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  1. Jeff and Jordan were 7th place on season 16 and Rachel and Brendon came in 3rd. on Amazing Race All Stars. I was really proud of Rachel. She did really well with the competitions and was surprisingly even tempered for most of the season. Allison from the season Jun won was on one of the earlier Amazing Races with one of her ex boyfriends. I think she was out in the first or second leg. I seem to recall it had something to do with walking dogs.
  2. caught his own reflection on the TV screen.
  3. And with that note...I never thought I would come to regard Jessie Godderz with affection!
  4. Mark is too scared to step out of the box. Maybe he wouldn't follow Paul but Elena certainly has him on a leash. And we know that Paul has Elena in his pocket. Jason and/or Kevin could prove to be wild cards. I can see Kevin stirring the shit off the radar if Jason won HOH and nominated Paul.
  5. There always seem to come a time when 1 episode can make or break a season. This could be the one. If Jess or Cody can win HOH we can expect crying, whining, pouting, stomping feet and slamming doors. (all from Paul!) Otherwise it will continue to be the All Paul Show ad nauseam.
  6. I would love for Jess or Cody to win HOH and nominate Alex and Raven. Both of them would expect Paul to win veto and save them. It would be very interesting to see how that would play out.
  7. But Mark will not fight back. He will just give up. Paul has whipped everyone into a frenzy of hate for Jess and Cody. That is what unites them.
  8. My memory may be faulty about this but didn't Amanda and her cronies pull something with Elissa's protein mix or supplements in BB15?
  9. No. I have seen almost every episode of Big Brother and I religiously watched the Season of the Donato's. Dick did not " extinguish a cigarette" on Jen. They were in the backyard talking and he was smoking and gesturing with his hands. Jen put her hand out at the wrong moment and brushed his cigarette. Of all the things Dick did that season on purpose this is the one thing he was innocent of. And trust me Jen was not innocent either. She went after Dani tooth and nails because Nick liked Dani better than her. Dick would never had gotten involved except when Jen and the other jealous women in the house all started shit with Daniele that is when Dick went into action. I have been and perhaps will always be in the minority of those who loved Dick Donato. For me he was like a 90's rock god version of Don Quixote tilting at windmills...(errr...comps.) trying to regain Dani's love. He had me from almost the very first night when he and Kail were in the backyard talking about how all he wanted was to repair his relationship with Daniele. And when he lasted for 7 hours and 42 minutes during the bunny hop comp it was almost heroic in my eyes. His battered and broken body could barely stand but he would not, could not give up. But when Daniele went up to her dad in the pouring rain with a towel and told him that she was proud of him that was the moment he won Big Brother. I still tear up just thinking about that moment. There have been a lot of unworthy winners of Big Brother but in my eyes he will always be the most worthy of all. Because the fight he fought was so much bigger than HOH's and veto comps. He fought to protect his child. And what parent in the world would not do the same?
  10. Josh is the biggest bully I have ever seen on Big Brother. And he is so very proud of himself the way he goes after Mark. I don't understand why Mark doesn't turn the tables and go after Josh the way Josh has gone after him. If I was Mark I would start bird dogging him every where he goes, repeat everything he says and the minute he is asleep I'd be right next to him with the pots and pans. Heck, I would wait until he goes to the bathroom and stand outside the door giving a play by play. Call him Boo and make kissy noises when he walks by. It's not like Mark has anything to lose at this point and all those scenes of Josh crying would make it entertainment for us.
  11. Jeff and Jordan. Rachel and Brendon. Daniele and Dom. (only to be fair they were just best friends on the show but later married. And don't forget the best bromance ever....Dr. Will and Boogie
  12. I guess everyone who questioned why Jess nominated Josh now has the answer.
  13. Julie Chen is wearing jeans. OMG the world IS coming to an end!
  14. I have probably watched every season of the Amazing Race and I think Becca is one of the most positive competitors that have been on. I hope they at one point do a second chances season and invite her back. I loved how she seemed to meet every challenge with a smile and only once let the frustration get to her.
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