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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. 8 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

    Yep, that's how I played it out in the end. He's just upset about his mother. But still, it had me going for a brief moment.

    Oh yeah me too. It stood out for me. I first feared that the show was laying the first breadcrumb that something was wrong with his brain or the onset of some sort of mental illness (like a return of those dreaded headaches), but he was probably just distracted by worrying about his mother. 

    • Love 3
  2. I found this to be a serviceable episode, with better team moments than most this season and the unsub scenes weren't really cringeworthy to me. I always like it when we see the team working together and building the profile. It would be nice if victims would actually put a little bit more force into their attacks on their attackers and put them down (if not kill, at least really disable them). That is a comment about all these situations across shows and movies I watch, not specific to this episode. 

    I always enjoy some good emotional Reid (and particularly loved Reid's scenes with Emily since Matthew and Paget have great onscreen chemistry), but I am definitely in the category wishing that the show could come up with something other than his mother to provide any sort of character moments. It's like the writers have no idea of what could possibly go on in his life outside of his mom. And since we know that Matthew will be out the next two episodes and Jane returns in episode 11 (and whatever the hell is in store for episode 13, "Spencer"), we know that some bad stuff is likely coming down the pike for Reid and his mother. *sighs*

    One thing I did find distracting (and it's only because I am from Washington so it stood out for me) is that it seems like the show has given up on even trying to provide some semblance of seasons passing or environmental realism in the different settings. Meaning, I have no clue when this episode is SUPPOSED to be set (let's assume it's December, but who the hell knows), but it is obvious it was filmed in a warm climate. There is no way in hell that it would be that warm in Yakima this time of year or people would be running around without warm clothes. Can we at least pretend this show isn't filmed in LA county and have the clothing reflect the time of year and location the episode is supposed to represent?

    It will be interesting to see how the new agent fits in, even though we are a bit full on profilers. It would be nice to see a return of the media liaison, but that is not going to happen. With his background in terrorism, I fear we will get more terrorism related cases or at least way too much Mr. Scratch. But there is nothing I can do about that. 

    • Love 5
  3. I think with this episode, the Mr. Scratch storyline is officially played out and needs to die a quick death. He has now descended into comic book super villain levels of stupidity and ridiculousness. The fact that he has been supposedly able to capture and torture all of these people, AND stalk Hotch's family, and set up these elaborate Rube Goldberg-style traps, is utterly stupid. I wish we could get back to some interesting and scary, REALISTIC profiling stories. 

    • Love 16
  4. If I am going to put together my own personal Barbathon (and trust me, I do this all the time), here are my favorite Barba episodes (in order of airing, not favorite):

    25 Acts (14)

    Legitimate Rape (14)

    Girl Dishonored (14)

    Traumatic Wound (14)

    Her Negotiation (14)

    October Surprise (15)

    Military Justice (15)

    Psycho/Therapist (15)

    Pornstar's Requiem (16)

    Forgiving Rollins (16)

    Agent Provocateur (16)

    December Solstice (16)

    Devastating Story (16)

    Daydream Believer (16)

    Devil's Dissections (17)

    Criminal Pathology (17)

    Community Policing (17)

    Depravity Standard (17)

    A Misunderstanding (17)

    • Love 2
  5. If the show actually wanted to make Reid a canon bisexual, I personally don't think it would be hard to do. I am one of those persons who would fully support a canonically bisexual Reid and think it could be well done. Of course it would have to be well written, and I have no faith that any of the current writers could do justice to the storyline. But I fully support the idea.

    • Love 4
  6. Connor lied about being an addict the morning after Sam was killed, i.e. the night of the bonfire, when he showed up on Oliver's doorstep. Oliver may or may not have remembered the bonfire when Connor dropped his little bomb, but I can see him doing a news search for the prior night to see if there was some hint about what could have traumatized Connor. Seeing that Sam was reported missing the next night, and his body parts subsequently found, I can see that Oliver could connect the two and think that Connor could have played a role in Sam's disappearance. I am very curious to see how all of the stuff raised in this episode plays out in the rest of the season.

