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Posts posted by ForeverAlone

  1. Considering how much NBC allows Saturday Night Live to turn Trump into the butt of jokes every week, I would honestly be surprised (and disappointed) if the network just shelved this episode permanently. Sure it may be "ripped from the headlines", but this is ostensibly a work of fiction and this show has gone to the well many, many times in the past. 

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  2. Yeah, his comments about Molly really rankled me. If he was serious in what he said, it shows he was pretty clueless about Molly as a character and didn't really care about developing her deeper or have a realistic response. If his response was sarcastic, it comes across like a "f*ck you" to the fans who would dare ask about any emotional fallout for Molly. I have been aware of the sexism charges lobbed against Moffat in the past for his writing, but I am not a Doctor Who fan, so this was one of the first times it REALLY struck me about his Sherlock writing.

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  3. I agree that the VA is heading toward direct deposit, and certainly wants you to set up a direct deposit, but the VA will keep sending you paper checks until you specifically arrange for deposits to be directly deposited into your bank account. I had to do this only a couple months ago. 

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  4. I found this episode to be very frustrating, because it had so much potential, but it fell flat to me. I think the biggest disappointment was that the story just didn't seem grounded in reality with all those intricate little games. I don't think those games really pushed the story forward, or really revealed deep character moments (or at least they didn't dig deep enough, or could have been achieved via more realistic means. 

    I really liked the idea of a psychopathic, super genius sister and if the story had been grounded more, I think it could have worked very well. But it was more about Rube Goldberg type of traps and required too much suspension of disbelief. I just didn't buy that Euros had the ability to bewitch nearly everyone by just speaking to them and was able to basically come and go from Sherrinford as she pleased, and she was able to convince all those people to put together all those little traps for her (I mean, someone had to go abduct the governor's wife and those three brothers and set them into position), and then get Sherlock and John from Sherrinford to the Holmes estate. I just think the story could have been better if it was more intimate and psychological  rather than some criminal mastermind story. 

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  5. For the most part, I enjoyed this episode, except for that unearned, saccharine ending with the non-custodial mom agreeing to help crazy mom to keep custody. Chick was a selfish mom, making very questionable parenting choices. Sure I didn't need some fight to break out between the two moms, but that whole reconciliation just felt out of place to me. I called the nanny as behind the abduction from her conversation with Carisi, so it was fun to see my initial intuition bear out. 

    And bye bye Tuckson. I can't say I was ever thrilled about the relationship, but it didn't overly bother me. I thought what we saw was unnecessary relationship drama, because I think Olivia could have had a satisfying relationship AND still been a good, working mom. But as long as this show doesn't try and troll any hint of Barson (a coupling I am VERY opposed to), I don't really care what they do with Olivia's love life. I just think she could balance her different desires, and Tucker probably would have understood. 

    And yes, Carisi just seems like an awesome friend (though sadly I have never encountered a male like this in my real life). :) :) 

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  6. Ummm...hmmmm...whatever. That is pretty much my response to this episode. I do think when the team was profiling the actual crime scenes, it was interesting and the profiling seemed to be pretty good. But everything else? I don't know about that. I am not a fan of cases like this- murderous, drunken and high teams. So my interest level was lowered to begin with. Plus the excessive focus on the unsubs is one of my chief complaints about the writing for this show (especially when I don't find them particularly interesting in the first place). Plus I really do think Penelope pulled some profiling computer magic out of her ass, without which there would be no resolution. Plus I just found the supposed trigger for this murder spree to be rather off, and the fact that Bethany was supposed to be the alpha but she didn't kill the first victims and Ezekiel who actually killed the first victims, balked at her wanting to kill the couple who turned out to be her parents, just rang false to me. Plus of course the gang shoot out in the end. So while I do like the few scenes that were focused on the team profiling the crime scenes, it wasn't enough to keep me interested in the entire episode. 

