are hilarious - sounds like a lot of us!  He's an idiot for associating his business with a pair of sociopaths!  Obviously they fooled him.  Didn't Dr Now call him to let him know what the deal was with those 2?

    The link that you can’t see was a video of Lisa explaining why they were returning to a Kentucky.  I didn’t watch it all the way through. Nonsense about not getting help, etc. 

    • Love 4
  19. 14 hours ago, aliya said:

    How on earth does life get away from these people

    This phrase hit me like a ton of bricks. You are so right! It’s not about just food or depression or childhood trauma. It’s their entire life that has spiraled downward with more intensity than I could ever imagine.  Very sad...

    • Love 4
  20. 8 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    Is part 2 worth watching? Part 1 was a total waste of my time.

    No.  This was the most boring thing ever on tv.  I think it may have singlehandedly  eliminated whatever little remaining interest I had in My 600 LB Life.

    • Love 8
  21. 5 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I know I SHOULD have a relationship but I don’t really WANT one at this point in my life.  Even without a partner, I like my life the way it is. 

    You didn't ask for my advice but if you're happy and don't want a relationship, there's no reason you should want one. Just... be happy!

    That’s good advice for anyone! Actually, that was part of my epiphany this morning. I realized that I didn’t really want or need a relationship. I’m happy just the way things are now! 

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