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Posts posted by Daltrey

  1. 15 hours ago, DrNowsWeightScale said:

    Crazy Lady (aka Crusty Face Lady or Filthy Lady)


    I hereby motion that we officially adopt the moniker of "Witchiepoo", as christened by @icemiser69.

    I've been enjoying the last few episodes, for the most part, other than Alicia and Charlie in the house, and this was no exception. The crocigator didn't bother me too much, as sightings were kept to a minimum; Victor going after the scotch bottle on the floor of the truck and the resulting walker tug into the truck and subsequent tumble down the embankment was far more ridiculous, IMO. It clearly came to a rest completely upside down in the water, not resting half on its left side at the waters edge. They must have had a first year student editor in that day for those shots.  Worst, though, had to be when the horn died when the battery ran out. The two walkers coming down the far bank to the waters edge stopped, turned and looked at each other as if to say "What?!  Oh well, guess there's nothing going on over there after all, may as well turn back." and then actually started to walk back up the bank! Then, when John shot at the water, they turned around and started heading to the water again!! I know they react to noise but since when did they have enough wherewithal turn and head back once a noise stops, regardless of what the noise was drawing them towards? Other than that, I thought the rest was fairly solid. As outlined by others upthread, I can understand Morgan's thought processes and why the others may be willing to look to him for some form of leadership.

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  2. On 9/4/2018 at 12:45 PM, Gothish520 said:
    On 9/4/2018 at 5:25 AM, Kohola3 said:

    He pegged her old boyfriend as being Cowboy Bob and thought she was involved as well.  Pretty egregious.  For his sake I hope she relented but if it were me I'd be pretty peeved as well.

    I agree that she had every right to be pissed - the ex boyfriend was initially a viable suspect, but Ferg went over the top in his pursuit and accusations. That being said, I hope she forgave him..

    Ah yes, I remember now. Thank you both, I'll recant my statement now. What bothered me about it was how aggressive Ferg was in his belief. I think it was a bit out of character for him to pursue something that hard and with such conviction. He was always determined to prove himself at the job but he never really came off as completely, blindly jealous, even when Zach and/or Josh was around. In Retrospect, her initial reaction was understandable but I think it was also somewhat out of character for her to not try and see it from his perspective or at least try to talk to him about it and hopefully work things out.  As I recall, she seemed too much of a sweetheart to be hardnosed enough to just cut him out of her life completely without giving him a chance to make amends, but I could be wrong; It's been quite some time since I watched.

  3. On 9/4/2018 at 5:33 AM, icemiser69 said:



    On 9/4/2018 at 5:47 AM, icemiser69 said:

    I guess Quinn wasn't so mighty after all.

    Someone was making a good run at winning the internet, me thinks! You'll not see nothing like him. ;)

  4. 11 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    Ferg was left hanging, we have no idea if his girl took him back or not.

    This was probably the biggest disappointment to me, now that you mention it.  Those two were great together. I don't remember what exactly Ferg did to screw it up but I remember feeling like she wasn't fully justified in her anger. I was really hoping for a reconciliation.

  5. 6 hours ago, june223 said:

    I found the fake mile marker weak. If quinn were coming up the highway he would see he was at mile marker 20 and know the next was not 27. He would have an odometer in the vehicle.    Not believable. 

    Same thing I thought. Even if marker 20 was obscured or missing, he would have been counting along the way. He should have known it wasn't right.


    5 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

    How did Morgan get his staff back? 

    If they are headed to Virginia, why did Morgan say they were heading west on that highway?

    I believe the staff had been tossed into the back of the semi trailer when they left him for walker food on top of the car in the previous episode.


    The deal Morgan made with them to take them to Virginia was that they first had to go back to the part of Texas where he had left the others to see if he could find them and try one last time to convince them to come with him to Alexandria.

    • Love 4
  6. Well.....after the ridiculousness of that whole season, the last thing I expected to be at the end of the episode was a bit teary eyed. For all the unlikelihoods and stupidity, it was probably still the best one of the bunch. I agree that the last livable valley premise was laughable from the start, so I too am happy that they're getting a second chance with a whole new planet. Hopefully this reset truly takes them in a different direction and we get to see some other types of stories rather than the rinse and repeat cycle played over yet again. Or at least some deeper themes beyond just that, because it will probably have to initially include some waring conflict upon their arrival. I'd like to maybe see some kind of historical mystery involving the Eligius ships; how and why they separated, Why the prison ship headed back to earth... I like most of these characters, to varying degrees, but they (the show) really need to expand the range and types of stories they tell if they want to keep holding viewers interests and get another five seasons out of it if that's what they really expect.

    • Love 7
  7. 11 hours ago, ketose said:

    The plot line on Reign was not good for the CW.

    I've never watched Reign, so I'm not sure exactly how to respond. I assume you mean that Reign had an abuse storyline that didn't go well so it cautioned them to shy away from it on The 100? I could see that being a logical decision on the part of the producers and it would support my point, I suppose.

