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Everything posted by GustheCat

  1. For those of you who didn't watch the MacGyver crossover show, there was a brief conversation with Chin and Sam when they were introducing themselves. Chin recognized Sam as the person who gave them some information on Dr. Madison Grey (serial killer). Sam asked how is she, and Chin simply replied "she's dead". So, I guess we won't see anything further on the showdown in the kitchen with Alicia unless it is via flashback.
  2. There was a fast scene before the truck was started that shows Steve hooking the battery back up in the truck. If you blinked, you missed it, it was very quick. Of course, since he didn't need the battery "protection" in the first place he wasted enough time so as not to be able to get a safe distance away from the blast but I thought the explosion/shock wave was pretty neat.
  3. Ganesh is 101% correct, uranium that is not spent (like these rods) is not dangerous. The only reason to wear gloves would be to avoid getting oils on the uranium or uranium pellets. If it had been spent uranium, already involved in a reaction, McGarrett would be dead before the next episode, car battery or not. You would think the 5-0 writers would do just a little research on these topics. Exploding the uranium in a bomb would vaporize the uranium so it could be inhaled. That would take a long time to take effect, but the psychological damage would be very large to the population. Hoping to hear something definitive on a Season 8...if someone hears, please post!
  4. I don't understand intentionally ignoring the Alicia/Madison showdown...Claire is even listed in the show credits but does not appear (guess that could be a deleted scene?) Anyway, so many more interesting storylines than Alicia shooting Madison. 1) Daughter Sienna is awoken by all of the conversation with McGarrett and Mom/Madison, has a gun of her own and shoots Madison. Or, shoots her Mom (Stockholm Syndrome). Or, has a gun (she was an FBI trainee) and shoots the ceiling, walks over and knocks out Madison and they wait for HPD to arrive2) McGarrett sees something odd, and circles around the house instead of leaving, shoots Madison from behind. 3) HPD arrives at the house, sees the woman holding the gun and shoots her (but doesn't kill her), and Madison slips away as we all know the HPD are inept and prone to screwing up, 4) Alicia shoots the ceiling or something other than Madison, waking up her daughter and causing Madison to flee, 5) gun is loaded with blanks, Madison walks away, 6) gun is tampered with and causes injury to Claire when she pulls the trigger, 7) Claire turns gun on herself and shoots, etc. Because of the passage of time on the uranium episode, this will have to be told in flashback and most likely not involve McGarrett as he was teaching the class to HPD with no mention of involvement in something this big. Any way it shakes out, it's very disappointing that we are left hanging for probably 5 weeks at minimum. This week is a repeat, week after storyline doesn't mention Alicia, then I believe we will have 2 weeks of NCAA basketball on CBS Friday nights, which takes us to 5 weeks. Mr. Lenkov, fans deserve better... :-(
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