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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. Ooookay. Where to start? I'll start with the stuff I liked.

    I liked the personal interactions among the team. I think Karen wrote some good, naturalistic team scenes. They didn't feel forced or cringy at all. Yeah, the Emily profiling Luke scene has been done before, and it was a bit obvious, but it wasn't that bad, probably because Luke had good humor about the whole thing. I really do like Luke so far. I think he fits in well with the rest of them, and he has an easy chemistry with everyone. He seems to be in awe and appreciative of Reid's knowledge, and he gave Emily as good as he got. Plus he has a freaking adorable dog who just begs to be snuggled. So far, I really like the addition of Luke and feels he fits in well with the team. 

    I LOVED the purple shirt, tie, sweater combo on Reid. That is one of the most beautiful outfits I have seen him in. BJ really outdid herself with that choice, and I hope to see it again and again. :) 

    Now the bad. And it is REALLY bad in my opinion. 

    The case just made no FREAKING sense to me. I didn't see a real connection between the MO/signature and the unsub's supposed motive. I never saw any real reason why the team was so focused on the idea that the unsub was trying to alter the women's sexualities, because I didn't feel anything in the crime scenes made that appear in any way obvious. If an unsub was set off because he couldn't get sex, it would make more sense that he would rape his victims, because he wanted to take what he couldn't have. And what was really up with the concrete? It is probably just a forensic countermeasure, but it seemed extremely elaborate for body disposal. 

    And oh my God was the dialogue between the unsub and his "mother" so so bad. Just like cringeworthy bad. I almost felt second hand embarrassment for Karen for writing this dreck. And this unsub is supposed to be killing all of these women because his sister/birth mother wouldn't have sex with him? WTF?!? And he blames his mother/grandmother for allowing him to want to screw his sister/mother? 

    The unsub writing was bad and probably couldn't be saved with good acting, but the acting was also so bad. The unsub is one of the most poorly acted unsubs we have seen .

    And Penelope still seems to act like a blushing teen, who wants to screw Luke but can't work up the guts to ask him for sex. That is just so pathetic (unless that is really where they are headed with these two, which I dearly hope is NOT the endgame here), and the writers really need to let that one go, because it doesn't do well for building up the idea of Penelope as a capable, professional woman. 

    • Love 7
  2. Well, Michelle did say that she didn't trust Figgy, so I can easily see both Michelle and Jay dumping #Faylor when they stop being useful to them. Based on these scenes, it seems like they don't particularly love Figgy and Taylor, but they are useful numbers/meat shields for the time being. 

    I'm not TOO surprised about Zeke and Jay being closer than we thought. Last week Zeke did tell Jay the future voting pattern, and this week Zeke said in a secret scene that he thinks Jay is playing the best game, the sort of game he wished he was playing. 

    • Love 1
  3. Most people called Rachel and Paul as pre-merge boots, with some saying that Mari would get booted for playing too aggressively. But to me, if a boot list is not pretty freaking accurate, then it is not a valid spoiler list. Cambodia had two names switched (and that was caveated as such when it was posted). This one is all over the map, so it is of no real use. Even if the groupings of pre merge and post merge boots is accurate, the order is not, so you can't trust any of the placements on that list. 

    • Love 4
  4. Questions about the profiling (it may be nit picky, but I don't feel bad, because this is Virgil's episode and the infamous kick episode)

    1. Why would they presume the unsub was a white male in the first place, when not all the victims were white? And if the unsub was trying to find surrogates for him and his sister, why wouldn't they all be white kids?

    2. They don't even pretend that juvenile records are sealed anymore?

    3. This was a prime egregious example of Penelope's magic computer spitting out the correct unsub with a bunch of info that would not have produced the unsub.

    4. Hotch is not a stupid man, so why would he ask Penelope to find all the boys in a certain radius with a particular hair color? Even if Penelope admitted that she would have to look through the parents' social media, that is still a ridiculous request to make in the first place (part of me wonders if that was the line that set Thomas off, or if they cut that line out of the episode entirely).


    Where was the freaking fire department? The cops showed up, but no firefighters (until it was way too late)? 

    At least Hotch made the right call about making JJ take leave. It probably was the last line he spoke in the show (weird to think about). But it was still so weird to not see the rest of the team on site, and then Hotch come up to JJ, say his line and then turn around and walk away. 


    Putting aside the problems with the profile, it wasn't a horrible episode. The flashback framing worked fine for me. JJ didn't piss me off or make me roll my eyes. I figured the rest of the team would be light in the episode, but it made sense in this episode. 

    • Love 6
  5. I'm going to guess that it could be a little bit of both. I mean, this isn't the only example of a continuity error on the show, and they have happened with pretty much all of the characters at one point or another. I could see that the actors may not remember such details (it's just a job to most of the actors and they probably aren't obsessed with the show like hardcore fans are), or maybe they just don't care that much, because it's just a job to them. 

