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Posts posted by tofutan

  1. At this point, when you have a season long villain it's basically tradition that they have to wipe the floor with the good guys the first time they meet to establish their threat level. Pretty sure Flash and Arrow have done this too. 

    Reign is clearly not just a normal Kryptonian. She probably has some mythical elements to her and Kryptonians are weak to magic. When Kara went to talk to the madman in jail he even said something about teeth, so maybe Reign is a cross between a Kryptonian and the creature she saw in her dream at the beginning of the season. 

    • Love 1
  2. The least realistic thing about this episode was a woman like Amy Jackson eating ribs. 

    How did Lena not notice James pulling out a hugeass shield? 


    She's was doing medical stuff last year too. If I recall correctly at the beginning  of the show she was just a scientist but at some point they decided she also studied medicine too. 

    Yepp, I remember her sewing up Maggie's shoulder at the DEO and she and her mom worked together when Mon-El got poisoned by Cadmus. 


    5. I don't hate the guy, but I gotta ask: How has Mon-El managed to attract not one, but two women clearly superior to him?

    Excellent oral skills maybe? What, he could be good at giving speeches. 

    • Love 7
  3. All the evil nazis are people we will never seen again, while Felicity stays on. The actions of the nazis are branded as evil, the actions of Felicity are branded as cute and adorable. I think people are mostly complaining that they wouldn't be as forgiving as Iris and Barry were if it happened in a real life context, but their view (Felicity was rude) will never be represented by the show, while the view "Lance is evil for kililng his queer daughter" is represented within the show. 

    That said, dedicating an entire article to it seems kinda over the top to me. 

    • Love 3
  4. 1 hour ago, JJ928 said:

    I'm honestly annoyed by the lack of promotion for Black Lightning. Every other day I see something about Riverdale, but BL has been almost nonexistent. 

    I would expect the promotion to go up before the show premieres. There is this whole Christmas break in between. I would like to see a longer trailer, but I'm not sure it would make much sense running it much at this point if people can't watch it anyway. They might have forgotten till next year. I think the fact that they put it behind the Flash, their highest rated shows is enough evidence to me that they are serious about getting Black Lightning to work. 


    (He also has routinely fired the writing staff from The Flash every season and this year had trouble staffing the show and challenges hiring women, sources say.)

    Whut. It's surprising then that Flash is as good as it is at all. It seems like a really big contrast to the Supergirl staff as well who have a lot of people that stem back to season 1 and of course have this rule of having always at least one female writer per episode. 

  5. I thought Felicity interrupting the vows came off as very tacky. I do think Westallen got so many build up stuff, they were still treated reasonably fairly, in the sense of who got more overall, but the wedding felt like it was coming right at the heels of Stein's emotional death and funeral, so it wasn't that stellar for either couple imo. 

    I thought Barry and Iris showed a lot of good communication in the crossover and the writers did care enough to include Barry/Iris scenes at the important markers where they get to talk about their feelings. I do think Westallen would have been better off if they had a small spontaneous solo wedding with only their family present as the conclusion. 

    • Love 1
  6. To be honest, I thought most of the kisses in the crossover looked pretty bad. Excluding the ones that were lit in a way where one couldn't see much like Snart's kisses. But Alex/Sara were very obviously not even close to each other's mouths and Kara and Oliver was also very clearly to the side. 

    Oliver and Felicity weren't exactly slobering over each other either, even though we know they are capable of that, but it wouldn't have fit the mood. 

  7. If Overgirl landed in naziland, why would she still have a sister? Wouldn't it be more logical if she was raised by the state? I guess I can kinda buy that Dark Oliver and Dark Tommy ended up as Nazis and Alex didn't because she is gay? 

    BTW, yet another praise from Stephen in the direction of Melissa and once more Melissa talking about everybody except Stephen. 

    And he posted a picture of the Oliver/Kara kiss. 


    But I am curios as to why you deem it embarrassing if Stephen seems excited to be working with Melissa. 

    Because of the lack of mutality. If it was Stephen gushing about Melissa and Melissa gushing about Stephen, I would just assume they had a great time. Instead he constantly brings her up, but she posted stuff mostly with her and the other ladies in the crossover and a bit on Grant, same for her interviews on the crossover. There hasn't even been the token "praising him for being a good actor" or thanking him for his compliments stuff one would expect. 

    • Love 2
  8. 3 hours ago, LeighAn said:

    Is saying he liked the scenes between Oliver and Kara really gushing? 

    He always singles it out as apparently the most noteworthy thing to talk about (in you know, the crossover where Oliver's wedding happens). And I remember him writing something really gushy about how amazing her acting was. And how she is responsible for his favorite set moment of all time. And he was the one who immediately piped up and said he wanted more stuff with Oliver and Kara. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind the idea. 

    Now there is nothing inappropriate about anything he said, it just is such a huge crontrast to her total silence. And there is plenty of things she could say without is being a spoiler. 

    I wonder what this moment will end up being in retrospect: 

  9. Brainy liked Nura in the Waid run as well. But the whole marriage stuff and generally the more soapy stuff was after Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes was concluded and it went to just being Legion. 

    I wonder whether they will explain why Mon-El and Saturngirl don't have Legion rings yet. 

    I guess it could be a bit of a hassle to suddenly have 6 characters who can fly. But maybe in their interpretation the rings will give a telepathic connection, but no flight? 

  10. https://youtu.be/BaYN2r_LaQI?t=4m15s

    I don't think that it's fair to demand open mouthed kisses of actors. That's a pretty private thing. I thought their ending kiss in 7 was quite lovely, from a pure actor point of view (whether a kiss takes place in bed or anything like that of course is a story decision).  I think most actors cheat their way around kisses with various strategies, like kissing to the side or kissing only the lower or upper lip because of course it's not really comfortable to actually use tongue with another actor.  I read an interview with a soap opera actor once that discussed it and they said they definitely only do it if the director requests it and it's considered very uncomfortable (just consider some of the recent sexual harassment stories where "overstepping" during a scripted kiss was mentioned). 

    I wouldn't say I thought the type of kiss was out of place for the episode, it fit with the mood of the episode, especially with the contrasting of Westallen with the DeVoes. But the truth remains, if the writers wanted it, they would come up with excuses and storylines and episodes where bed scenes make sense. Even if it were only starting the episode off with a "omg, we overslept!" scene in bed. 

    • Love 1
  11. Well it's not like Mon-El is the only Daxamite left in the universe and they have powers on earth. So even if Mon-El was presumed to be dead or something happened to Kara a cure for Daxamites might still be useful, because then you could just grab some of the Daxamites that survived the attack/their offspring and bring them to earth, but only if they behave. 

  12. Quote

    I wasn't a big fan of that run, especially the later parts (and let's not even mention that abrupt last issue). 

    Are you sure you mean the Waid run itself? He only wrote the Dominator war, the entire last arc/trade of Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes, the Hunt for Cosmic Boy stuff, was after Waid left. 

    I think you might be right about Querl probably not being blond either. 

    I have to admit, I never really thought about Ollie not being blond, probably because the Smallville Ollie was a blond. And Stephen Amnell just looks like a blond even if he isn't, if that makes any sense. 

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