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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. Have I ever said it hurt me or impugned on my personal freedoms? No, and none of the fans who oppose Penelope's characterization have said anything close to it either. We are expressing a part of the show we seriously dislike, and Penelope is just one aspect that displeases some fans these days (the poor case writing probably being one of the biggest fan complaints these days). I personally dislike what the writers have done to Penelope, because I do feel they have made her less of an actual person who has professionally worked in the FBI for over 12 years and instead have turned her into a a cartoon character. To me, Penelope's devolution is emblematic of the characterization problems that have built up over the years, and it goes hand in hand with the poor case writing. 

    • Love 12
  2. I just want to point out that if Penelope worked for some tech business, she wouldn't be considered unprofessional at all. However, she does work for the FBI and they have a completely different dress code. Penelope's work dress doesn't offend me, but it is deeply unprofessional for where she works, and more to the point, extremely impractical for field work. Her practically falling over in those multi inch heels was the height of stupid. I saw that she was wearing UGG boots on the plane, and as silly as they are for work attire, they certainly were more appropriate for field work than what she was actually wearing. And that doesn't even touch on those stupid kitten ears, which have no place in a work place like the FBI. The show has slowly but surely turned Penelope into a caricature. When the show started, she was quirky, but still pretty professional. If anything, it is almost like her character has devolved and de-matured into a teenage girl, not a professional woman in her 40s. 

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  3. My initial response when watching Beth was cringing, because of the over emphasis on soldier talk about her needing a mission. Because yeah, that is not how soldiers talk, even combat arms soldiers. At the end, I figured maybe that was her coping mechanism to deal with the trauma, and that is the only way I can give that characterization a pass. Of course this show has a history of getting the military wrong in its stories, though it was not as horrible as "PTSD" back in season 10. 

    I think the producers and writers have a blind spot when it comes to the audience's embrace of all things Olivia. You can see it in their social media, where they practically canonize Olivia and Mariska in every one of their posts and they emphasize Olivia over all other characters, even though those characters have sizeable fanbases in and of themselves and are sick of their favorite characters getting short changed to continue to put Olivia on a pedestal. I get that there are definite parts of the fandom who worship at the altar of Olivia, but I wager there is just as many fans who want a more ensemble feel to the show. 

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, AutisticSpoonie said:

    What was unprofessional about Garcia's clothes. She had a dress which didn't have low neckline, it wasn't short, in fact the hemline was below the knee and it had 3/4 length sleeves. That would pass even the most conservative of dress codes. 

    That outfit would NOT be considered conservative for the FBI, certainly not for field work. She was tottering on ridiculously high heels that she could barely walk in at a crime scene. She was wearing some fuzzy balls in her hair that resembled kitty ears. I thought EVERYTHING about Penelope this episode was embarrassing. I haven't liked her in a long time, but she was at her absolute worst for me this time out. 

    • Love 11
  5. Penelope could barely walk in those shoes, let alone run in them. They were so completely inappropriate for field work, it was ridiculous and really detracted from her character. No woman her age should be dressing like that AT WORK, at least when representing such a conservative organization like the FBI. I hate it when she dresses like that in her lair, but when she is expected to interact with the public, she should dress more professionally. 

    • Love 9
  6. 2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    Why do I get the feeling - even with still "okay-ish" ratings - that SVU will do a Mothership and be moved to Fridays next season? Either way, I agree that the airing pattern is...odd.

    NBC seems to be relying on the diehards willing to ride out another hiatus, but this seemed to happen as the Mothership aged, too.

    That's what's interesting. Right now, while SVU's ratings are "okay-ish", they are definitely comparable to their timeslot (and likely fandom) competitor, Criminal Minds. For years, CM blew SVU out of the water when it came to the ratings, but the past couple years, while CM has a bit more overall viewers (though not THAT much), they are basically the same when it comes to demo. SVU has been reasonably consistent, though still on the low side, while CM has steadily shed viewers, at least live viewers.  I hope they keep it on Wednesday, though I wish they would move it back to its 10 pm/9 pm slot. 

  7. Considering that there is a large and loud contingent of SVU fans on Facebook who are STILL clamoring for Stabler's return, nearly six years after he left, I don't think anything will get the Morgan and Hotch fans to accept they aren't likely coming back (at least Hotch isn't). 

    • Love 4
  8. Here's the thing. If the show wants to go and do a full on arc about Spencer, why not go all the way? I mean, they are so convinced that Peter Lewis is behind the Reid setup, but what have they actually done to investigate or prove it? How exactly do they think they will stop this man? And if this man was that brilliant and capable, you would think he would have better things to do with his time, like hacking into something that would get him buttloads of cash or something, not engaging in a petty war with the BAU. If this show wants to delve into true serialized storytelling, why not ditch the procedural aspect for the course of the story and focus on one thing? 

