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Everything posted by Buzzyspirit

  1. Ok so this is really a bad idea and I'm pretty sure it was dealt in some way in season 3 but maybe the outcome of the trial is that Oliver Queen must leave the city, to never return or he will be convicted and the only way for him to stay or come back to Star City is through his GA persona. Being only GA would explain the hair and beard disguise. I don't know how it would play out with his relationship with Felicity and his son and loosing Oliver Queen as a public persona would mean he would go around the city in daylight dressed as GA always. It wouldn't mean OQ revealed as GA but GA fully accepted in his city. Does it make sense? Is this SL part of the comics? Would they go there?
  2. Nothing really dies in Arrow so I expect to have Oliver's island wig and beard back again.
  3. Do we know what decision Oliver made that leads Felicity and Curtis to focus on Helix again?
  4. Oh if it's true it is important or else it would be just some line in dialogue. XFelicity is not a mask (or is she? Wild thought maybe she is Black Canary in E-X) anyway if they show a grave it means she somehow had a heroic story in E-X meaning in every Earth she is a hero. Again if it's true maybe E1 Oliver learns her story. In a world where everyone's doppelgänger is evil (even Tommy) XFelicity is the one that always remain good and a true hero. In a 4 hour show full of N/zis I would like to at least have this.
  5. So, after all these spoilers, should we consider that photo of XFelicity grave as fake? If not fake how does it fit with the 2 episodes descriptions? If it shows in the Flash part why is it important? Any ideas?
  6. Do we know why these Evil-versions come to Earth1? I see this EarthX universe as a dark mirror image of the Arrowverse. So, these Evil- versions would result from the absence or death of those people that helped creating the E1 superheroes. If this is the case, what happened to Felicity and Diggle in EarthX and what could be the impact to EvilGA to meeting them in this universe, particularly Felicity? Maybe that's part of the emotional component WM is talking about. Just to be clear I'm not ok with a "dark love story" between EvilGA and Felicity. And I don't believe there is a EvilFelicity back in EarthX. However, Felicity/Olicity must play an important part of this crossover story if Oliver is to discover the meaning of true love in the end. By the way, I hate the Nazi references that's why I decided to just call them Evil.
  7. Unless those regular contracts that WD & BC got for season 6 prove to be the shorter contracts of tv history, and Curtis is left to rot at the bottom of the China sea, we will have the newbees back and, lets face it, the writers are not done building those characters. As a die hard fan of OTA, I feel that these writers will never be able to balance the focus between Diggle/Felicity and the newbees to my liking. There are too many people in the Arrow lair, and I'm not even counting Thea/Speedy in that group. We came from Oliver fighting alone a list of villains and their minions, one name per week, only with Diggle's backup in the field (S1) to a Team of 5 Masked heroes fighting the same type of threats in the field, for season 6. So maybe Oliver needs to spend time being the Mayor and a larger team helps that, and they can always create some sort of rotation among the newbees in each episode so that it doesn't feel crowded. Still, something should be different in season 6 if they want to keep the audience interested and the stakes from previous seasons. And they have to find a Big Bad/a group of villains that is able to at least do as good as Promy did this year.
  8. Killing Samantha and having Oliver (+ Felicity) with William does not seem to have the potential to be a popular storyline to any part of the fandom. And it sort of looks like a can of worms to any writers room of a superhero show. If Oliver was to be a parent 100% of the time the boy would need to have a significant presence in the show. William is too young to be trained for Green Arrow 2.0. Having Oliver dropping his son at school or William visiting the Mayor's office or family dinners at the Loft just to show that father/son relationship just seems like a waste of time in the show. I hardly think they will go that route. I wonder how they will even convince William to keep quiet about the fact that his father is the GA. He doesn't even know how to avoid talking to strangers...
  9. I think you nail it. Considering that both Thea and Felicity already had close calls in past seasons, this time I'm guessing Diggle and Lance will be the last ones we'll know how they survived. Teasing Felicity's survival right now would only create drama around Olicity and who wants that kind of drama at this point? Even though I don't like the idea of another start of the season without Diggle there could be an interesting sl in the ways he can survive/be rescued. As for Lance, since they have to create some sort of story for BS in S6 maybe they have her saving/helping Lance. Or the other way around. Meh. Slade is a big question mark for me. The writers drop the name of his son Joe for some reason... Maybe Slade is not found or is presumed dead and Joe comes to Star City for answers and that's the connection. Which reminds me how/when did Oliver found out that information about Joe Wilson? Did he ask Argus/Lyla's help with that? And we still don't know who will be the next Big Bad...
  10. There was one thing about Olicity in 521 that reminded me a lot about 4A. They returned to their "team within the team" dynamics (their talk about William, Felicity's pep talk....). We are only needing the PDAs at this point. One crazy theory: what if by 522 Oliver has moved back to the Loft???? I mean Felicity didn't open the door, he got in by himself, right?
  11. Somehow I just think that they will leave those explanations to season 6. To be fair they'll have to use the character for at least 13 episodes next season so they probably just hold that story for later. I still don't care about BS and those reasons in particular but I can see the impact this will have in Lance and I can see PB killing those scenes. QL might even think that his E2 version was a sh*tty father after he meets BS and feel sort of guilty for her choice to be a villain.
  12. I'm pretty sure if I was David Ramsey and if I had any notion of these plans I would go in a road trip alone to Seattle, to clear my head, before I loose my damn mind and tell WM to just f*** off.
  13. Maybe MG comment was about expecting some backlash from comic book fans over those two episodes very much Olicity centric. He even mentions turning off Twitter for a week...