  8. 22 hours ago, tv echo said:

    It was kind of looking a little pessimistic about a movie," as it was difficult to find a path for both Sony and NBC to make a profit (they probably won't).

    Production companies and  networks, in particular, need to start realizing that it can't or shouldn't always be about profits with everything. Obviously they can't keep producing something that isn't making money but taking the occasional loss to give something a proper ending can and will go a long way to keeping viewers coming back to check out the latest offerings. Building that kind of faith with viewers is invaluable. NBC has done wonders this year in regard to that and I applaud them for it. The others need to stand up and start taking notice.

    • Love 4
  9. 11 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

    It'll be ok because of the formula factories and wet nurses.

    Oh right, yes of course, How silly of us, what were we thinking, hahaha!


    11 hours ago, Paloma said:

    I'm not advocating for them to actually have one of the women be raped, but it's just incredibly unrealistic (especially in the current scenario with all those criminals)


    11 hours ago, Paloma said:

    This unrealistic behavior is even more noticeable when contrasted with the almost gentlemanly and protective way that serial killer Vincent (or is it Vinson?) treats Abby. I'm not rooting for a "woman in jep" plot, but if the writers cared to they could figure out a way to address this situation without being exploitative.

    My guess is that, given the current extreme PC climate, they're avoiding it altogether for fear of a backlash, no matter how well they might happen to handle it. 

    • Love 4
  10. On ‎2018‎-‎07‎-‎31 at 6:24 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    Oh, hey, it's Jaha's kid from episode tw- oh, never mind, he's dead now. Bye, kid.


    18 hours ago, shireenbamfatheon said:

    I can't believe Octavia's instinctual reaction to the massacre was to blame Bellamy for it. I laughed in disbelief.

    I'd say the first 20 minutes to a good half hour were some of the best comedy The 100 has ever given us! I lost count of how many times I burst out laughing; brilliant hilarity!

    15 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    So, Murphy apparently watched Scarface at one point or another.

    Arguably best in show, Richard Harmon continues to be gold.


    • Love 1
  11. 10 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:
    On ‎2018‎-‎07‎-‎28 at 2:55 PM, Daltrey said:

    Fans of The Blacklist would recognize him as corrupt U.S. Marshall Ian Garvey. Jonny Coyne, a fantastic and versatile actor IMO.

    Wow, thanks for that!  I did not recognize him!

    You`re welcome, lol! To be honest, with all the makeup, I didn`t recognize him right away either. It was his voice that gave it away.

    • Love 2
  12. 5 hours ago, WalkerTalker said:
    On ‎2018‎-‎07‎-‎28 at 2:55 PM, Daltrey said:


    He reminded me of the gruesome character in Dune, Baron Harkonnen.

    Ah, a few others had mentioned Baron H, but with no reference to Dune. Sadly, I`ve never read or seen it so I wouldn`t know. Thanks for the clarification.

    • Love 2
  13. 1 hour ago, OoohMaggie said:
    13 hours ago, kelslamu said:

    The allfather reminds me of some character

    I said some time ago that he has the ‘Mr Creosote’ from Monty Python  look about him, “Oh sir it’s only wafer thin”

    That`s pretty spot on , lol! The costume reminds of something from Alice In Wonderland...the Tweedles I think(?) which is interesting because the actor played the psychiatrist in Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. Fans of The Blacklist would recognize him as corrupt U.S. Marshall Ian Garvey. Jonny Coyne, a fantastic and versatile actor IMO.

    • Love 2
  14. All things considered, I don`t think the finale could have been much better. Count me among the wet eyes in the last ten minutes. It really started when Avery came back to Juliette at the farm, even though it was obvious when she told him that she didn't want him to feel trapped that  they would eventually end up back together.


    Even though the #metoo story was terrible, I have to admit I loved the take down of Brad. It might not be cool that he's not publicly outed but I'm guessing that part of the deal is that hell never be in a position of power in business again, and I'm sure those in the know will be sure to spread the word in private.


    I'm not convinced that Juliette has left or will leave the music business entirely. It was my impression that as she was packing up the house and sat to play the piano, it was a new song that came to her. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it just made me think she might be having second thoughts and that she might ease back into it , if not right away then after the kids had grown up some. She might be more where Rayna was at when the show started, a somewhat faded star working on a comeback.


    It would have been nice to hear some actual music from The Last Highways rather than just seeing their release party in the montage. As much as I liked Scarlett and Gunner together when they were good, part of me is happy that they went their separate ways. I think in some respects this was Gunners happy ending; he seamed to realize that he needed to be single for a while and maybe figure out who he is and what he really wants or needs in a relationship.


    Everything else was just kind of whatever for me. Deacon having a moment with the singing coach after Daphne lost was random and weird. She didn't seem to be around in the time jump so I'm going to choose to believe that He and Jessie were eventually able to make it work. Although it was pretty unrealistic in the span of time shown to us I really liked Deacon finally being able to forgive and accept Gideon back into his life and that they got to share their love of music again. I thought Maddie and Twig had good chemistry together and would have been ok with them as a couple but I didn't care that she let him go. Didn't care that Daphne lost Nashville Idol, like someone else said, the show needed her, not the other way around. Didn't care that Scarlett ended up with her real life hubby, she was so disconnected from the show at this point that she might as well have been written off. I still can't help wondering if it was because Clare Bowen became difficult to work with for some reason.