    I get the impression that the writers think they are doing a good job with these laughable crime stories, and nothing could be further from the truth. You are seeing more and more fans complain about the writing. Putting in a low quality case (regardless if it is deliberate or not) just shows how crappy the writing really is. 

    • Love 9
  9. This was one of those episodes that produced two VERY different reactions to the A story and B story. 

    I am not sure if the B story was Reid's but let's say it was. For the most part, I enjoyed it (though I think if Reid was actually in jail, he would NOT be allowed to keep his own clothes- even though he did look very huggable in that sweater/shirt combo). I did like the Reid/Emily interaction all episode as their friendship has been consistent over the years. Of course it helps that Matthew and Paget are friends in real life. I can't say that I am surprised Reid was remanded to federal prison under the circumstances. I am very curious how the show will deal with Diana off screen. I mean, if I was that care nurse, I would be deeply concerned about being paid and would not want to be solely responsible for a schizophrenic woman with Alzheimers, since that is NOT her job. 

    BUT the A story was laughable, and I mean that literally. I kept laughing at all the ridiculousness. It really started to feel like a parody of a crime thriller. There were the crazy car crashes. There was the stupid, over the top unsub who was quoting Fatal Attraction. There was Penelope who I LONGED for someone to yell at her to shut up. Plus those RIDICULOUS high heels she tottered around crime scenes and those stupid fuzzy whatever in her hair. The sooner I scrub the actual crime story from my brain, the better off I'll be. 

    • Love 7
  10. Weren't we promised some good Fin in this episode as he had the Army Ranger connection with Beth? I think we were, though we got about the same amount of Fin as most episodes (i.e. not enough). I guess we couldn't have more Fin, because that would have taken away from the Olivia scenes.

    Overall I liked this episode, though I agree that the Saint Olivia PSA message was laid on rather thick. For me, this was a good episode emphasizing actual investigation, and it wasn't OBVIOUS who the perpetrator was (though I can't say I was SHOCKED that it was the ex boyfriend). I enjoyed the Carisi and Rollins professional dynamic and they worked well together. 

    I was initially afraid that the writers were making Beth a robotic cyborg soldier, but in the end, it seemed to be more of a defense mechanism to deal with her trauma, and that is understandable. I assume that Barba elected not to charge Beth with assault (understandable, though off screen). 

    That ex boyfriend was some piece of work. He had some serious rage and masculinity issues. And he lied SO smoothly to Carisi with no hints of anything amiss. That man is dangerous with a lurking undercurrent of sociopathy underneath the nerdishness.

    • Love 7
  11. Barba didn't even say anything in the promo. We just saw a brief shot of him listening on the phone. If this is supposed to be a Barba centric episode, the promo definitely doesn't give that impression at all. Now of course maybe we are just being teased with some good Barba by these spoilers and Barba fans will be disappointed. Or maybe we will be surprised and delighted with the amount of Barba (again, as long as the writers don't destroy my beloved Barba). We'll see. *sighs*

  12. 20 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

    It still also further begs the question that if Reid and Rosa both met in Houston and Rosa always went back to Houston, why couldn't Reid just get the vials in Houston? Why the need to cross the border?

    The circles these writers created...

    That is the question I have been asking since last week. :) :) :) 

    • Love 1
  13. Since Reid was traveling to Mexico on his personal passport, the border guards would not know he is a FBI agent. I can't see Reid flashing his FBI credentials at the border. The checkpoint at Matamoros is right on the border with the US and has a lot of traffic both ways. Which brings me to my second question. If Reid's main reason for his trips to Texas were to make his border runs, why the hell would he fly to Houston and THEN take a five hour bus ride to Brownsville, only to walk across the border? Why would he not fly into Brownsville, TX? I know I am nitpicking, but I do wonder why the writers went with some of the storytelling choices they did. 

    • Love 3
  14. I finally got a chance to watch this episode, and had very mixed feelings about this one. In general the profiling was better in this episode, which better be because Jim Clemente wrote it. 

    HOWEVER... I did find it interesting that the team immediately assumed the killer was gay after the first gay victim was found, even though the first two victims were straight. I could understand that assumption if the murders were sexually motivated, but we saw no evidence of that. But that was really only my problem with the writing.

    I do think the acting was atrocious though for most of the guest stars, especially the killer and his husband. Everything just felt so fake in the acting and the interactions between the killer and his husband. I couldn't buy that either of them were actually gay, let alone married to one another. 

    Reid was nice and empathetic this episode. I do think he is in over his head by having his mother at home, and I think he is starting to realize it. But he wants to be a good son and keep her at home (and stuff her full of contraband medication), but it is probably not the best thing in the long run. I did like his interaction with the final victim after he was rescued, and I just kept getting the impression he was a bit wistful about not having some sort of romantic love in his life. It probably not what was actually the intent of that scene or his acting, but it was just the impression I got from Reid's expressions. 