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  7. Since this all is likely happening in episode 15, and that is the episode where the disgraced FBI agent who killed an informant is introduced, I have to think all of these Reid prison scenes are actually real and not some fantasy dream sequence. But yeah, that brings up the whole host of problems that if Reid actually is in prison, he would be in protective custody (no way would any hardened criminal respect Reid in prison, and his very safety would be at risk). But since this show plays fast and loose with legalities, it wouldn't shock me in the slightest. But I wouldn't buy the FBI sending Reid in undercover either, so I sadly have to root for the idea that Reid did something criminal enough to get arrested (because I would just roll my eyes at yet another Mr. Scratch frame job). 

  8. I think this is for episode 15 which is currently filming. I honestly can't see the BAU sending Reid into a prison on an undercover mission, because he would get his ass literally handed to him. So that makes me wonder if something REALLY bad happens in "Spencer" and this is some of the fallout. 

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  9. As a SVU fan, I can attest that the cast is usually pretty small (and probably for budget reasons, the entire cast rarely is in every episode together), and there are limited scenes with JUST the guest stars. That is one of my chief complaints about current day Criminal Minds: that the story is told through the eyes of the guest stars rather than the main cast. And it is basically the only ensemble show that does it on a regular basis. 

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  10. Yeah, this episode was only okay for me. It certainly was better than most of Virgil's episodes, and I did like it better overall than Profiling 101, but my opinion about Criminal Minds is consistently down this year and it takes a good episode to get me to like it. I did have to laugh about the emphasis Rossi placed on talking the unsubs down and not just shooting them, when the BAU shoots and kills a good chunk of the unsubs. And I did have to roll my eyes at the idea that seemingly no agency was looking for Yates in the intervening months he escaped (and how convenient he was in one of the prisons with the mass escapes). What law enforcement just allowed him to wander around all this time and made no effort to capture him? Because if so, you would think they would have been involved in the investigation or at least there would have been some mention of the investigation to find him. 

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  11. I called the real rapist right from the get go (but that is just because the previews sort of showed the location where poor Carisi had a gun to his head), so it was interesting to see how the team got to that point. Poor Carisi covered in blood, but that seems to be a SVU rite of passage (though I would have liked to see a scene of him dealing with the aftermath with someone (not Olivia though)). As long as the writers don't turn him into an unstable rageball, we're good.

    And I personally would have no issue if Olivia retired (or at least took on a role more akin to Cragen). But at least I didn't find her annoying or sanctimonious this episode. That at least mitigates zero Barba (one of the two reasons I keep watching this show faithfully).  I thought the story was overall pretty good, certainly better than many of the episodes earlier this season. Hopefully the season is on an uptick with its writing, because it was looking a bit grim at the beginning of the season, and I wasn't feeling it as much as the past few seasons. 

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  12. In my opinion, once it was obvious that either Adam or David was making the FTC (once Hannah pushed to vote out Bret instead of David at F5), Hannah and Ken were drawing dead, because I don't see either of them winning against Adam or David. At that point, it was deciding who they wanted to lose to. I do think they both made the right voting decision at F4, but I also think it was too late to make a difference for them. 

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  13. As much as I was hoping David would get voted out this episode (not because I necessarily dislike him as a player, but only because it would make sense to vote him out, since he is a threat to win the game), I didn't think it would be  him, Jay, or Adam, only because the show typically sticks two boring boots into the one hour double boot episodes. 

    I can't say that I am sorry to see Will or Sunday go. I can see why Hannah would want to vote out Sunday, only because she seems to think there is only room for one goat at FTC. But I really do shake my head at everyone else who seems content to leave threats in the game. But at least it will make for an interesting finale. I honestly have no clue how this will shake out or who will win. I tend to think Jay or David have the best shots of winning, but you just never know. 

    And fun fact, but this is the sausagiest final six this show has ever seen. It's like the reverse gender Vanuatu/One World. :) :) :) 

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