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Everything posted by Buzzyspirit

  1. I didn't know that. However, I would like someone to explain me how come Slade was full of mirakuro and allucinating with his love for Shado while living a happy life with his family, for a couple of years I assume - were they in Ivy Town too? Of all these people coming back for 523 would it be too much to ask for Colton to be one of them?
  2. I stick to my belief that Deathstroke has been working with Prometheus. Maybe he was one of Chase's mentors, like Talia. Perhaps one of the first to prompt Chase to seek his own revenge. We don't know what Slade was doing during season 1 except that he was looking to destroy Oliver since he left the island. I don't remember if there were any details mentioned in season 2 of his whereabouts since he escaped, how did he get a lot of resources, who saved him in the first place, etc... But he knew Oliver was the Arrow when he finally appeared in Starling City. Talia vs Nyssa, yeah totally happening. I guess Malcom will join Justice League of Arrow, too.
  3. I got the impression that Helix works for those that are willing to pay, regardless if they are good or bad. I can see Argus using Helix to get information. But I imagine Lyla/Argus would be eager to find a way to control them as soon as possible. Would it be too harsh of Lyla to consider Felicity a way to reach that?
  4. I think Lyla/Argus knew about Helix and probably knew about Felicity working with them before 519. And maybe that's why Lyla and John are having issues in 520. I still think it may be Slade's son the head of Helix. It would connect with Prometeus in a "surprising" (WM words) way specially if Deadstroke is joining Promy in the island. And Slade has a promise to keep regarding that girl with glasses... And he always keeps his promises.
  5. I hope his article convinces all of his friends/followers/readers to watch 520 live. The bigger the audience the better ?
  6. Someone else has said it here and I agree - they had 4 years to write for good and heroic Laurel and they end up killing her. They are done with that character. The only way they can challenge themselves to have a story line for KC is by going in the opposite direction with Black Siren. This is why I don't believe in redemption arcs for this character. On the other hand, they ended 510 with BS in the receiving end of a punch and an iconic "Hey pumpkin"... That was a deliberately funny moment and I am somewhat curious to see what sort of villain she is in 522/523. Maybe this time somebody else gets to punch her - Thea, Lyla, William... I don't expect much of BS in season 6 to be honest.
  7. I agree. If the chip fails I think it will be hacked by Helix as a result of Felicity running away from them. I don't think Oliver will take Felicity out from Helix. Ultimately, by the end of 519 she will see the mistake she is making and she will escape. I think the EPs said that much - something like "she will be very close to make something very bad but she will correct course". While on the run with Oliver - underground because everywhere else there are cameras - Helix will hack the chip. MG tweeted a drawing of underground tunnels I think? Maybe they will be trying to reach the bunker so that F can fix the chip? Anyway, S and E had all those trust workouts... Makes sense if he carries her at some point. In the end of 520 the chip will be fixed. These writers love their parallels - this time when the chip works again Felicity will walk towards Oliver. A rebirth. Like the pap said, or was it the other guy who spoiled the scripts? Well, it's just a spec...
  8. Or maybe this is not about what Chase wants but someone else's, like Slade/Deathstroke? Is it possible that Prometheus, Deathstroke and Talia could join forces in 523? Directly or indirectly Slade/ Deathstroke must have a hand (or an eye) in all of this since they are in the island... Another possibility - the new character who's leading Helix could be Slade's son aka the new season bad...
  9. Plus someone else that we haven't seen since season 1...
  10. I actually think that the "antagonist" role BS will have in season 6 will be against DD/BC. They will play the comic fans with choosing who is the real BC. The K/C fans will loose their minds because they think every version of LL is the real BC. The show will take advantage of their buzz and for once it won't be a ship war. And O/F will be happily domestic through the whole thing. Ah, let me dream....
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