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  1. Well hell, maybe Dean will be the one who finally reaches out to Ketch and changes him for the better, or one awesome fight action scene. Also that Mark of Cain,..wasn't it only able to be passed on to that of a true killer? And I know God was going to give the Mark to Sam but that's God, he can do what he want.
  2. Yes but remember Ketchs words, "Dean you and I are killers, if we're not punching or stabbing something, we're not us". Yes, Dean wouldn't kill an innocent person while Ketch would, but we still don't know who Ketch truly is, he's still just a new character. Actually makes me wonder if Ketch has a soul?
  3. Well yes I can that Mick is starting to change or it all could be a decoy. Ketch..see the thing about ketch is that he reminds me of a inexperienced Dean, he sees monsters for only monsters as once Dean did and I believe that's why they hate each other because there almost the same person just once Brit and one is American. As for Lady Toni I think she underestimated the boys wills. I always enjoyed Sam being in the middle, always seeing both stories of the sides but Sam is intelligent enough to know when to back away from the BMoL i.m.o. and solely joined them due to technology they have and would help himself and Dean in the long run. And for the other American Hunters..I think Sam and Dean are going to create a new generation of MoL later on in the season.
  4. I'm starting to think the BMoL are getting everything they want. They're slowly recruiting all the Winchesters, they have THE COLT, they now have the formula to create the bullets for THE COLT, hell they even took out the Alpha Vamp and even had Dean so relax that he released Garths name/situation. The BMoL from the start wanted to recruit american hunters and learn every last piece of information they have. ...Still not 100% with Mack yet
  5. Screw Claire, every episode with her could have easily been replaced with things we wanted to know. I don't know exactly how many appearances she has made on the show but come on, I'd rather watch a whole show going into detail about how the Demon Killing Blade came into be (Though I heard they may never release that story) but that's my two cents. And Mary Winchester....chuck dammit this one I hate. When you say the words "Supernatural" my first thoughts are Sam and Dean, and that's exactly it. You can't just add a character like Mary, yes its there mother, but the show has been about Sam and Dean and I loooooved it when she left and it was just the boys again.
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