  14. MG didn't turn off Twitter after 519. He was pretty active in Twitter and Tumblr, even answering Q from fans. Maybe he was referring to 520?
  15. That was not my idea but I like it! It would actually be something different. Unexpected. And probably something they won't do. But that would explain why Oliver would not have a problem with setting Slade free. Although what would Chase do in the meantime? Eat popcorn?
  16. The point Chase wants to make is having Oliver loose is freaking mind and start a killing spree of some sort. I'm on board with the the idea that Oliver needs to choose who to save, even though it's nothing new. The all idea of going to MM, Boomerang and Slade for help seems to be that desperate times require desperate measures. And it's the only way he can save different people in separate places, if that's the case. I'm still in denial about Slade because it has "bad mistake, huge" written all over it. I can't see any good result from that "partnership". Does it make sense if Oliver agrees to have a final show down with Slade after the fight with Chase is resolved, giving Slade a reason to agree because if he wins he will have an opportunity to kill Oliver and be free. Something like everyone that matters to Oliver is ok, let's go home, see you on the boat, Oliver goes back alone, final confrontation with Slade and "cliffhanger" happens?
  17. Arrow didn't show us Felicity actively and deliberately keeping information from the team. They've shown us Felicity actively and deliberately keeping information from Oliver. That's the focus of these next 2 episodes and that's where we will get the resolution. What trust means for both Oliver and Felicity, within the team and within their relationship. One thing they will be doing in 520 that they haven't done all season (apart from sex) is talk. Talk about them. Every recent decision they both have taken that lead them to hold information from the other came out of fear. As soon as they talk and face their fears together, there is really nothing keeping them apart.
  18. It's debatable if Steve's head canon about "some vodka mistakes" inspired the FB in 520 or if the writers/EPs had already thought about it when they briefed the actors for SDCC and Steve just spoil it for us in advance. I go with the latter and I just let my imagination run with how this conversation went ??. I agree that the need for the conversation in FB has probably come later in the writers to do list as a way to explain OF disconnect through all the season. The way 520 seems to be designed, with all of Steve scenes with Emily, Olicity in the FB - so much Olicity thank God - I wonder if this isn't some sort of "thank you" to the Olicity fans. I mean we haven't seen the episode but lets be honest, we could have had the FB sex and have them talk about things without them spending half of the episode or more with Olicity. No matter how WM or MG phrase the spoilers, no matter how much I wish things should have been different in 4b and 5a, I already feel greatful for all the Olicity I'm having in these next episodes. As regards the question of Felicity understanding Oliver, I trust Steve's description of his character actions rather than any of the EPs. And he has stated more than once that Oliver was in the wrong. He broke the trust in the Olicity relationship and Felicity walking out was justified.
  19. I actually thought about that and I even remember the EP's mentioning that flashpoint would have some effect in the end of the season (I think WM in SDCC) so I thought they would use it for Slade. But than MG said that there wouldn't be more flashpoint until the end of the season so... Slade is a killer and Oliver nemesis. Does it make sense to redeem Deathstroke? On the other hand, Chase/Prometheus wants Oliver to assume Oliver/GA is a killer and to prove it to everyone - his loved ones, his team, his city. Going to Slade for help just confirms that Chase is right. And Oliver is suposed to prove Prometheus is wrong. Story wise still doesn't make sense to me. But thank you all for the replies ?
  20. About Deadstroke... Here's a thought. In S3 Oliver joined MM to defeat Ra's believing that the ends justified the means. He gave the ring and the league to MM (huge mistake), he trusted MM (why ffs) and MM ended up being responsible for DD kidnaping OQ son. So, there should be a lesson learned here about not trusting your enemies to be your allies, right? Why would Oliver do the same mistake with Slade? Somebody help me understand this.
  21. There's a new BC. The statue is gone. Nobody cares. So there. ?
  22. I agree with the Olicity resolution/reunion by 522. We have DR replies in HVFF, MG replies on Tumblr and story wise, 523 seems too packed to add an Olicity romantic resolution in the mix. That is why we will have all the Olicity in 519, 520 and possibly 522. I believe the EP & writers are relying in the "cliffhanger" to have the buzz during hiatus and they will want everyone in the fandom to participate. I have to say I'm dreading all the specs that come to my mind about the finale mainly because of Steve tweet "if properly executed the S5 finale could be...". If I'm not mistaken it is the second time he said this regarding the finale. The first time when he got the script, I think. The "properly executed" for me, means he is not 100% sure of the result or that it does not depend of his work/the actors work.
  23. Steve has said that they were doing the slow burn with the DD/BC character. Therefore, we should expect they will do much more with JH next season. My questions are - what about Thea? I don't see a place for Speedy in the Team (A or B). MG said she's not going to die. So what then? More Thea in the mayor's office, again? what about Lance? Actually, I'm really worried about Lance. Realistically, they won't keep the noobs in the background for 23 episodes. I really don't care that much for these characters, I'm happy for the actors, but I'm expecting less time to OTA. Maybe it's just me, but I was also surprised with the tweet from DR about his road trip to Seattle to "clear his head". DR doesn't share personal things in Social Media, except his toddler musings, that I recall - quite the opposite of Steve basically. This just feels strange, that's all.
  24. Thanks for the summary. Still it doesn't mean Slade couldn't have met Chase when he was in Star City, I think. Well, I find it really hard to believe Oliver is teaming up with Deathstroke, so... If Slade son his dead than there must be another one, right? Because in the LoT episode in the future, there was another Slade son who called himself Deathstroke.
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