    • Love 2
  6. I don't think Penelope was deliberately giving any sort of fake story to head off Luke. I think instead this is just Breen the Continuity King striking again. He is well known for getting continuity wrong. I mean, he already screwed up Penelope's canon with "The Black Queen", and this is just the latest example. 

    • Love 6
  7. Yeah, but Paget was just rehired and Aisha was made a series regular this season, so I can't see why that would happen if they planned on leaving. While AJ could leave, somehow I doubt it, and I can't see them bringing in another profiler if Kirsten was leaving. IF anyone is leaving (and we don't even know that is the case), the smart money is on Joe, with a smaller possibility being Matthew, in my opinion.

    • Love 1
  8. Just a minor point, but Matthew interned for Wes Anderson as a film making student and not as an acting student. The routes for him to direct are many, depending on if he would rather stick to TV or branch out into feature films.

    As for the new character, it seems like the cast is expanding beyond a reasonable size. However if he is just a stop gap, because a current series regular is leaving, that is perfectly all right with me. From a realism perspective (not that realism has ever stopped this show), but it would make the most sense to let Joe go, since Rossi is WAY past the mandatory retirement age. On a personal level, I have no issue with Matthew leaving, since it would allow him to move on to different things.

    • Love 2
  9. If I was Hannah, I'd be wondering what the hell was up with Michelle with that vote, and I wouldn't exactly be feeling overjoyed about how it all went down. Yes, Hannah voted with the majority and that is good for her right now, but she shouldn't ignore the fact that Michelle never approached her about this plan until the middle of tribal council, and wanted her to vote for Mari without giving her a solid reason. That makes me wonder if it was one of two things. One, did Michelle just not care to rope Hannah into the vote beforehand, because she didn't need or particularly want her vote, but she got nervous during tribal council after Michaela's statements so she got Hannah as an insurance vote? Or two, did Michelle think Hannah would act all neurotic and paranoid if told about the vote in advance and tip Mari off enough for her to scramble? Either way, it's not a really good look (in my opinion) for Hannah's desirability as an alliance partner, so I am interested to see what happens to their relationship going forward. Probably nothing, but it would be fascinating to see if Hannah starts questioning her place with Michelle after this vote. 

    • Love 8
  10. Michaela's vote was understandable to me, because it wasn't a vote to save Figgy, but rather out of pure self interest. Jay got her to vote for Mari, because he told her that Zeke said she would be an easy second vote. So it makes sense that she voted this time. But I don't see her in any sort of actual alliance with Figgy or the rest of them. She will vote however she needs to vote to advance herself in the game. She talked in one of the videos about sticking with the people she trusts in the game, and I am curious who those people are, because they certainly aren't Figgy or Taylor. 

    • Love 7
  11. Frankly in my opinion, the only use either Figgy or Taylor serve in an alliance is as a shield. From what we could see in this episode, Figgy didn't do too much to save herself and was shocked that votes were coming her way. If Michelle hadn't single handedly swayed Will and Hannah, she likely would have gone home. So use them as a number or as a future target, but don't count on them for anything useful in terms of strategic gameplay. 

    • Love 10
  12. Penelope seemingly managed to deal just fine with Morgan being out of the team for six months. Yeah she assumed he would be coming back to the team, but it's not like she isn't used to working without him. And it is truly a disservice to Penelope's character (or at least my hope for her character, because the reality is very much in line with what we saw this episode) and to professional women who manage to keep it together when their favorite colleague moves on to another job. Actual grownups in the actual workforce know how to deal with a changing work situation and we don't take it out on the new person. Because her being polite and friendly to Luke wouldn't be disloyal to Morgan in any way; it would just mean she is a reasonable adult woman who behaves like a professional adult in the work place. 

    • Love 10
  13. 2 hours ago, LanceM said:

    Don't be blinded by the big shiny lights Figgy and Taylor.

    Michelle is the one you need to look out for and I can see her hiding behind them for awhile.

    Exactly. Michelle is the truly dangerous player in that "Tri Force", because she was the only one of the four who seemed to be playing the game. She seems to be the main reason Figgy wasn't voted out, because from what we saw, she managed to sway Will, Michaela and most notably Hannah to her side. That level of persuasive power is extremely dangerous in this game, and if the Millenial gamers are at all smart, they will realize that. I mean, the ostensible reason they voted for Mari is because she was so dangerous and strategic. What Michelle did was even more dangerous and strategic. But as much as I wish Mari wasn't voted out, I can't hate on MICHELLE for that vote, because she masterminded one hell of a blindside. So the gamer in me wants to see what more Michelle can come up with, and if the rest of her tribe realizes it. 

    • Love 19
  14. 2 hours ago, charleeeeeeeeene said:

    I am consoling my disappointment with the Mari boot by thinking about how happy I'll be when Hannah gets clipped by the "Cool Kid" alliance.

    Me too. I'm really rooting for a Hannah pre-merge boot now, the sooner the better for me. 

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