    As stated before, and by so many others as well, that final ten minutes or so really made slogging through this last season and a half pretty well worth it. 

    • Love 5
  15. 5 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    I never thought in a million years that I would be chanting "We want Hitler!, We want Hitler!" The show let me down again, maybe next week.

    LOL, second that! Two weeks, episode 7 is titled `Hitler`. Hopefully we get a little bit next week. I`m ready for this grandma situation to be done. There`s been a lot of filler, IMO; It`s been amusing but I feel like not a lot has happened.


    1 hour ago, Sandman87 said:

    Granny and T.C. role-playing. Ew.

    Yeah, and to what end? It didn`t really gross me out but, unless we get some context for it, like who they were supposed to be, it was really kind of pointless and either way I really couldn`t care less. In the meantime, Tulip managing to escape and get Jodi chained up happens offscreen?! That`s garbage storytelling, I would've much rather seen how she pulled that off!  


    Speaking of stuff happening offscreen, I remember Herr Star`s female underling being on the bus with Tulip but I don`t recall Tulip breaking her nose. Did they not show that either or am I just forgetting?

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

    I've never in my entire life seen such a devoted, passionate, hard-working fanbase that just refuses to quit!

    Obviously I have no proof, but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them were Jericho fans. This is awesome and amazing!

    • Love 3
  17. 20 hours ago, Sandman87 said:

    I'm sure there's a fascinating tale about why T.C. has a lizard dingle.


    16 hours ago, 17wheatthins said:

    Tulip was playing with a (dried? figurine?) baby alligator before she wanted to see TC’s dingle. I think she squeezed the alligator’s teeth into the dingle in order to get the information she wanted. 

    LOL, that was a such a true WTF moment, I had to rewind it to just to make sure! Tulip indeed clamped it onto his dingle to try and get the information she wanted...can't say I blame her, really, considering the alternative! Later, he appeared to be removing his hair from the baby gators teeth and saving it aside for some reason.  So strange.

    12 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    Just got a good look at TC and realized that he was the weird announcer on the TV show "Blood Drive".

    Colin Cunningham; He was John Pope on Falling Skies. They butchered that character so badly that I thought maybe he wasn't that great an actor, "TC" is proving me wrong on that one; such a bizarrely weird, believable character. I almost didn't recognize him right away either. 


  18. 8 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

    She used to be the only character who didn`t routinely make me want to pull out my hair


    8 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

    Seriously? The same Alicia who could not maintain discipline, chatted on the radio with a stranger and caused the boat to be raided by pirates?

    ……..I said routinely, I didn't say never, LOL!!!! :D

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  19. 15 hours ago, piratewench said:

    She got to where, on the cast tours, she wouldn't sing with him either.  When she did a Scarlett/Gunnar duet, she'd do it with her husband instead.

    Wow! I just checked some YouTube clips of her singing with her husband and he sucks compared with Sam! He's not bad but the performances seem lackluster and disinterested on his part; none of the life or drama that Sam was capable of breathing into his part of the songs. If I had payed good money to see one of those concerts, I would've been pissed!!!

    • Love 2
  20. 52 minutes ago, kittygirl said:

    Shades of NCIS? Pauly P and Mark H-type feud maybe. I had heard that the Scarlett and Gunnar actors did not get along in real life but it's like she went to a different state or show even.

    At least this CF will be over soon though it's sad because I loved it in the beginning when there actually was music

    Yeah, could be, who knows? I haven't heard anything ever about them not getting along and anything I saw outside the show such as the specials seemed to indicate they were cool, but anything is possible I suppose. I agree 100 percent with your last statement. If there had been a seventh season it would need another major overhaul to get me to keep watching, and I doubt that would've happened.

    • Love 1
  21. Am I the only one who finds the relationship between Chief Rittenour and Misty completely ludicrous?! He spends 6 episodes telling her to sit at her desk, keep her nose out of it, mind her own business until she's had enough and basically tells him to fuck off and quits. The next day he finds on the outdoor court and practically begs her to come back, he needs her and she's the only one who can help him crack the case. She again says FO before eventually changing her mind and coming back, only to have him get killed at the end of the episode. then at the beginning of this episode she shows back up at the precinct angry as hell and practically in tears like he was her father or something. Give me a fucking break, he was a completely arrogant, hypocritical asshole who treated her like shit most of the time!

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  22. On ‎2018‎-‎06‎-‎22 at 11:14 PM, Camera One said:

    A 2-hour adventure to save Rufus and get Lucy's sister back would be a fun way to put a bow on the series if it must end.

    Agreed, and I think that's the most everybody wants out of it. I'd like to know exactly what the Rittenhouse agenda is because I felt it's not even been hinted at, but ultimately , I want to know the fates of the main characters which always drove the show.

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