    • Love 4
  7. I am not one for sentiment, so I was not down with the multiple scenes reaffirming they are a "family". They just made me feel uncomfortable, especially Rossi and Penelope telling each other they love each other.  But that is my own personal issue with onscreen sentiment.

    But the case was fun and interesting. Though it did raise questions how the hell the sheriff managed to miss a mental patient living in his community released in 1982 who had previously abducted a child. That seems like shoddy police work of the highest order, particularly when they were searching everywhere for the Hanson twins. I couldn't figure out if the twins were going be arrested at the end of the episode, but I hope they were.

    • Love 4
  8. Yeah, that is another thing. The idea that Seattle is so freaking hot this time of year is utterly ridiculous. It kept taking me out of the episode every time a character would complain about the heat and lack of air conditioning. 

    • Love 2
  9. When Granny wouldn't give up her liver to the younger woman, I was convinced the sister was going to have an abortion so she could donate part of her liver (since that seemed like an appropriate Grey's story twist). But instead, there was the liver ex machina with the astronaut dying in surgery and being a perfect match. 

    • Love 9
  10. Yes, there are Olympians with babies. It is not the most common thing, but they definitely exist, even for the US team at the Rio Games. Just a few examples.


    I do agree about the victim testifying, though one of the other SVU tropes I hate is when a victim or parent of a victim refuses to testify, and then is upset when their rapist goes free, or at least wonders why they don't get convicted. OR wonders why their case is derailed after they have changed their story so many times from the original report. But I also agree that it is the prosecutor's job to handle the trial side of things and would like to see that handled by Rafael (because I can NEVER have too much Rafael), but of course that would mean less screen time for Olivia, and we can't have that, now can we? *rolls eyes*

    • Love 2
  11. I tend to think the uptick in ratings is more of a return to normal, because last week was baseball playoffs and hurricane coverage. If I had to guess, I think the ratings will stay reasonably constant, meaning there won't be a huge drop in ratings because of Thomas's departure, but there isn't likely to be a huge spike due to Paget's return. 

    I can only speak for myself but I wasn't missing Hotch this week. But he hasn't been a hugely relevant presence for me for a couple seasons. If I can continue to like some other shows, even after my favorite character has departed, I can keep watching Criminal Minds without Hotch. 

    • Love 3
  12. Generally speaking I liked this episode, certainly more than the first three from this season. Though I thought that the Olympics stuff was a bit overdrawn, but I guess some of it was needed to explain some of the victim and her husband's behavior. 

    I do wish for maybe something a bit different in terms of the courtroom arguments, only because the defense's arguments felt rather off about why she supposedly claimed rape. I mean, I could see that if there were few injuries, but she sustained fairly serious injuries. But maybe those arguments were simply to try and gloss over the reality of what she experienced.

    I can never have too much Barba, so I always wish there was more and he was more of his forceful self in the courtroom. I think it would also have been good to see the differing arguments both sides would make about raping a prostitute (I think this episode would have benefited from closing arguments). 

    Basically  maybe focus on the legal aspects of the case, just because it is not a type of case this show typically delves into. Of course if the writers had jettisoned the Kim Rollins' subplot, there would have been more time to explore that aspect of the case. 

    • Love 6
  13. I totally understand why Ken voted for Jessica, and probably would have done so if I was in his place. He alerted Jessica to Lucy's plans, because he wanted to work with her and protect her by targeting Lucy. Sure, he had his own agenda wanting Lucy out, but voting out Lucy would keep Jessica in the game, and he seemed to rather work with Jessica than Lucy. However, not only did Jessica not believe him, she went right to Lucy to confirm, and even after she heard everything at tribal, she was still SO FREAKING CLUELESS that the target was really on her, that she voted for CeCe. I liked Jessica in the first episode, but this time around, I was hoping she would go home, because she was so oblivious to everything around her. Regardless of the reason David played his idol for her, I don't feel she deserved to be saved (unless she completely ups her game).

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