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Everything posted by TessHarding2

  1. I just don't get that actor. I won't say who. He's fat, he has zero emotional range, his voice is monotone ALL THE TIME, he has zero sex appeal and he's grossing me out man with too much screen time. Now, that Irizarry guy has something. I can see he's a professional. Funny, I've never seen him in anything and I see on IMDB he's been on every soap, plus Jackie Collins' "Lucky Chance" tv mini series - the only one I've ever missed! I'm going to find it and watch it. I wished I watched him on AMC with Finola Hughes. Anyway, is he signed on or will he go the way of Joe Lando and Robin Givens, both of whom I enjoyed very much?
  2. Needs bra. Now that kid I could not stand. They made him spoiled and a master manipulator. Some of these adults can sure be steamrolled by their offspring. It just makes them look stupid. And another thing....I want every poster here to be MORE SPECIFIC! (you'll see when you see today's show). Eeek.
  3. What was that random Steffy/Liam sex night about? Were we supposed to think how cool they were by having casual sex without morning guilt? They don't do that on this show. There is always a price to pay. Is she supposed to be pregnant? No need to answer that question. I can wait. Poor Kelly. Everybody done forgot Kelly. My favorite thing is still the dueling Grandmas.
  4. So they've turned Thomas into Travis Bickle (DeNiro in Taxi Driver). Well, that's in my mind. The writer wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
  5. IMDB said DD's last appearance was June 26, 2019. I was surprised they tossed in Eric for the Sally praise scene.
  6. I don't mean to be rude quoting myself here -- but Wyatt actually DID knock on Sally's door! I howled! This is what bothers me the most. He comes off as an asexual and an ogre. Brooke and Ridge have clear agenda's when it comes to their bio children - but then they go have sex and it doesn't work anymore. It's nauseating. The re-casting was all wrong and now they are stuck with him.
  7. In B&B fashion, I do expect Wyatt to be knocking on Sally's door tomorrow, be in bed with her the next day and confess his love the following day. Isn't that what OrigRidge would do for many years?
  8. It's a minor thing considering everything, but I'd like to see someone discover the ghost machine. Maybe Brooke will find it. I don't think any parent on a soap has pulled something like that. Mr. Path of Destruction you are ovuh! (Maybe. They still don't punish enough on that show, they just disappear till it's safe to come out).
  9. Does anyone pay for their sins on this show? There's a lot of infidelity but not a lot of murders. I remember on GH they paid dearly for their sins with lots of trials and jail time. RidgeShrek is so annoying I get the feeling he's going to push hard for a Beth DNA test. It's going to piss off Brooke and they will go on about it for weeks. Break up their boring asses already.
  10. I had to watch Thomas pounding on the door again. I'm the big bad wolf and don't listen to anyone but me cause I'm mean and bad, rrrroarrrrrrr. Bring back Judge Lando and wipe the floor with these lying creeps.
  11. Douglas is a keeper and should be on screen, but these little kids don't last too long (hello Will)? I suspect military school could be in the works.
  12. Yesterday I stopped by my Mom's (it was a few minutes before B&B time). She wasn't ready so I knocked on her neighbor's door to say hi (she's 85 and I knew she'd be watching). She was an agent for some actors who were on Y&R in the 80's. I told Mom I'll be watching with her. Well, we were howling. She's yelling at the tv like a true fan. "You could get a heart attack from this show! What is wrong with these writers"? Mom comes over and sits down. At a commercial she said "if there's a knock on the door, it will be the men in white coats".
  13. Does anyone know if that CBS survey is a yearly thing or was it specific to this storyline you think? I can't think of another soap that cuts out their veteran contract players to focus on specific arcs - for months and months on end.
  14. I'm making this up in my head, but if I hear the lines: Hope - "Thomas, you knew about this"? Thomas - "Yes, but, but I did it because I love you and for our new family. I knew that Steffy would never give up Phoebe and I wanted to spare you that". I will choke them.
  15. Off baby topic for a sec - it's just that those Logan women in the office looked like casino hostesses or Fox News anchorwomen.
  16. That little actor "gets" what his character is doing and thinking. If his parents or acting coach is explaining it to him, well, he's really intelligent.
  17. I get it, he was bringing his fan base with him. I had never seen him before. I looked him up on YT in a Port Charles clip. I didn't get how they could go from frankenRidge (a pet name) to this one. Now I see he was on AMC forever but I had stopped watching it in 1990. So they have Bridge pawing each other because they will always have hot sex even if they hate each other's kids. What bothers me most is that he line reads (much like Steffy). All that flat acting bugs me. Take a lesson from Heather Tom, she emotes when required.
  18. I wonder why they thought casting this Ridge would be a good choice? There's nothing hot and sexy going on there. I'd never believe two women spent half of their lives fighting over this one. I want Joe Lando to come back.
  19. This is just my musical comedy sense of humor. Yeah - 'sisters' till you get yer baby Hope!
  20. There's way too much Thomas talk. He's on the lips of everyone. He's going to have to burn and die.
  21. Yes, the good criminals as opposed to father and son Zacchara's - far more interesting and layered. They do have a decent enough villain in Quinn. She can go head to head with all of them. My darling RXS went to law school just like I did. Good for them for doing something with the man that gives him some meaty and clever scenes. Been waiting long enough Frank V. Eyeroll. And what is with the Dark Shadows music?
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