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Posts posted by CletusMusashi

  1. "Okay, so here's the plan, guys. First, everybody gang up on Sara for giving away her reward. Jeff'll love that. Should cover about ten minutes. At some point it can segue into how Nick feels unloved and how someday he'll make everyone pay. And Tony, make sure you beat that hyena metaphor into he ground at least four times. Meanwhile, without any of you dumbfuck alphas noticing, I'm going to skulk overt to Jeff's podium and ransack it. If I don't find an idol, maybe I can at least find something interesting to blackmail him with."

    • LOL 1
  2. The whole ep would have been more fun if they combined both storylines. Beta could still go crazy and listen to the head, Alpha could still lecture Carol, but combine the two concepts. Just let Beta get in touch with his inner ventiloquist.

    Beta (as Alpha): "I... aaaaaam... the ghost... of... meeean bitches past..."

    Carol: "Alpha is dead. And you're three feet taller than that bush you're hiding behind."

    Beta (as Alpha): "Yooo... arrrrr... juuust.. liiiiike... meeeee..."

    Carol: "You haven't even got the accent right. It should be 'Yo ah just lock mia...'"

    Beta: "Whooooo... iiiiiiiis... Mia?"

    Carol: "Fuck if I know. I mean, I actually liked Henry, and even I can't be bothered with most of these new people's names."

    Beta (as Alpha😞 "Thaayuuuuut eeeeiiiis whyuh aaaaaah ghev'd thaaaayum lettaaaaaaaaaas..."

    Beta: "How was that?"

    Carol: "Much better. But what does lettuce have to do with-"

    Beta: "Aaaaalphabet letters. Like Aaaalpha. Aaaand... Beta..."

    Carol: "But wouldn't you run out of letters pretty quick? What if there's like thirty people in your group?"

    Random Whisperer: "Hey, boss, what do you want us to do about Negan? You know, know that the wicked witch is d-" (Beta rips minion's tongue out, feeds it to Alpha, and then snaps minion's neck with one hand.)

    Beta: "Truuuuust meeee... that's not reeeeeally a problem..."

    • LOL 3
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  3. When you're fighting a hoard, attracting a few dozen more zombies is the least of your worries.

    And weapon maintenance is not a concern on this show. That's why Michonne can resheath a bloody katana, Daryl and Yumiko can keep their bows strung 24/7, and even the stupid whisperers can sleep in wet mud every night without any concern for their firearms.

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  4. See, here's the thing. I thought everybody learning sign language was a great idea. I've endorsed it in the past, and I'm glad they're finally taking advantage of the opportunity. But were the writers really so uncertain about us getting it that we needed a five minute boring-ass conversation in a parked car just to drive the point home?

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