    • Love 1
  15. Now I COULD buy that Rosa was a Mr. Scratch accomplice and he killed her to prevent her from talking AND setting Reid up for murder. That would mean she lured him to Mexico on numerous occasions. Of course that has its own possible plot holes, like why so many trips to Mexico before Mr. Scratch puts his setup plan into motion? Otherwise I maintain that there is no GOOD reason for all of those trips to Mexico when Rosa could have easily have come to Houston. But there is still time in this arc for it all to be explained. Hopefully there is a good explanation for all of this. 

    • Love 2
  16. According to the BB personnel, nothing in those medication vials were illegal, so there is no reason that border guards would have confiscated the vials even if either of them were searched. Walking across the border to Matamoros just seems so silly on the face of it and frankly unnecessary if Reid was meeting up with Rosa in Houston. 

    Considering the drug activity going on in the border cities, I can't see the border guards waving anyone through these days. Hell you need a passport to get into Mexico these days. 

    I don't give the writers a pass on story details not matching up. They are paid good money to come up with believable stories and they have enough time to break them properly. This is the type of story arc that would need to be broken well in advance to make sure all the story details line up in all the episodes. 

    • Love 3
  17. Based on Erica's interview, it seems pretty likely that the cognitive interview will come back into play at some point. And of course if that happens, it won't be a good thing, because that interview implicates Reid in many ways (or at least it doesn't exonerate him).

    Yes, the whole  Matamoros/Houston angle for Rosa wasn't well thought out in my opinion. I think it is because the writers really wanted to have Reid caught up in an Mexican jail, so they had him continually crossing the border to get this mysterious drug (that he doesn't seem to know much about, but he seems to believe it would help his mother). BUT if they made Rosa only a Mexican citizen, there is no way the show could have had extradited Reid back to USA (I still don't think they can, but they provided a minimal justification why he should be tried in America and not Mexico). So they had to make her a dual citizen with some lines about how Reid met Rosa at the Houston clinic. Of course if Reid met Rosa in Houston, there is no reason she couldn't have given him the medication there, so there is no reason he would be in Mexico. But they seemed bound and determined to tell the Mexico angle, so they had to go this route that made no sense once examined. I'll reserve judgment until I see how this arc plays out, but right now, it doesn't seem like realism was thought out in terms of the story so far. 

    • Love 3
  18. I used to work for the federal government and lived, worked and traveled extensively for personal reasons overseas. I know every time (no matter what country I was visiting), I had to get a security briefing. I know the military has had to do something similar when going to Mexico, especially the border cities, since they can often be dangerous. So while that doesn't strike me as too off, I do still think the story stretched credulity about the basic story. And I can't see the FBI (or frankly any government agency) using their own lawyers or funds to defend one of their own who is accused of murder and drug charges in a foreign country, especially since Reid wasn't down there on official business anyway. But apparently Emily coughs up the hot lawyer who is going to defend Reid, since she is friends with the lawyer (I guess Uncle Rossi didn't want to dip into his deep pockets). :) :) :) 

    I have said numerous times I am over Mr. Scratch, so if we find out that EVERYTHING has been coordinated by him, he will be even more of a comic book supervillain than he already is. There just was no GOOD reason why Reid kept having to visit Mexico, especially in the exceedingly convoluted manner in which he did it. And yeah, there needs to be more detail about this medication that Reid was giving his mother, especially does he know what is in it (you would think he would) and why does he think this is some sort of miracle drug? I get that he is desperate and at the end of his rope, but he still has a working brain. 

    In the real world, I can't see Reid being extradited to the states for such a serious crime committed in Mexico against a Mexican citizen (even if she does hold US citizenship as well). I honestly think this story could have worked just as well if it all took place in Houston (though that would also bring up jurisdicational issues, since he would be tried in Texas courts for his alleged crimes). How exactly is the federal government going to try this case? I mean, is the Mexican government going to give them all the evidence they have? Of course we will see how all of this unfolds next week, so I hope we have some semblance of realism in the legal side to this case. 

    • Love 4
  19. Considering the history of this show, if Carisi only gets off with a childhood bullying story, he will probably have one of the gentlest backgrounds for the show. As long as they keep the pathos and melodrama away from him (and hopefully Barba as well, though I fear what is coming down the pike for him soon enough). I like the fact that the writers haven't made him a boozing, whoring, angry dude like we see often. Personally I would rather have Gary Stu Carisi rather than the umpteenth bad copy of Angry! Elliott. 

    Overall I enjoyed this episode (as much as I can enjoy a Barba-less episode these days) though it sort of started to feel repetitive (for me anyway) with the team pushing Kyle to turn on his father. I get that he wasn't just going to do it willingly or quickly, but it did start to feel a bit samey after a while. But the case was a nice break from the he said/she said rape cases. SVU doesn't go to the child victim well these days as often as they used to, so it was interesting to see. 

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