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Posts posted by CletusMusashi

  1. I can hand-wave the groceries, etc thing with some kind of "loophole for international corporations" schtick. Possibly with Legion of Doom Europe involved. Hell, probably with Lex himself involved. We never saw a body. And banks are as powerful as supervillains, and often associate with them, so they've managed to loophole their way in too. What I can't figure out is how the hell Arkham is still running.

  2. I think if Jeff wants any song to play during challenges, he should stop playing sports announcer and just sing.

    I want to see him pick up a microphone and go into full-on Bill Murray SNL lounge act mode.

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  3. Seeing how I'm almost at the end of season 1 in my billionth rewatch of "Community," it should be pretty much impossible to forget that Jim Rash is playing The Riddler. I mean, he looks like him, he sounds like him... come on, he's even in charge of a college now! Or at least he was. Yet, I was into this show enough that it didn't even cross my mind until the end. This show is good enough that I'm enjoying these characters as themselves, not as the actors playing them. The writers didn't forget, though.

    That final line about awakening something in Babs? That was a pure Dean Pelton shoutout.

  4. I love how in that peanut butter and yoga video, right after Rob says that the food situation has never been this bad before, the scene changes immediately to include a profile of his beer belly.

    • LOL 9
  5. 10 minutes ago, candall said:

    Watching it now.   Isn't this the second week in a row they've been ripping up the sides of their feet?

    Well, yeah, but it's a lot easier on production than making up new challenges.

    • LOL 1
  6. Adam's gamble was a gift from the heavens bestowed upon the bored host of a terrible season. And I can't even really blame Jeff for making a bigger deal out of it. Even after Jeff established that, yes, it was just part of the podium, Adam was still saying "I want to play it! Can I play it?" By that point, if Jeff hadn't leaned in and had a bit of fun he would have lost his Smarmy Game Show Host license. And rightfully so.

    I did think it was awkward for a few seconds at the very beginning, when Jeff had to decide if he was going to let Adam invading his personal space get in the way of a good WTF TV moment. But, now that the ice is broken, I suspect he will announce that it is time for an all-women season. And the idols will be hidden in Jeff's hat, Jeff's shirt, Jeff's pockets, Jeff's trailer, and Jeff's banana hammock...

    which I assume has a picture of Jeff on it.

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  7. How can they stay quiet? The whole room should be riffing!

    "How about your shoe, Jeff? Is that an idol?"

    "What about the rat turd over there? Is that an idol?"

    "No, that's Adam."

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