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Everything posted by Otter

  1. Thank you for the welcome! Hello to you! Sigh, did that and have the red. But "go to first new post" isn't appearing, I don't mind scrolling. I loaded my home page again and followed your directions. Not getting what you described! I can go to the "last" post easily but have to scroll up to see if I missed anything. May I should change the order? Thanks for your help! <3
  2. This totally off topic so I apologize. I went through the questions section on my homepage, clicked icons, etc, but cannot find, or it doesn't exist -- how to read new posts. The "go to first unread post" doesn't seem to exist.. I have read all 28 pages (0r 29) Thanks for hints as to settings! Love reading here and don't want to miss a thing. How do I go to first new post? I can be dense, but not intentionally. :D
  3. I watch her episodes about once a month. Yes, I'm a bit obsessed but it's good for me to get riled up and she never fails me. I'm just dumbstruck by that woman. That poor little boy. He's well loved, but when she dies I hope he doesn't resent her too much. But Penny says he's really proud of her! Ugh.
  4. Yes! Edgar! I didn't like him either. :D I remember she hardly lost any weight in the hospital and was boohooing to Edgar so he went and got her some ice cream -- in the hospital when her controlled diet wasn't working! Another one who took a lot of money from family and friends.
  5. I'm still debating in my head who is worse -- Penny or James. At least James doesn't make wontons and meatloaf in her toilet bed.
  6. I used to volunteer with a DV shelter. These women were so traumatized and afraid that they could barely function. Maybe a form of PTSD, so I think she feels she can't escape him. Where would she go? They never married so she has no rights (unless common law is legally recognized in KY). I've watched the episode 3 times and last time really concentrated on her -- she's like a beaten dog who still loves her owner and just wants to please him. Just tragic. I'm no expert at all, but she shows the same signs of a long-term DV victim.
  7. I don't want to say the PT lied, but I sure don't doubt that James and/or Lisa told him that. And we know that's not true, patients are always discharged with a bunch on instructions. Someone else used the same excuse. Crazy ... James wouldn't have followed it anyway because he couldn't give up Chinese (or pie). Lisa was making fish or chicken and veggies for him. He didn't want it. But he sets the record for weight gain! Others have gained but not 150 pounds! In two months yet! I weight 100 pounds soaking wet, so that's 1 1/2 of me!
  8. Thank you! I feel like I'm at a viewing party with snacks and adult beverages! Lol, it's been ages since I've been on a message board and have to get the hang of it again. :) Will be great to get to "know" everyone. :) Is cellulitis communicable? I had to look it up but don't remember reading it being a hazard to anyone else. But maybe the staff had no idea what else he might have.
  9. Hi all! New member here too all because of James K. I've watched this show since the beginning and only Penny was more infuriating. But she was absolutely delusional in so many aspects. James is simply a jerk, probably always has been and probably always will be. I'm sure the man is in horrible pain from the cellulitis, but he sounds happy enough as long as he doesn't have to move any muscles other than his jaw and arm to feed himself. Have to wonder how long that will last since he can't even remove the wrapper from a burger. It's hard for me to blame Lisa because she seems so terribly beaten down, mentally and physically (from her ex?). Of course she wants to please him so he'll change. James is a mental abuser, and no abuser will ever change. So many great comments and insights. Glad to be hear. No one I know will watch the show, so it'll be nice to have others to talk too. :)
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